
Temporal Novice
In all seriousness, this is what I feel I have experienced. First of all, I have been able to astral project very seldomly. I'm working on being able to do it on a regular basis...at will. Now, as for time travel. I feel I have done it in a trance state only about two or three times. My goal is to be able to do it on a continuous basis....toggling back and forth between what we call NOW and the past within my present lifetime. One instance was I wanted to start when I was born....For a split second....I decided, after crying (which I was supposed to do) to pump air into my lungs....I decided to smile....How simple and boring, you might say....But...think of it this way....What could be a better way to begin a life then to begin with a smile? Just a quick smile. In another trance I was in the sixth grade. I always let teasing kids bother me. I remember very quickly turning one girl's taunting into a joke. So that was another positive action. Another was when I went back to the 70s and bought my sister a music box in the form of a piano....by the way I checked and she really does have it. So, my goal is to re-do my whole life up to this moment...and in place of so much anger and swear words....I want to replace them with positive things...And do good to the people I snubbed and hurt (by angry words)....I want to be kind to all who entered my life. Now you might ask......what about enemies? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....That is tough. But.....it is a balance type of thing. Don't let them eat you alive is one thing. Also....instead of showing anger, why not just ignore.....But the main thing is to replace negative actions I am not satisfied with and replace them with positive actions that I would have liked to have done. Past....Present....Future.....Time is in illusion....A reality we created....Why not make the past....present........future fun? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
How did you modify your time line? Did you use this book
Adventures with time lines by Bob G. Bodenhamer and L. Michael Hall.

It also teaches how to use the most valuable NLP process.

The person claimed he changes his time line around a bit and cured himself from a terminal disease in a couple of days.

So how did you modify your timeline?
Oh, thanks. I will check out that book also. Thanks for the information. I got quite a bit of it through the Seth books. Also....indirectly....through Abraham-Hicks book: "Ask and it is Given." I also read William F Hamilton III's book: "Time Travel Now." I did reason that, since time really is relative, we can continue on this time line without "missing a beat" and still explore/experiment with other times and time lines. There is also a lot being written about the fourth dimensions which I very much want to study more. I really am anxious to check out the book you mentioned. I will look on the website. Have a good day.
I have not read the book ’Adventures with time lines’
yet but on Amazon it gave great rating from reviewer five stars.

All I want to do is to clean up my life past a and start
fresh. I remote viewed my past mistakes without any
book so I know what I have to pay for.
And that is really what I also want to do. I did go ahead and order the book. Basically, a lot of what you have done has been done intuitively, it seems. Same here. It's seems for a few brief moments I just went back to the point in time I desired to. I think quite a few of us have one basic thing in common. We want to be clean....past, present, and future. We want to be "instruments of peace." We want to replace the wrong things we have done with right things. We want to create heaven on earth. And I think that it does involve cleansing the sum of all time...past, present, and future....As it says in my college Geology book: The key of the past is the key to the present...The key to the present is the key to the future. I believe also that this is a true way to live in real freedom..........freedom from guilt. So....instead of crying over spilled milk.........why not pour it back into the glass.....4th dimension stuff....do it in reverse. Good luck on this. I wish the best for everybody. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
And one more thing. Check out the webpage of Louise Hauck. She is one gem of a futurist. She claims to walk in and out of time. I study under her. She really has helped me to release a lot of blocked energy. Just type in Louise Hauck. There is a lot of good information. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
I notice the difference between the old time line and the new time line I created for my self.

The old time line is a bit dead. The new time line has more energy and freedom and more free will where as the old one has low energy and restriction in free will probably do to the mistake in my life. Though through my experience after all these changes I still believe we don’t have free will. I believe we open and close doors in this maze call life but what is behind it is not our doing which I call fate and out of our control. The only free will we have is by opening and closing doors but no control over the event that will entail.

I have done some future progression also the way I do it is by picking a goal by see whether there is some resistance in doing it in the future. If there is too much resistance then it’s not going to happen I feel it mentally and physically through tiredness and irritation. Thus the door I wish to go through is locked. I recently noticed this when trying to choose a computer language for a project. There was Python, C# and C++/CLI. I felt resistance to some of them if I chosen them. In conclusion the choice was really not up to me at all it was the timeline choice of which path was created for me to follow and the unlocked door for me to pass through.
Hm, this is quite interesting. You do have a point on "predestination." We presumably have, in conjunction with our souls and our guides, made blue prints for each lifetime that we experience. Opening doors to see what is available or not is quite interesting. But then this thought has also ran across my mind, which is: If we do go back and create another time line, which we obviously must have done time and time again, then could that also be part of the blue print? So, it would sort of seem like predestination "seemingly" interacting with free will (even though in the big picture all choices are foreknown.) What do you think? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I read in a book ‘Changing the timeline of our destiny by Ramatha which was too short a book to be worthy of buying for the price ‘don’t buy it’

Basically what it said is if we did not solve the puzzle of life like eliminating pride or something we would fall into a trapped in place of bliss in heaven waiting for a new life. If we figured our life we would be on the other side of the void in which we would be free from the wheels of creation.

Now getting back to your point. But before life we choose the genetics we want and then the family. But before we reincarnate we all must go through a life progression for that specific incarnation first. So yes our life’s are all mapped and planed out even before we are born and as the book states we can’t incarnate before we map out our life thus no free will in my interpretation of it then. So everything is preplanned with everything totally controlled. So if everything is planned so is what you do really any of your fault?

But through my experimentation of remote viewing my life I have mapped about 4 to 5 distinct life’s paths that are in parallel with mine and I know when I switch between them. But I really only switch between two of them the old time line and the new one I recently created by deciding I would write some programming application.

In the Ramatha book it showed with no real explanation in a picture of multiple timelines branch out with some creating new timeline as well as some terminating which validates what I have experienced.

But to get thing straight I abandoned spirituality and religion two years ago after reading many books. My primary interest is remote viewing, time travel, programming and electrical engineering. If you are interested I can tell you why later.
I love remote viewing. I do that with Louise all the time. Also....here's something else interesting to check out. "A Course In Time Travel" is on website....A guy named Curtis teaches it. He is pretty interesting. He talks quite a bit about time lines. He has a rather interesting perspective.

Basically....what it all amounts to though is.....books often confirm quite a bit of things we have thought of before....there may be one or two things that trigger some deeper thought. I suppose we learn the most from our own personal experiments.

Have a good day! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]
Recently I heard on C2C (it might have been Louis Turi)the idea that our lives have five levels of "frequency" and that we can develop the ability to switch from one to the other.

The other thing I want to say is that I think most incarnation is not from one time period to another in history, but the same period repeated over and over again. I other words, we reincarnate as ourselves (maybe a different version of ourself). This is essentially 'Eternal Reoccurance.' Thus, what we do in one trip through this "field" creates a pattern which will, unless changed, repeat itself. This is the basis of karma, I would think.

The Theosophists say that each incarnation involves a new mental, emotional, and (of course) physical body. In these terms, each reoccurance would be a different version--advanced or retarded--of ourselves.
That is a very interesting concept. I have a feeling there is a lot to it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR] It really does feel like "deja vu" at times. It feels like we've been here before. Maybe we do this lifetime over and over until we get it "right." It reminds me of the movie, "Groundhog Day." Interesting!
Creation of a day happen over a little over a 3 day period to manifest before it solidifies
I will talk about this a little later.

Here are three recent good movies that deal with time travel to some extent and one fall TV show.

Déjà vu with Denzel Washington with 3 day grace. Good movie


Premonition with Sandra Bullock with 3 day grace. Good movie


Next with Nicolas Cage. Ok movie


New TV dealing with spontaneous time travel.

Journeyman this fall on NBC

There is some thing special about three days. I believe over the three-day period things are pliable and can be changed. Jesus raised Laserus in less then a 3-day period. Jesus was raised from the dead in less than 3 days also. Three day is the manifestation time period for creation to make correction to world events. After that period of time it is impossible everything is fixed. Christ was risen from the dead since the sins he was carrying were not his own event though he paid for them though suffering. So after this was brought to light things where temporally correct and he was alive again since he had no sentence of death from the courts in heaven. I am not a religious person but this is my theory of time travel 2000 years ago. Note this is all theoretical and I am not being blasphemous.
Yes, there seems to be something about the three day period. I heard someone on C2C recently say that the "light" remained available for the departed to travel into for about 50 to 72 hours. After that they need special assistance or become unable to cross over.

Also Spiritualists believe that a deceased body should not be cremated until three days have passed to allow a complete separation of the bodies. It seems to me that I have heard of the 3-day period in other contexts (aside from the 3 days Jesus was supposed to spend in 'hell.') I think there is some Jewish belief about a 3 day period associated with death.
What I was trying to get at but I forgot to mention was Jesus body was decaying for three day therefore it would be too difficult to resurrect. The body would have to be temporally corrected by fixing it and then resurrecting the body in the past so that he would have never die over these three days since time manifest over a three-day period. All this can happen since there is no observer in the tomb at a quantum level.

Another way to get around it is to make changes temporally historically wise in which the fatal death event does not occur thus substituting a parallel reality where he did not completely die in other words a divergent reality.

Then again I could wrong about the three-day period in which all they had to do is go three day into the past fix the body and take the body three day in the future thus that is the resurrection if you know what I mean.
"Jesus body was decaying for three day therefore it would be too difficult to resurrect."

Perhaps you are forgetting this scripture: John 11:17-44

John 11:17

On his arrival ,Jesus found that lazarus had already been in the tomb for <font color="red">four days.[/COLOR]

John 11:39

"Take away the stone" he said. "But, Lord," said Martha, the sister of the dead man,"by this time
there is a bad odor, for he has been there <font color="red"> four days."[/COLOR]

John 11:41-44

So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said "Father, I thank you that you have heard me I knew that you always hear me but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me."

When he had said this Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus,come out!" The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.

Jesus said to them "take off the grave clothes and let him go."
I stand corrected.

But when a cell is dead it’s dead therefore some sort of temporal correction has to occur to bring the person back alive. This is a scientific view for the resurrection of Jesus.
"I stand corrected.
But when a cell is dead it’s dead therefore some sort of temporal correction has to occur to bring the person back alive. This is a scientific view for the resurrection of Jesus."

Is it too hard for the one who made the cell and gave it life to begin with to give it life again?