Hello Everyone. I'm new to this site. I came here to get some answers regarding an experience I had in my teens, "in the 80's". Before I speak of my experience my mindset at the time was just basically being a teen, going to concerts, hanging out with my friends, and such. I was not thinking about time travel, watching SciFi (too busy hanging out with my friends), not reading SciFi novels; etc. I'm just saying this because this experience came out of "nowhere"; no pre concieved thoughts or actions to "bring on" this experience. The experience: I just laid down in my bed and "boom" I was into space. That's it, no time to fall asleep or doze off, literally, just laid down. I wasn't on drugs, drunk, nothing...just a kid going to bed. I can "now" think of it maybe as astral projection but then I never heard of it. So, I'm in space. I am fully conscious. I "hear" static; if you can imaging what static electricity sounds like, I just heard pulsating static. Looking out I saw what appeared to be prisms, or like sheets of glass/movie screens. I was moving closer. Each "screen" had a historical event on it. The first was Roman soldiers in battle. It was so loud. I heard the stampede of horses; and visually it was like watching HD it was that clearn. Next another sheet/screen was passing and it was another historical event. These screens were in a row. That's it, I was on my bed with my eyes open freaking out. This happened a couple of more times. Any explanation? I'm not a scientist, physicists, or anything. I know there are alot of intelligent people here that may offer an explanation. Since then I've been "longing" for time travel and to be a time jumper; but I have a feeling I'm not the only one. Thanks!