Our minds are split between a consciousness and unconsciousness because they exist simultaneously in two different dimensional planes. The problem is that awareness is cut off from one another. As long as Torah learning is something done externally from the outside, from books and Rabbis alone. This is the knowledge of the Tree of Knowledge. The body of Torah, that lies underneath its surface teaches us how to live within the body of consciousness (that is presently unconscious) and to thus transcend this singular dimensional plane which entraps our minds at present and enables us greater freedom of mental/psychic movement. Once we learn to experience knowledge from within from the source of our souls which is in the upper worlds. Channeled down the tether or the ladder from the Higher Self within the unconscious to the conscious mind, this then is the fruit of the Tree of Life
Torah is by no means just a book of words. It is not a document written by a human being from this or any other dimensional plane. Torah exists independently of our universe and only exists in this universe in this present form so to provide relative immortality if the infiniteness of God in our Finite reality. This is why it materializes as a book.
Torah existed as a conglomeration of independent, vibrant living letters each a “living entityâ€. And only as creation proceeded and events occurred here on Earth did specific groups of letters combined to form words and thus give us the narrative that we have today. Within this is concealed the real Torah.
As the Torah states in the beginning G-d created the Heavens and the Earth. The verse states that G-d spoke and said, “Let there be†and what He said, there was. We all understand the fairytale element of this; now let us take it understand it properly.
Within the original primordial energy, was that which the ancients called the “Hiyuli†(prima-matter), there existed some form of knowledge (Da’at) and information that directed it to act in accordance to a pre-ordained plan. Within every sub-atomic particle there is information that gives it its identity and defines for it its purpose and function. This indwelling Knowledge (Da’at) in what we call the “Divine Presence.†In Hebrew this is called the “Shekhinahâ€. This exists in everything and everywhere. This is the initial force/form that is the foundation of all space/time had to be by definition intelligent. It is this intelligence that defines life. To think that something as complex as the multiverse just all of a sudden put itself together for absolutely no reason and without any plan, slaps science and natural law square in the face. The great natural law of Entropy clearly shows that complex systems have a nature to always break down into something simpler. How then could the original simple singularity of existence all of a sudden contradict the natural law that it itself sets in place and materialize complexity out of simplicity. Reality glaringly proves that existence itself is alive, intelligence and very much purposeful. This is beyond the concept of intelligent design.
Torah is truly the “Rosetta stone†that speaks our human mortal language and then teaches us the “energy language†of the universe. With this level of Torah embrace, one can, like Adam in the higher vortex of Eden, “see from one end of the universe to another.†This means that through connection with the inherent energy within everything one’s individual consciousness can expand to be able to recognize anything, anywhere and to focus on it in the same way one would today place focus on one’s right hand, and then change focus to one’s left. At the level of this “Knowledge†which is the primal energy all is connected all is one. With it one’s consciousness transcends the whole world and all in it, they are united with the force that surrounds and gives existence to everything.
In the Torah are found sound combinations formed from initial letters of words, or final letters of words. Just which words and how many are used will depend upon the nature and the function of their usage. These letter combinations need to be properly oscillated through the human voice. When mind is engaged and voice is activated and the proper sound combinations flow forth from the two combined, actual force of resonance can be created that serves as a vortex of sorts that enables access to the higher reality and more so, to channel a portion of that energy into our physical plane. Torah is not to be merely read like a book, it is meant to be chanted like a song. When one essentially sings the Torah in the right way, the melody penetrates the boundaries of consciousness and connects to levels deeper within the unconscious mind enabling it access to the higher dimensional planes from which we originated. This is the secret of the Ta’amim (cantellations) by which the Torah is chanted when read in public.
In Biblical days, the prophets knew how to travel through the appropriate vortexes back to the home dimension. Mind you, such an excursion is no easy task and access is guarded by the “flaming sword that guards the path,†There was a is a danger involved. If one is not “pure†many forces can interfere from one’s unconscious mind. The mind can become ‘unhinged’ if one is not properly grounded by the proper behavior as defined by the Laws of the Torah. Without this its possible for on to go “insaneâ€. As the unconscious mind unleashed can be a overwhelming thing one needs of firm grip in both worlds.