I have kept my name secluded. I am here writing this message with my time traveler from the 36th century. He is a male blond hair blue eyes and wearing a white robe. He has tought me that our goverment the only one in this world is aliied with time travelers. My time travelers name is Borrum. He is commander of a mother ship that abducted me in the foreest once two months ago. I couldn't recall my missing time episode but my time traveler has come to tell me that i was abducted by aliens. And he says if you think aliens are in charge of spacecrafts .. You are completely wrong. They are when there are no chrononauts around(time travelers are chrononauts)but when the chrononaut is on the mother ship he is in command. Borrum can levitate be invisible go through solid objects. And if you think Men in Black are CIA members you are wrong. Well yes 12% out of 100% are but most of them are hybrid time travelers they range from 5 to six feet tall. They are a combination of what we stupid unintellegent humans think, alien and human time travelers. They as in the movie Men In Black have a red flashin device that can erase peoples memories. They do this to people that know to much of aliens and ufos. Well you might think. Wouldnt a mib come and flash me with that thing and i'd forget everything. Well no because borrum is the chief mibs. He is human not hybrid but he is in chare of mibs. He is also allied with uor goverment. wehy do you think our technology is going at such a fast rate. Because of time travelers! I f no one allied with time travelers then we would still be burning fire with wood stoves. IF YOU HAVE ANYMORE QUESTIONS. PLEASE EMAIL ME AND BORRUM AND I WILL BE HAPPY TO ANSWER THEM!