Temporal Novice
In all seriousness, this is what I feel I have experienced. First of all, I have been able to astral project very seldomly. I'm working on being able to do it on a regular basis...at will. Now, as for time travel. I feel I have done it in a trance state only about two or three times. My goal is to be able to do it on a continuous basis....toggling back and forth between what we call NOW and the past within my present lifetime. One instance was I wanted to start when I was born....For a split second....I decided, after crying (which I was supposed to do) to pump air into my lungs....I decided to smile....How simple and boring, you might say....But...think of it this way....What could be a better way to begin a life then to begin with a smile? Just a quick smile. In another trance I was in the sixth grade. I always let teasing kids bother me. I remember very quickly turning one girl's taunting into a joke. So that was another positive action. Another was when I went back to the 70s and bought my sister a music box in the form of a piano....by the way I checked and she really does have it. So, my goal is to re-do my whole life up to this moment...and in place of so much anger and swear words....I want to replace them with positive things...And do good to the people I snubbed and hurt (by angry words)....I want to be kind to all who entered my life. Now you might ask......what about enemies? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....That is tough. But.....it is a balance type of thing. Don't let them eat you alive is one thing. Also....instead of showing anger, why not just ignore.....But the main thing is to replace negative actions I am not satisfied with and replace them with positive actions that I would have liked to have done. Past....Present....Future.....Time is in illusion....A reality we created....Why not make the past....present........future fun? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif <font color="blue"> [/COLOR]