Well to be honest I would know if the timeline has changed, I've got this huge crystal thing on the timeship Zodiac, can't remember exactly what it's called, a xeenarium timeline alteration detector matrix or some such jargon, Johnny Titor installed it the last time we were on Neptune, boy that was one heckuva trip! I think Creedo299 got rear-ended by a Jovian time-slug at one point, how we laughed! But I digress, anyway the XTADM or whatever its called, the crystal thing, it basically observes a timeline and if any changes happen it can track them. To be honest its quite dull, but sometimes when I'm twatted off my gourd on super-heavy duty Muscle Cake weed from Uranus it's pleasant to just sit by it and drool while it spins around with it's little lights twinkling.
So, basically if you want to know if any timelines have changed, just ask me.