I make stuff up to get attention. I'm sorry.


Quantum Scribe
No one likes me in real life and no one even cares to talk to me but the homeless.

The homeless or the people with hardly any money talk to me but mainly those with money don't care to give me the sight of day.

Online there's no difference whenI'm talking with people because they can't judge me based off of anything but what I say.

Sometimes my stories go way too far and I get into character wayyy too much. It's called "method acting."

I'm sorry for putting anyone through this. I guess all I ever wanted was attention, which I don't receive here.

I"m actually going to live in Palm Desert, California soon because my mom is near there and I like the community college courses, but also my bank is there and there's cheap rent actually. Darby it's less than $600 to live in Palm Desert, CA. I have lived in Cali before a while back and Palm Springs is nice. I visit there all the time. I wish everyone the best and hopefully I didn't hurt too many people even though I was called a dick at least once. This forum has now become like how it is for me in real life now. I can't get along with people and the only way for me to survive is to live somewhere else.

Thanks everyone but I need to leave here. It's been real and I'm leaving for real now. Goodbye!
Dunno why you are leaving?
Your posts were overall just as valuable as anyone else here.
I must admit, I can only take certain aspects seriously in TTI.
Like any/or all forums on any subject really.
You can train your mind to learn the science you wish to learn, and also relax at the same time.
Take time to laugh, and enjoy life!
What is the old saying- "The key to life is 1/3 work, 1/3 rest and 1/3 play" !!!

Chill out man, and just enjoy what you like-ignore the rest :)

And those homeless people are just as valuable as any millionaire, they are made of the same material, they do much the same things- and hey, may be happier than many rich people.
Money certainly doesn't lead to happiness, but leads to sadness for many.

All the best, Dave.