I can`t believe this!


Temporal Novice
I live in Texas.
I born in Spain, for that my english is don`t very good.
My parents live here, but, in my childhood, I live in Spain.
I have 8 years. One of my parents, my father, told me something to scare me.
I am a master forthe computers, for that a can post here on this forum.
I can`t believe what is happen to me.
My parents give me the name of John. One month ago, my parent confess me that was a man call John who post on internet, and who tell he come from the future.
I can't believe this...
The name of my parents, what they told me about a time travel to the 70's, give me this question...
¿I am the real John Titor?
Dear Juan Titor;

Since it's apparent you can type, I assume you can also read. Please reread your post aloud and see if it makes any sense- no one types that poorly. If you must, post it in Spanish- I am sure someone here will translate it to English for us. I only hope your Spanish is not as bad as your English.
Quizás vosotros podéis comparar lo que John Titor ha comentado con alguna de la información que tengo.
Mis padres no quieren que hable mucho con extraños.

PD: Alguien a través de un mensaje privado me ha preguntado el nombre de mi madre. El nombre de mi madre es Teresa.

Maybe you guys can compare what John Titor has said with some of the information I currently have. My parents dont want me to talk to strangers.

PS. Someone sent me a PM asking for the name of my mother. Her name is Teresa.
Sr. Machina,

OK - you say you're originally from Spain and, on the up side, you use the vosotros form. That form is typical of Spain and to a somewhat lesser degree, Chile and Argentina. Downside - according to your IP you're posting from Santiago, Chile rather than Texas.

Your Spanish vocabulary skills and syntax indicate that you're somewhat older than 8 years of age. Pretty sharp 8 year old.

So, let me ask you this: What is your birthday? Month and day. I can determine rather directly if you are not Titor/TimeTravel_0" based on that date in 1998.


I can see the headlines now...


You guys must be desperate...

Are you sure there is nothing to 'Titor' /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I can`t follow the lie, because is something very bad what I'm doing right now.
I have 23 years old, I live in Santiago de Chile.
The thing is, I do this because was the only way to prevent what is goin to happen in the future, the next weak when Bush talk in television to the United States and "the world".
Something very bad is happening in USA. The government is doing something horrible on the shadows of the power. Why anyone of us is now trying to stop the menace of the New World Order?
I have information, something very scary.
I repeat: this was the only way to tell this to the people of the world.
You can wait, the New World Order is coming.

First Warning.

So much for bashing an "8 year old".

On the other hand, because he admitted to being a fraud, I can save the birthday question for another day. Perhaps if some folks read the books instead of hiding out in the stacks they'd have figured out this riddle for themselves.

It's awfully funny how your English writing skills cleared up so quickly.

So you told less than the truth once (Texas vs. Chile) and it now appears that you were also being less than truthful about your ability to write English.

And you expect to have some credibility with your thesis? And a "second warning" no less. So how many times were you "warned" about Salvador Allende? Comrade Ernesto Guevara? And yet you elect their comadre Santa Michelle, aparatchik de Havana. Viva la presidenta!

Howz about you worry about the real and predictable future of the revolutionary vanguard cadre in Santiago instead of Washington, DC. If the history of international revolutionary socialist movements (RIM) is correct you, as a member of the bourgeois class, would be on the early list for the great post revolutionary pogram. Have fun.
Even if something horrible is going to happen, no one here can do anything to prevent it. Unless someone here has power with the government or something. Why not contact someone in the government?

For those of us who don't have a fast connection to see videos, what is the horrible news that will occur in the coming weeks?
"what is the horrible news that will occur in the coming weeks?"
"horrible" No!!!


Try this...


5,6. The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete
accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him
regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.