I look and I see nonsense.


Temporal Novice
Not a single one of the posts in this section are believable. It looks like the average teenager is posting on here, they remind me of a little child who makes up a story or lies to a parent and thinks their lie is flawless but of course it is so transparent it is funny. If you tym3-trrvelers
want people to believe you, you need to put forth more effort, produce some photos of a laser pointer bending, not to mention explain that light cannot bend without millions of tons of pounds being the cause, thus impossible to carry, destroying the entire purpose for the photo, so you need to be more imaginative.
Not a single one of the posts in this section are believable. It looks like the average teenager is posting on here, they remind me of a little child who makes up a story or lies to a parent and thinks their lie is flawless but of course it is so transparent it is funny. If you tym3-trrvelers
want people to believe you, you need to put forth more effort, produce some photos of a laser pointer bending, not to mention explain that light cannot bend without millions of tons of pounds being the cause, thus impossible to carry, destroying the entire purpose for the photo, so you need to be more imaginative.

If I put my mind to it, I could come up with a truly convincing and believable hoax. The crucial thing with any hoax is to manipulate it such that YOU call the shots and don't let the sceptics get 'one up' on you.

Simply coming on with a ' Hi...I am from 2093' is quite stale and boring and predictable. In fact it has reached the point where those words alone effectively say ' I am a hoaxer'. A much more subtle approach is to remain somewhat enigmatic and DON'T immediately start out with ' I am a time traveller'.

I could think of a number of very clever ways of 'accidentally' revealing that one was a time traveller all along. But most hoaxers simply want immediate psychological payback and can't be bothered with such subtlety.

As far as hoaxing a time traveller is concerned, the truly hard bit would be passing Rainman's test. In fact, not just hard but impossible...without actually being a time traveller. But what one COULD do, with a little cleverness ( and without any sock puppets ) is create a post that appeared to be a retrospective reply. It's all down to anticipation and wording.
Picture THE FUTURE TM and see the iron fist of satire punching a 17 year old virgin making up an implausible time travelling story over and over again.

Although obviously I am a real time traveller myself!
Warrior381 - No, I will not tell you what happens in 2012, its just another dull year in the mist of prehistory as fasr as we in THE FUTURE TM are concerned.
Not a single one of the posts in this section are believable. It looks like the average teenager is posting on here, they remind me of a little child who makes up a story or lies to a parent and thinks their lie is flawless but of course it is so transparent it is funny. If you tym3-trrvelers
want people to believe you, you need to put forth more effort, produce some photos of a laser pointer bending, not to mention explain that light cannot bend without millions of tons of pounds being the cause, thus impossible to carry, destroying the entire purpose for the photo, so you need to be more imaginative.

Actually, if "some" thought was given to the idea of "real" time traveler(S) being members here at Time Travel Institute, these "real" time traveler(S) would be the last anyone would ever suspect.

The "real" time travelers would "never" proclaim that they are time travelers.

The "real" time traveler(s) might be the most adamant "debunkers" regarding the idea of time travel.

The "real" time traveler(s) may seem to have unusual affiliations, suspected, but not necessarily proven except for the information as provided BY the "real" time travelers.

The Time Travel Institute might merely by a communication portal for the "real" time travelers, thus many posts and/or threads might appear to be complete nonsense.

John Titor may have been created by "real" time travelers for entertainment purposes, John Titor himself being given just enough qualtities by the "real" time travelers to keep alot of people buzzing about the fictional character for decades.

However, everybody knows that there are NO "real" time travelers , especially here at TTI.

Muahahaha !
Warrior381 - No, I will not tell you what happens in 2012, its just another dull year in the mist of prehistory as fasr as we in THE FUTURE TM are concerned.

you don't have a time travel machine you just making it up period.
and by the way i heard something like Pole Shift coming in 2012 or not??
The "real" time traveler(s) might be the most adamant "debunkers" regarding the idea of time travel.

I suspect the real time travellers would not want people totally put off the idea of time travel, but would want to dispel all the phonies that equally as much put people off the idea of serious time travel.

For once I'll disagree with Rainman and argue that in my opinion an H.G Wells type time machine IS possible. Conservation of mass/energy is ( would be ) taken care of via displacement of space itself. All those virtual particles that pop up out of nowhere demonstrate the principle - the conservation laws CAN be violated providing they do so within the parameters defined by quantum physics ( or in other words - too quickly for nature to notice ). They have mass, and even affect 'real' particles. Space is not 'empty'....space itself has energy/mass. If your time machine can 'displace' a region of space ( the displacement would be how the time travel works in the first place ) then there is no net change to the mass/energy.

So a time machine would actually be a 'spatial displacement' machine. It would work not simply by inserting your machine into a pre-existing spacetime slot.....but by literally displacing the space and time there.

The displaced space then does the reverse, and is 'cut and paste' in your own spacetime.

I would suspect that this would lead to some quite interesting light and energy effects as the two displaced regions merge with their surroundings.

Well......that's how I envisage it.
Hmm. To elaborate a little....

All the time travel methods that I see here....including Titor....involve simply 'the machine' and its occupant moving to 'another time'.

The machine in those examples is then inserted into a pre-existing region of spacetime. This is like cutting and pasting part of a picture and having the new area simply cover over the existing bit. Well....the old picture part still exists there, underneath ! That is why it defies the laws of conservation.....you are trying to double what exists there.

The correct method seems to me to be that one does not just move the machine....but also the space itself that the machine occupies. You are literally cutting and pasting areas of spacetime....with the proviso that the total energy that you displace must be equal in both reqions. In practice...I suspect that would be extremely hard to match......so you'd get some odd effects while any surplus of energy in one region found it's way back home and the balance was restored.

According to string theory, the weakness of gravity is due to it being 'diluted' amongst many different dimensions. This ability of gravity to exist sumultaneously in multiple dimensions ( which is likely what dark matter is also doing....existing only gravitationally here whilst interacting in other ways elsewhere ) would be the key to how time travel works and how one would do it without requiring to create a wormhole ( which requires massive energy ).

I'll go on if anyone wishes. Of course..it's all just speculation.
So a time machine would actually be a 'spatial displacement' machine. It would work not simply by inserting your machine into a pre-existing spacetime slot.....but by literally displacing the space and time there.

Good point that is not usually considered :D
"if you are a Real Time Traveler then show us the picture of your devcie?"

Dave Kinky doesn't need to show you his device, he's that good of a time traveler, but seriously, his device is invisible and cannot be carried so it would make a picture pointless.

The only time travel I believe in is with wormhole technology, I don't think some ancient ruins and a stargate could do the job unless those ruins somehow managed to harness unlimited energy. I don't think humans have this technology, and to be honest I don't believe they will have it anytime soon, they may see it used by those who do have the power on accident, or for some reason they are allowed to see it but run the machine behind it, it would be like handing the most powerful weapon over to a caveman child, it would be a recipe for disaster.

So, what I'm interested in I suppose, would be those who claim they've seen or know someone who claims they've seen this technology, or in nature, a fluke in the sky, anything, this I believe is a more reasonable subject to seek out.
Time has always been a human invention used to measure the passing of the sun and to break up the days. As such, time doesn't exist except within our own perception.

On the same token, distance is also a human invention measured by human means (a ruler, an odometer, ect...).

Both time and distance exist but only because our perception allows us to understand them.

This renders the notion of "Time" travel as possible as driving a car down the road or a Saturn V rocket to the Moon.

The difference is that with distance, it is physically tangable...so a physical means of transportation would be possible to travel from Albuquerque to Kyoto.

But you can't touch, taste, or feel time unless you lick a clock. Time is like passing a hand through smoke trying to grab it. We can't hold time, or tear it open with physics. Physics only works in the physical world.

Time travel wouldn't work with a physical device of any kind. I think Time Travel might be closer to the old Sci-fi show Quantum Leap with Dr. Beckett leaping his soul from life to life. There's no apparent devices with him. He just knows the future and can change it. He wouldn't be able to prove it to anyone. He wouldn't be able to produce any records. He would be able to make predictions (or facts from his POV)...but whether someone believed him is outside his control.

As such, a real time traveller would look like anyone out there. He wouldn't care about predicting the future for the rest of us. He would be here for two possible reasons:

1. A mission of some kind...in which case, it wouldn't make sense to take time to post to appease our little curiosities...Yes, I'm thinking Titor.
2. A vacation to the past...in which case, they wouldn't care to post anything. Not because of any time temporal limitations (they wouldn't exist...another conversation for another day), but because they're not interested. If I travelled to Egypt, I wouldn't spend part of my vacation trying to convince the locals why I'm here...instead, I'd be enjoying the sights.

The only time one of us may EVER run into a time traveller would be purely by chance. And even then, we'd only know if they came out and said it. Then we'd be retelling the story here surrounded by scepticism.

The exception to this rule is if you became a time traveller sometime in the future, make a mental note of wanting to meet your current self somewhere, so that when you are in the future, you come back and meet yourself there.

Thousands of years ago, people thought the sun revolved around the earth. Hundreds of years ago, people thought the world was flat. Over a hundred years ago, the moon seemed unattainable. Less than 20 years ago, the internet as we know it never existed. And right now, we can fathom how time travel may work. What changed is the courage to change our perception.

We're close to understanding time travel...we're just looking the wrong way.
but seriously, his device is invisible and cannot be carried so it would make a picture pointless.

I was going to make an off-color remark about Dave Kinky's "device" bu I shall refrain in the name of good taste.
But you can't touch, taste, or feel time unless you lick a clock. Time is like passing a hand through smoke trying to grab it. We can't hold time, or tear it open with physics. Physics only works in the physical world.

I actually like your metaphors.
I understand this response opens me up to alot of criticism, but it's just speculation.

I'm hoping what I lack in academics can be somewhat balanced in experience and perception - if rightly placed/expressed.

I feel I have some experience with the subject above, moreso than 'licking a clock'

There were two distinct experiences which actually, as different as they are, share extreme similarities - I know what I perceived, 'understood', etc in retrospect, but the communication is key, otherwise I'm aware, it's all just hot air.

The head on collision experiencing 100 G's, and an out of body experience, shared some extremely stark and apparent similarities.

I'm not sure what to call it but the sensation would be comparable to viewing the refresh rate on a monitor. The collision slowed much more than the rejoining of the mentioned OBE, but same, just a different "frequency" for lack of a better word.
Energy, light, and some sort of frequency/wave that for perception seems to run horizontal at an extremely fast rate...
The subconscious viewing "quantum waves" ? I'm not sure, honestly.
I can see both instances like yesterday and compare them at the critical moments for self analysis, but there was again to reiterate a similarity in the electrical, light, and wave/framed perception.

If anyone has any insight or seperate related musings heard from others experiences I'd be very curious. 'And no, no one has to speculate if it was "a life changing event/s" and I'm now some cult like fanatic of some misperceived experience.

I like to fashion myself as simply meek - and on this board atm, guarded somewhat for good reason while discussing this
Time travel wouldn't work with a physical device of any kind. I think Time Travel might be closer to the old Sci-fi show Quantum Leap with Dr. Beckett leaping his soul from life to life.

Woah ! This seems to be a case of allowing something inexplicable by resort to something even more so. It's sort of like saying a Jumbo jet flies because the fairies at the bottom of my garden help it.

Can you please show me the scientific paper where someone's soul was measured and tested in a laboratory and it was decided it was 'non physical'. I'd very much like to know how something that is non physical ( which effectively means does not interact with our universe ) can behave in a.....er.....physical manner such as belonging to a specific location ( or person ). Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Woah ! This seems to be a case of allowing something inexplicable by resort to something even more so. It's sort of like saying a Jumbo jet flies because the fairies at the bottom of my garden help it.

Can you please show me the scientific paper where someone's soul was measured and tested in a laboratory and it was decided it was 'non physical'. I'd very much like to know how something that is non physical ( which effectively means does not interact with our universe ) can behave in a.....er.....physical manner such as belonging to a specific location ( or person ). Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Oh wow...you realize what can of worms that opens up...at least now you can explain to Darb where the Higgs is hidin' :eek:

I hope not to live to see the day of the LSC
(Large soul collider
at least now you can explain to Darb where the Higgs is hidin'

It may well simply not exist.....a scenario I actually prefer as I hate all this ' we are close to a theory of everything ' arrogance that exudes from many scientists these days.

To my mind...science is in a position very similar to the late 1800s, when physics professors were telling their students not to expect any major discoveries in their lifetime as it was all pretty much worked out......apart from a few minor little inconsistencies.

And of course...those minor inconsistencies completely overturned the whole of physics....with relativity and quantum mechanics. And I suspect it is just the same today. It seems scientists have it all pretty much worked out. Just a few little loose threads to tie up.

That, to me, is the cue for a major overhaul.
How can you have a TOE without unification of the sciences?
Though I'm not sure if a public forum is a good place to discuss this,
even if it's just fantastic speculation.