I have had a ton of time travel dreams but why?


Temporal Novice
<font color="blue"> /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif I would like to know if anyone can explain these various dreams I have had
My first dream Id like to talk about is the most vividly recent time travel dream and it occured in the summer of 2000 I dreamt that I was walking undergound in what seemed like a university or a dome of some sort and i was looking for a way to get out and i kept hearing over an intercom not to go outside because I was not equipped to breathe the air out there ...finally i found my way to a classroom of sorts and before i was in the classroom i remember looking out of the dome and it was pitch black and you could not see any stars...once i entered the classroom i walked a bit and saw students at studys looking at huge star charts on a multi display screen and i sat down next to one of the sudents and he noticed me and I said "this is going to sound like a strange question but where are we and what year is this" he replied to me "this is the year 2535 and your on an earth colony" i then turned to him and said "your not going to believe this but im a time traveller from the year 2000 and my name is Shawn Strickland" its odd because this is the first dream where someone has actually told me when and where I was&lt;/b&gt;

2nd dream most vidid...the past some year during world war II or perhaps just after it...i was in i think new york city ...hard to tell but i was dressed in army uniform all spiffy like i was having a night on the town and i went inside the store to buy a superman comic book and saw all sorts of comics to buy at this store for under a dime....

3rd most vivid dream i dreamt i was someone else yet myself back in the late 60's and i was a pregnant latina girl sitting in a doctors office with her or i guess my best friend and i looked down and my belly and felt it and after that i could feel a baby kicking inside my belly...in the dream as if i was actually there

i have had alot of other dreams too some in the 70's some in 80's but never anything in the future well at least not here on earth except the 2535 dream which was the only real date i can remember from a dream

are you suggesting my subconcious can travel in time?

is my body still asleep in my bed or is my whole self transporting there?

i have also noticed after getting a cpap machine that lets my breath take in 100% air flow (i have sleep apnea) that my dreams have started intensifying beyond anything like they have before

however no time travel dreams as of late that i can remember ...i did dream of saving superman from people trying to take away his powers though...but i can tell when my dreams are just more than dreams

and the few time travel dreams i have had definatley fit in that category

so if im able to travel within my sleep why cant i get my whole self back or forward in time
this is intteresting because i have asked God many times to send me back in time....

i usually start out by asking him to send me back to a certain date with the promise i cant interfere in any life except mine

when that doesnt work i then say "God what if you send me back with no memories of anything save for one crucial memory and that was to find my true love and never leave her..."

i suppose its silly but i have asked GOD at least a dozen times to send me back in time...strike me with lightning so it sends my essence back into my younger self...

you cant imagine...well maybe you could how many different ways I have asked God to send me back and i know exactly where id like to go ...there are only a few places in time that would really matter to me i could accept everything that happened to me up until may 1st 1991
here are some other things that happen to me on a regular basis

dejavus lasting sometimes more than 7 seconds...with sometimes dejavus of dejavus...that is to say been there done that and then did it again...

a friend will say something to me or to someone else next day i comment about what he said and he says "i never said that....you must have heard things" when i swear he did say it....this has happened alot and it gives me evidence that Im tripping the rift or Sliding into other universes where one small detail has changed and no one can notice it except me..
Series of brain cells, that recognize prions, which is not the same as prions, in chemicals.

A particle from either future, also postulated from past.
I can't find the article at the moment, but I wouldn't assume anyone but yourself can inturpret
your dreams. I too have had many time-travel related dreams, probably dozens. I know it is because I have been thinking on that subject before I went to sleep.

Concerning the actual information in the dreams, they are most likely illogical, make no sense, and are way out there. TIME magazine recently had an article on the study of the brain while sleeping.
They noted the LOGICAL part of the brain was completley shut off during dreaming, yet the CREATIVE part of the brain was on full blast, resulting in insane dillusional type crazy dreams that make no sense. Along with this obviously your subconcious is fully awake and uninhibited by anything, which is why you will dream what you are experiencing during the day, except note that it is tweaked by the lack of judgement.

--- Razimus
Theres a good saying;

"be careful what you wish for". You really don't realise how good/valid this phrase is until you wish for something long enough.

Any thought or wish you have is an expression of you. If you want to express yourself in a specific way for long enough. Chances are the reality will manifest itself at some point.

When you ask god to send you to a different time. All you're doing is broadcasting your desires inward. Straight into yourself.
Re: I have had a ton of time travel dreams but why

Perhaps you're just dreaming about stuff.

I mean, I once dreamed I was the President, but that doesn't make me the President on some alternate time-line.

I'm willing to bet that you read a lot of time-travel stuff, or at least a lot of history. If you're really into something, you tend to dream about it.
Re: I have had a ton of time travel dreams but why

Is it possible you just overdosed on the Sci Fi channel during a Quantum Leap marathon and your subconscious resents it?

As to the deja vu sensations, there are plenty of explanations for those. Short term memory can get looped through long term memory as a result of medication, diet, or just prior to an epileptic seizure when electrical activity in the brain is just beginning to break out of its intended routes. Yes, I have some experience with this last example. Look for the simple reasons first. You can jump to conclusions later.