I can't believe I am about to do this...


Temporal Novice
Oh boy, mental institution, here I come again!

My name is Julius. No last name, we abandoned those. And I am going to be another one of the possibly dozens of people claiming to be a time traveler. I am honestly not as afraid as I was the last couple times I did this because I am on the internet and nobody can have cops forcibly shove me into a Mental Institution for the third time.

I suppose some background is in order.

I was born on Sangora 66, 9980. Although in your Gregorian Calendar that would be April 1, 9980. Earth in this time period is relatively peaceful, although this is because of the reforms made by Almighty Aurelius, but I digress with my potential political jargon. Although time travel had been invented before my birth, time travel in my time is restricted to aristocrats and on the Day of Ascension.

The Day of Ascension is an event every 30 years in which a group of young men and women aged 18-21 are gathered from all over the planet to be thrust back in time. An old prophecy states that a savior shall emerge back to his home after being thrown in time to lead the true believers of Jupiter to the promised land. Funny enough, nobody has ever come back from being ascended. In the year 10000, I was chosen to take part in this project.

The really hilarious thing about this form of time trial is that we knew how to use it, but not how it was made. The time travel ability is injected inside us through a serum, and we are then given the ability to travel through time by thought. Of course, I now know why nobody ever made it back.

When injected with the serum, I immediately began to feel a wave of anxiety, this resulted in me and the 19 other chosen having panic attacks, causing my ability to go haywire and juxtapose me to a random time. Here's the thing; unless you are one lucky son of a gun, you won't ever make it out of the time road. The pressure is supposed to rip you to pieces, which is what the other 19 chosen died from. I shouldn't be alive, yet I ended up at Pompeii two days before Vesuvius decided to have a hissy fit. I have been constantly jumping between time periods; from Ancient History to My own past (Or your future).

I don't know why I am doing this, the last times I did this ended horribly. In fact, I gain nothing from this come to think of it. Maybe I am just venting. I am not sure. There you go though. Believe me, don't believe me, call me insane, I just wanted to talk with people whom I think may understand. Thanks I suppose!

Is that 9980 in Earth years? Every planet would be different. Why would you come here and why would you post? Describe your time travel technology.

An old prophecy states that a savior shall emerge back to his home after being thrown in time to lead the true believers of Jupiter to the promised land. Funny enough, nobody has ever come back from being ascended. In the year 10000, I was chosen to take part in this project.
Just the fact that there is a prophecy makes this story a bit too close to fiction for me to believe it entirely.And how could a serum allow you to travel back in time by thought. And how can you "activate/deactivate" the ability it gives you to travel through time; I imagine that it shouldn't be able to work if you're just reminiscing about an event from the past for example.

A very nice work of fiction Julius. With a few adjustments, it would make quite a readable novel/film adaptation....(your fictional story has a hunger games, feel to it). If I was you, I'd copyright it, quick sharpish.

The Day of Ascension is an event every 30 years in which a group of young men and women aged 18-21 are gathered from all over the planet to be thrust back in time. An old prophecy states that a savior shall emerge back to his home after being thrown in time to lead the true believers of Jupiter to the promised land. Funny enough, nobody has ever come back from being ascended. In the year 10000, I was chosen to take part in this project.
As of right now we have well over 10 billion people on earth so are there not that many people in that future?

this resulted in me and the 19 other chosen having panic attacks, causing my ability to go haywire and juxtapose me to a random time. Here's the thing; unless you are one lucky son of a gun, you won't ever make it out of the time road.
According to this there must not many many people around only 20 was taken so only 20 was between your given age groups I am not calling any one a lair here but please do explain
When injected with the serum, I immediately began to feel a wave of anxiety, this resulted in me and the 19 other chosen having panic attacks, causing my ability to go haywire and juxtapose me to a random time.
Well, this is the first post I am responding to on their experience of time travel. A bit disappointing to say the least. Several posters, stepped up with questions to the validity and yet no response back. This leads me to believe the original poster is just a joke. I hope that I am wrong, and explanations are forth-coming.
What personally throws me off, is the concept of having to use a serum. Then to say this serum causes panic attacks. I would think science and technology in the future to have developed to a level of not having such "kinks".

"honestly not as afraid as I was the last couple times I did this because I am on the internet and nobody can have cops forcibly shove me into a Mental Institution" <snip>

Poor guy. I hope he finds some help. :unsure:


When injected with the serum, I immediately began to feel a wave of anxiety,
Can you roughly describe briefly what is this serum and is this a form of microbot technologies, or does this enhance the bodie's ability to enact self time travel?Also how do you hit the interspatial duct-ways through time, if this serum is propelling you and how do you keep lucidity enough to navigate through the expanse? Thank you in advance, Pinter

Since you can seem to be onto something, Croatoan27, of course I can reveal that I'm EXTR. intr. in finding out, what your device is, The Guittimetraveller, on the other hand, anyone, who just shows off, is likely to achieve some bad publicity that's not MY idea, whatsoever that I can seem to 'deny' being myself, note: Your 1st task is to exist as an exp. at telling me, pls., if you think that money is your 'true 'happiness?''

The serum gives on the ability to jump in space and time by micro-altering the bodies electromagnetic signature.This physiological change allows the subject to hit time hole irregularities in space and time, so making it possible for a person to jump in time without the aid of a time machine.

Oh boy, mental institution, here I come again!My name is Julius. No last name, we abandoned those. And I am going to be another one of the possibly dozens of people claiming to be a time traveler. I am honestly not as afraid as I was the last couple times I did this because I am on the internet and nobody can have cops forcibly shove me into a Mental Institution for the third time.
I suppose some background is in order.

I was born on Sangora 66, 9980. Although in your Gregorian Calendar that would be April 1, 9980. Earth in this time period is relatively peaceful, although this is because of the reforms made by Almighty Aurelius, but I digress with my potential political jargon. Although time travel had been invented before my birth, time travel in my time is restricted to aristocrats and on the Day of Ascension.

The Day of Ascension is an event every 30 years in which a group of young men and women aged 18-21 are gathered from all over the planet to be thrust back in time. An old prophecy states that a savior shall emerge back to his home after being thrown in time to lead the true believers of Jupiter to the promised land. Funny enough, nobody has ever come back from being ascended. In the year 10000, I was chosen to take part in this project.

The really hilarious thing about this form of time trial is that we knew how to use it, but not how it was made. The time travel ability is injected inside us through a serum, and we are then given the ability to travel through time by thought. Of course, I now know why nobody ever made it back.

When injected with the serum, I immediately began to feel a wave of anxiety, this resulted in me and the 19 other chosen having panic attacks, causing my ability to go haywire and juxtapose me to a random time. Here's the thing; unless you are one lucky son of a gun, you won't ever make it out of the time road. The pressure is supposed to rip you to pieces, which is what the other 19 chosen died from. I shouldn't be alive, yet I ended up at Pompeii two days before Vesuvius decided to have a hissy fit. I have been constantly jumping between time periods; from Ancient History to My own past (Or your future).

I don't know why I am doing this, the last times I did this ended horribly. In fact, I gain nothing from this come to think of it. Maybe I am just venting. I am not sure. There you go though. Believe me, don't believe me, call me insane, I just wanted to talk with people whom I think may understand. Thanks I suppose!
Oh boy, mental institution, here I come again!My name is Julius. No last name, we abandoned those. And I am going to be another one of the possibly dozens of people claiming to be a time traveler. I am honestly not as afraid as I was the last couple times I did this because I am on the internet and nobody can have cops forcibly shove me into a Mental Institution for the third time.
I suppose some background is in order.

I was born on Sangora 66, 9980. Although in your Gregorian Calendar that would be April 1, 9980. Earth in this time period is relatively peaceful, although this is because of the reforms made by Almighty Aurelius, but I digress with my potential political jargon. Although time travel had been invented before my birth, time travel in my time is restricted to aristocrats and on the Day of Ascension.

The Day of Ascension is an event every 30 years in which a group of young men and women aged 18-21 are gathered from all over the planet to be thrust back in time. An old prophecy states that a savior shall emerge back to his home after being thrown in time to lead the true believers of Jupiter to the promised land. Funny enough, nobody has ever come back from being ascended. In the year 10000, I was chosen to take part in this project.

The really hilarious thing about this form of time trial is that we knew how to use it, but not how it was made. The time travel ability is injected inside us through a serum, and we are then given the ability to travel through time by thought. Of course, I now know why nobody ever made it back.

When injected with the serum, I immediately began to feel a wave of anxiety, this resulted in me and the 19 other chosen having panic attacks, causing my ability to go haywire and juxtapose me to a random time. Here's the thing; unless you are one lucky son of a gun, you won't ever make it out of the time road. The pressure is supposed to rip you to pieces, which is what the other 19 chosen died from. I shouldn't be alive, yet I ended up at Pompeii two days before Vesuvius decided to have a hissy fit. I have been constantly jumping between time periods; from Ancient History to My own past (Or your future).

I don't know why I am doing this, the last times I did this ended horribly. In fact, I gain nothing from this come to think of it. Maybe I am just venting. I am not sure. There you go though. Believe me, don't believe me, call me insane, I just wanted to talk with people whom I think may understand. Thanks I suppose!
Wow, so far ahead in the future, it's amazing that you have such a wonderful command of the English language. They still speak the English of our time in 9980? Of all the languages on earth, English won out and survived unadulterated in it's current (2014 - relatively speaking) form? I think I'm going to have to call B.S. here buddy. nice try though; really great story. Now back on your meds pal.

Oh boy, mental institution, here I come again!I was born on Sangora 66, 9980. Although in your Gregorian Calendar that would be April 1, 9980.
Does Sangora 66 in your far-off calendar of 9980 hold the same prankster significance as April 1st does within our Gregorian Calendar of 2015? ;)

I am honestly not as afraid as I was the last couple times I did this because I am on the internet and nobody can have cops forcibly shove me into a Mental Institution for the third time.Although time travel had been invented before my birth, time travel in my time is restricted to aristocrats and on the Day of Ascension.
WTF? Who shoved you into a mental institution? You time travel therefore you must be an aristocrat, it is Day of Ascension, you were injected with a time travel drug and you time traveled "by thought". What, a Thought Cop in your head tossed you into a virtual padded cell? This is only allowed once every 30 years, you're 18-21 yrs of age and this is the third time you've done this? (Quickly does some multiplication...90 years.)
I suspect an frack up in your story. Maybe you should have read your post for logical consistency before hitting "Post Reply"

<7,000 years later and they still graduate from high school, get their diploma, smear peanut butter and grape jelly on it and eat it as a sandwich. Marcus Fracking Aurelius indeed.>

Although I have not had any serum, I've began feeling an odd sensation at the 4th chakra, sort of a disintegration of physicality. I've realized that the chosen gateway, this is the current and destination platform, which may be of great importance based on a landing platform which should probably exist on both time zones; the desire of those who time travel will have such sensation because the ability comes into action through, although there are several ways to accomplish, the heart, the understanding that each body part represents, not only an ideal, but an activity, is a great source for understanding; I AM activity; therefore as one moves, (ascends) via the path (the path being: I AM the way, the light; one eventually arrives at the heart; and with the understanding that there is only ONE, the heart releases an essence, this essence comes from the light, which anyone can cause to increase to '...cup runs over with Thy LIGHT); is this an understanding at your level, we are unable to associate with those below 5th dimension.

Why did you happen to choose the nick croatian ? Is your future self from where present day croatia is ?

They still speak the English of our time in 9980? Of all the languages on earth, English won out and survived unadulterated in it's current (2014 - relatively speaking) form?
Google translate is already pretty good, so in the future google translate has improved, so you just have to think of things, and then google translate automatically translates these thoughts into the language of your choice. It even fixes gramatical and syntax errors and it even can be set to use localized forms of the language.
