I know John Titor


Temporal Novice
Hello everyone i am James Rotit and i have somthing to let you all know. This is going to sound hard to belive but im serious about this. I know john titor i met him in 2035 when i was introduced to a mission involving time travel. The mission involed me and 4 others including john. Just to let you know that john titor isnt his real name and james rotit isnt mine either but i will not give them out to pretect our counter parts in this worldline. To continue about the mission,i will give you as much info about this as i feel is needed. The mission began in the fall of 2035 when my Superiors officers came to me and asked if i would like to take part in a mission involing time travel. About two days later i found my self in a room with john and two others being breifed about Individual time traveling missions to differnt worldlines each having there own Objectives. Ofcorse you know about johns and his mission so i wont waste my little time here talking about that. But durring the corse of his mission we lost contact with him. I did not know of this till i returned from my mission and was debriefed. John returned in march of 2036 after he was debriefed i had a chance to sit with him and he told me about his exprinces in this worldline. He told me that when he came here he had made web posts about his life and about the future and how what he had done could effect your worldline and ours's. That what he had done might had been a mistake casuing all of the worlines to be thrown off and each's history to be realtered. after hearing this i knew that our lives as we knew it could never be the same. In may of 2037 i was once again Introduced to a mission involving time travel to this worldline for a single objective and to complete this objective or our worldline would be in extreme danger. I accepted this mission hints why im talking to you right now. I am here making this post not to tell you everything you want to know but to let you know that this is true john was here and time travel will be possiable in the futre.my story may seem short and unreal but im am making this to the point giving you the info that i feel you need to know. And in that i have to get to my objective here. My time is very limtited so you can choose either to belive me or not some might doubt me and claim to say im a fake if you belive in john's story then hopfully you will belive in mine. I will return to this site after completing my mission and before i return home. when i return i will try to answer any questions you have for me before i leave. Thank you for listening

James Rotit
The letter of proper acceptance of this institute accepts your visit here.

First question.Please if you can describe the return maintenance issue, involving the sanctioned use of the said G.E. time displacement unit, assigned to said time traveler, that your referring to? Specs, How was this unit when they returned it.1.Good shape 2.a little damage, jury rigged 3.Whoa Nelly, just got her in, by the skin of my teeth?

If I want a good meal, in your time, what sources are there for me to get this, please?
You are right, your story is hard to believe. And whom would you want to convince that you are telling the truth?

Nobody in particular? Then what is the point of the claim?

That what he had done might had been a mistake casuing all of the worlines to be thrown off and each's history to be realtered . after hearing this i knew that our lives as we knew it could never be the same.

Re-Altered? Does this mean they have been altered before?
And how would you know that your lives could never be the same ?

Proof...please provide some proof. John had photos of his device, so posting photos of the one you used wouldnt hurt. Just stop in any wal-greens ( or similar type of store ) and you can acquisition a very inexpensive camera.

Also, since there seem to be many of you, as you mentioned, maybe one of you could post something before John Titor started posting in this site that would prove your claims?
Hello everyone i am James Rotit and i have somthing to let you all know. This is going to sound hard to belive but im serious about this. I know john titor i met him in 2035 when i was introduced to a mission involving time travel.

Perhaps you know Titor. But you didn't meet him in 2035 on a mission involving time travel, since it's only 2006. Nearly 100% of the population hearing John's story knows it was completely fabricated. That makes your story a complete fabrication as well.
Your mission is complete. Now go home.
Yes... please! If he does not go home, I will be forced to pull out my debunking sticks. What do you think, Darby? I'd say this one is probably a par 3 or less. Perhaps a 3-wood might do the trick? Or is it short enough to go with an iron?

I am new to this board and joined because some posts were interesting. I thought all this time travel stuff was a joke, but the seriousness of the forum is telling me that its not a joke. So can someone tell me if this is for real? So people can travel back in time like from the movie Back to the Future? Sorry for stupid questions, but this is so new to me so can someone briefly explain.
Welcome to TTI. There are interesting posts to read, and some of us hope to unlock the secrets of time travel. My discussing our ideas, perhaps we are building the foundations for success. There are many brilliant and talented people that frequent this site, and I enjoy reading their input on a variety of subjects that wander into the threads.

We have alot of fun and I hope to see future posts of your thoughts and ideas regarding many subjects that are covered here.

So can someone tell me if this is for real?

I don't know exactly what you mean.

If you are asking if Dr. Gunthar VonSchnelling is real then the answer is no. That's a character that Raul/MOP, the owner of the site, made up.

If you mean is Titor real the answer is no. Titor/TimeTravel_0 is a movie project.

If you mean is TheNextOne real the answer is also no. He's just another Titor wannabe.

If you mean is time travel a physical possibility then the answer is maybe.

Albert Einstein piblished his paper on the Special Theory of Relativity, a theory of mass and time, in 1905. He published his paper on the General Theory of Relativity, a theory of gravity, in 1915. To date the later theory, General Relativity, has never been completely solved nor completely understood. New solutions to General Relativity have been published almost weekly for over 80 yearrs.

Many of the solutions to General Relativity indicate the possibility of actual time travel into the past. All of those solutions have problems that have never been overcome. The reason that they have never been overcome involves integrating Einstein's theories with the theories of Heisenberg (quantum mechanics). In each of those theories, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, gravity is very different.

The bottom line is, as has always been the case in physics, that they are approxiations of "reality". We still do not understand what gravity really is. When we develop a solution for gravity that unifies both Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity we will know the answer to your question, "Is this real?"

Though mathematics is not physics, it is (for some unknown reason) the language of physics. That's a good thing. If physics didn't lend itself to being described by math we would be totally lost. Integrating the two general theories (QM and GTR) will require some new math.

I think that Michio Kaku has commented that he has always been amazed the we even discovered STR, GTR and QM without having the proper math to explain them. As I recall, his comments were that at the end of the 19th century and into the beginning of the 20th Century (1860-1915) Maxwell, Lorentz, Einstein and Heisenberg discovered physical realities through pure thought, without having the proper instruments or math to justify them. He said that those 19th Century giants made their discoveries without the "required" 21st Century math. It was a true Golden Age of Discovery - and it inspired him to become a physicist.

To explain just how extra-ordinary Einstein's 1905 & 1915 discoveries were, he didn't receive his Nobel Prize for GTR. He received it for his papers that explained Brownian Motion.

Brownian Motion is the result of "energized" particles in a gas or liquid colliding with each other. It was only during Einstein's early life that we discovered protons and neutrons. He published both of his famous papers before we even knew that all three basic particles (we already knew about electrons) existed! That's why Kaku is so amazed that the Golden Age of Discovery occured. Einstein didn't even know what matter was made from when he published STR and GTR.

Until we discover the math and integrate GTR & QM into a new theory we can have fun speculating. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif