Re: I liked OvLordLegion\'s test
What US govt policy states that SOP is to kill extraterrestrials and seize their vehicles?
I mean, you could argue that it would be a case of illegal immigration into the US, in which case, ICE would seize a vehicle used in the commission of a crime. But, ICE doesn't murder illegal immigrants... if they did, we wouldn't have the problems we're having with them now.
Furthermore, I've worked in the US govt for a long time. It's staffed, top to bottom, with people just like everybody else. In short... stupid people.
Let me tell you something about classified information. It's boring. Deadly boring. It's kept that way so nobody will spend any more time than necessary reading it. If there were anything in there about UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, time travel, the Loch Ness monster or the theory of Atlantis, somebody would tell somebody who'd tell somebody, who'd tell somebody else... and so on.
This is how classified information gets leaked. I have clearance to read a document, so I do. I tell a guy who I know also has the clearance for it. He mentions it to his subordinate. The subordinate bitches about being tasked with it to his buddy at the bar. The buddy tells his girlfriend. The girlfriend goes on twitter and is all, "zOMG! Joey Jo-Jo has to work late so the AF can go bomb Unfriendlystan! FML!" Abu Achmed Jr does nothing but grep for "Unfriendlystan" on Twitter feeds all the live long day, and he picks up this tidbit and reports it.
Nobody ever comes up with this kind of evidence for evidence in a govt cover-up of aliens or other phenomenon. I've never seen a Tweet from Airman First Class Dippitydoo saying, "I am tired of cleaning up the other-worldly slime in the cafeteria! What is that crap, anyway?"
Remember Valerie Plame? Top secret CIA spy lady? Bob Novak blew her cover. Why? Because it was interesting. We (the govt) can't even manage to keep our spooks undercover every time. Do you really think we'd succeed at hiding something truly earthshaking? For a short time, sure. But, eventually, truth will out.
Other failed attempts at secrecy include the Stealth Fighter and Bomber, the YF-22, and about a million presidential and congressional scandals. People are just too nosy to maintain secrecy about anything for very long.
- D. Dodge Silver