I need a synonym, I think you can help.

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I've been browsing the net for a one word synonym for time travel or time alteration but I can't find one. It's for a story that I am writing but "time" seems to plain and common of a word. If any of you can help I'd really appreciate it and the word doesn't have to be in English, I've personaly tried Latin but they don't have a word for time travle, time alteration, or travel through time.
time travel, french: "voyage dans le temps"
or "voyage temporel", in latin it may sounds like this: "telechrono" or "teletempo", my prefered one is in spanish: "recorrido del tiempo".

I would stick with the german version: "Zeitspielraum", it sounds so mysterious and Germans get always only one word to say to whole thing...
This just popped in my head:

Time Travel = Temporal Injunction

Not sure about time; things like space-time continuum and timeline are so cliched now.
Shadow, all right, ok I admit it; french is my native language. But I'm not French, from Belgium but mostly Canadian now. Yeah, I AM CANADIAN! (I rather say Quebeker, but let's not start an other war!)- Are you american? So you're a cosin, kinda?

It's not my business of course, but I ask a question too to be quite!
Another name for Time~Travel?
Hmmm? how about "Voyage Of The Dammned"?
you slip into a void, and never seen, or heard from again!

Shadow, this one's for you pal!

<This message has been edited by Time02112 (edited 27 May 2001).>
See I know a little bit of French myself dob. Anyway I liked telechrono dob but I've decided to shorten it a bit and alter it a little, which gives me Khrono. Although I'm also considering splitting Khrono up and using inflecto praeteritus (alter past) and inflecto posterus (alter future) instead. I'll let you know what I decide on later. Lastly Time02112, why do you seem so negative about time travel? Doesn't Superstring Theory allow for it? Right now I'm just starting to read the Elegant Universe by Brian Greene and I don't think he's said anything that would mean that you can't time travel. Although I did just start it so I could be wrong. Anyway thanks for your help, all of you.
la chance du chasseur,
I think you are mistaken!
I was only injecting some mild humour. (pardonne my expression)quite is the opposite, in fact, I am considered by most others here, a leading "Purveyor" of supportive comments, and truckloads of information pertaining to Time~Travel, as one of my most fondest & sincere passions of all "Time" <pun intended!> just examine my archived posts, & see for yourself.

Incidently, I am the founder of a small, but growing, International research group, that is feverously working on a variety of projects relating to Time~Travel, and then some.

TAP-TEN Research Foundation
website:] http://Tap-Ten.org

Forum:] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/tapten

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<font color="#FF3333">WHO WE ARE</font> - T.A.P. "Temporal Accelerator Project"
T.E.N. "Temporal Explorers Network" </p>

<font color="#00CC00">T.A.P.-T.E.N. is a Non-Profit Organization that involves a majority of their
research in the exploration of Time~Travel, Gravity Displacement, Unified
Field Inertia & Electrostatic Propulsion, To the exploration of examining
possible methods of the absorption & extraction techniques, to harness unlimited
free energy sources, by utilizing a sophisticated combination of merging
yesterdays technology, with today's modern high tech computer aided technological
forces all under one roof.

<font color="#00CC00">Our members consists of a broad range of ordinary people from all walks
of life, some of them are still in college, while others are college professors,
scientists, physicists, computer technicians, or those who like to dabble
in the electronics arena in their professions, to their garages & basements
at home.</font></p>
Very impressive Time and I do apologize if I offended you. May your research be proved invaluable in furthering the adavnce of time travel technology and whatever other fields of research your knowledge brings you to.
I much prefer "temporal displacement" rather than "time travel".


P.S. It would appear that Dob and I share a hometown.
Mop, your last comment indicates a "double Standard"
I much prefer "temporal displacement" rather than "time travel".

with all due respect, is not the name of your forum "Time Travel Institute?

You have a good point there.

Mop, if this is so, shouldn't you change the name of your forum to "Temperal Displacement Forum"?
Mop: they got a good point on that (the name), but I would'nt have found this forum supose the name wasn't "time travel", because I was looking for a forum with the very name "time travel".

So, you're from around "here", Montreal?
dob has it right. Who would ever have found the "Temporal Displacement Institute"? Besides, Time Travel Institute rolls off the tongue better.

dob: I live in Westmount.

How about transtemporal? or circumtemporal navigation?
trans means through or across
circum means around
tele means far (in Greek I believe)
anachronism means displaced out of the natural sequence of time. I suppose that could in some sense describe time travel.