Re: I believe \"Rainman Time\" is aptly named...
btw ive play with the dark art and the kaballah is by far the most evil of them all i would not brag being into this type of art if i was anyone , i believe in god but not being a full worshiper , ive seen the dark side of thing and the kabal only bring misery to whom ever goes along with its teaching nothing good ever come out of this , the tree of life was anton levey and alister crowley favorite plaything ( btw full fledge satanisn)
Yes, knowledge is quite "evil" (sarcastic connotation).
Explain this "Satanism" to those of older faiths that "Satan" and personal choice was not necessarily part of;
IE Hinduism (just got done reading a little more about it out of curiousity from the last post)
Reference Source
God is the Almighty and Supreme. So how can there be anything good or bad against It ? If the good things are the creation of God and bad things of some other evil force, will the gravitational force of the earth be attributed to God or the other force, as it is vital good element for us to live at the same time kills somebody who falls down from a high-rise building! In the system made by God, normally one gets to enjoy the good or bad things based on what have been their inclinations and the actions they made because of that. (This is called karma). There is no evil (satan type) against God. In fact atharva veda puts it very clearly,
I'm not advocating any religion once again for sake of unbiased debate.
However, for large minded ideas, the primitive driving factor seems to be taking over here.
IMO the Qabalah, aka Kabalah, etc is nothing evil whatsoever.
It actually preaches the danger of negative energy in alot of ways in my personal interpretation.
I'm sorry, but that shortsighted statement riled me like back in the days when over religious zealot folks would deem Dungeons & Dragons an "evil game".
If they had a clue, they'd pick it up and read about it. All it was, was a game with a mathematical ruleset for calculations, the rest was up to your imagination, the whole story, the whole game.
One could chose to make a very "self serving evil game", or a very "righteous, teaching morals game" - Point? Again, nothing is evil but in and of action itself. No book is certainly evil if it only expands possibility. To know white and dark is knowledge, to chose a path of one or another is the action of choice, and interaction upon another.
I wonder if back in the day, Mr. Crowley would have put on his scariest adornments and said "BOO!" if you would have ran down the street? Then again if he would have done the same thing but in India, how many would that have the same effect upon? (Reference above theological quote).
I've known alot of outwardly righteous people do some very horrible things, just as some that have appeared very unsavory - lend a hand when others would not.
Interesting thoughts thx. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif