I know a lot about Roswell.

It seems that the aliens used a relatively minor incident like 'Roswell' to test the skills of our governments to hold information like that underground. You know, before any real meetings got underway. It seems as though we failed that test. If only I knew their chronological system, I could maybe figure out when they'd try again...after all, they need our plastic.
I have a question about Roswell...

what if the government invented the "alien" myth to try to spread rumors of how great and top secret they are? What if it really WAS just a boring F-4 hornet crash that spread stuff all around, and they didnt want to be so embarrased about having a good pilot killed for absolutely no reason whatsoever they invented this 'alien' conspiracy just for a temporary coverup, except it blew out of control? That would be very possible...


How about none of the above?

An actual crash.
Three bodies (2 dead & one alive).
The craft damaged.
The craft was used to understand their technology & systems and to gain access to the second craft that we "captured" intact.

~ Global

Is the famous Roswell autopsy movie real or fake?

Has any alien technology been re-engineered?

Have you seen the aliens/the craft yourself?

hi from what i know about the crash there was 3 aliens... 2 where killed because people thought they where hostile while holding a control panel(what was mistaken for a weapon), the other one was also killed i believe after begging for its life....

i dont know if that tape is real or not, but i can tell you something happend there... something we aren't ment to know... to be honest.. i think our goverment covered it up cause they made a few mistakes when the situation happend....
what if the government invented the "alien" myth to try to spread rumors of how great and top secret they are? What if it really WAS just a boring F-4 hornet crash that spread stuff all around, and they didnt want to be so embarrased about having a good pilot killed for absolutely no reason whatsoever they invented this 'alien' conspiracy just for a temporary coverup, except it blew out of control? That would be very possible...
- Eww. "What if" is a horribly vague question. What if the world blew up right now? What if no one existed and I am actually dreaming? What if the color I perceive to be red is blue to you? What if I have alien/wizard/vampire/unicorn blood-lines? What if what the government tells me is leather is actually cotton? What if marijuana being illegal is actually just a vicous rumor that just wont die? What if (insert any crap you want)? You get my point? Be more specific with your questions, any 5-year-old can ask "What if?"

there are a couple of things that could have happened:

1)The government kept information from us (my least preferred, governments should NEVER keep things from their citizens, rather, the government should be composed of citizens all for a common goal)

2) It was during the Cold War, and when we [censored] up and crashed a revolutionary new flying machine we didn't want the soviets to know we even had it, so we spread the rumor of it being aliens. (I also find it very creepy that the story that I heard about Roswell differs in pretty much no way from your versions, 2 aliens dead 1 dying, and three ships, saw it on the Sci-Fi channel though, which is where I'm betting you guys heard your story, directly or indirectly)
what'd they shoot them with? and if I saw an alien holding alien technoligy and was walking towards me I'd probally knee cap him, if they even have knee caps? Wouldn't you? but on the other hand if they had "weapons of mass destruction" Bush probally would have tried to disarm them already, lol.
It's my belief that they were testing some new aircraft at Area 51 (They have tested stuff like the Stealth Bomber there) and it totally screwed up. They may have fabricated the alien story, or it may have been fabricated by people who misintepreted it. Remember that at the time, the average joe wasn't familiar with advanced technology. If we saw a Stealth Bomber, we'd be like, "Hey, a stealth bomber." A guy then would be like, "Oh, holy cr$(#!" If the government faked the alien story, it would be a good move, since not many people believe that.
Were there 3 or 5 bodies/aliens? In the photo that they have been able to reconstruct the
words on the memo in the military man's hands, it says "victoms". This implies there were dead bodies. Some say one was captured and had horrorific effects upon individuals in it's presence. Some say there were 5 and one got away?

What is your best guess?

Are you aware of the DISCLOSURE PROJECT?

The appropriateness of Chance is astounding
Do you know anything about the Missouri crash that happened previous to the Roswell crash? I think it was in 1941 (not sure).

The Appropriateness of Chance is Astounding

"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of truth's protective layers" by Neil Armstrong