I haven't Time Travled my self...


Temporal Novice
I haven\'t Time Travled my self...

But T think some body is going back and changing small things. Things in my child hood.
I remember things vividly, But upon Bringing up the said event All who were present
Dissagree to my being there. I'll have recounted the tale to it's most accurate, But one detail.
Re: I haven\'t Time Travled my self...

I would look into possible psychological causes instead of time travel. Children typically have very active imaginations; you could have heard a story from someone and pretended you were there (and actually believed it). Usually simpler explanations are more likely to be right.
Re: I haven\'t Time Travled my self...

This doesn't sound like the result of time travel, otherwise why would you remember it?

Re: I haven\'t Time Travled my self...

I don,t want to disagree with you too sharply more so since I don,t know all the facts about you. But, there could be many reasons for others disagreeing with you about memories. I have a twin brother. We spent most of our childhood together and even he and I don,t always remember things the same way. It happens. It is not because anything is wrong with either one of us but sometimes people even twins experience things differently than the other person so they remember it differently. I would not go making time travel the culprit here just yet. Good luck to you.