I am from the star system of Pleiades.


Temporal Novice
I am from the star system of Pleiades. I am here to complete my mission here on Earth to inform this civilization of what is to come and how to prepare for the changes of the planet. I am commissioned to communicate openly as an effort to make my message available for all who will listen to it. You can communicate with me through current means. I and other fellow missionaries are here to promote truthful information on the changes on this planet. We are here to approach you in the most logical sense so confusion can be avoided, but we cannot convince everybody. We are here to discuss technologic and spiritual data as this is the most important concern for humanity. We have prepared for official divided communication, and this is just one way it is being accomplished.
Welcome to TTI Enenth. Please describe some other methods of communication your intellect use to 'promote' truthful 'information'.

What is confusing to me is by asking questions when there are more effective means of knowing answers to them. Such as extrasensory perception, telepathy, like unseen forces either spiritual or technologically willed from an advanced, thorough and efficient entity such as your self. This way that you've chosen (being the board) is easy as it is more readily confirmed and demystifies the truth behind our motives. It bares witness to those who conform to this human language (i.e. acceptable ignorance) and Internet. So I formally applaud this moment as just that.

I do not have much questions (you don't need to bother answering if you want) but I strongly encourage other members (and anonymous) on this board to ask the OP questions. Those that are not bored with such claims that is. As I see TTI as a great book of fantasy intermixed with truth. There is always room for the spooky with no offence intended (a reminder really). Merely stating a point that most people believe these topics are conducted by wackos and just hope that an open mind will at least do the usual routine in an interview we're invited in now.

Live long and prosper, Enenth. As change is everlasting...



Pleidians (image) From here.

<font color="white">"We've taken care about that now. We tell you only what you need to know. You have no rights only orders to be caried out."
"Kill mulder (the anomely) and you risk turning one mans religion into a crusade."
"If you people knew everything I know, it would all fall apart." - Cancer Man
We are here to discuss technologic and spiritual data as this is the most important concern for humanity. We have prepared for official divided communication, and this is just one way it is being accomplished.
Welcome Enenth,
We are aware that this kind of changes on the planet are periodical and The Extintion Level Event is for real.

Do you have any information regarding this Extraterrestrial Life Form recovered from a crash Uniterrestrial Starship?

EBE 7 Binary Girl


<font color="red">

The Reptilian Force aka The Collective has sent desinfo regarding a event called "The Rapture", they said thas is only easy way to harvest bodies for food!!!


"Under the guise of helping the survivors and removing the dead bodies (which will need to be removed for disease prevention) The Collective will freeze-dry these corpses, along with as much livestock (deadstock) as they can gather up, and sell them as food to certain races with whom they have contracted with."


"What will be left after the cataclysmic events will be more like 50-150 million human survivors, and half of them will be taken off-planet to serve as workers on ships and factories and mining colonies. Or, in the case of the more attractive females, sexual servitude. Some of these folks will think that they are being "raptured." This is an endless source of amusement to my dad and his friends."

The message <font color="red"> [/COLOR]

I am from the star system of Pleiades. I am here to complete my mission here on Earth

Any particular star? The Pleiades isn't a star system, it is a star cluster in the constellation Taurus. The stars that form the core cluster in The Pleiades are separated by ~8 to 40+ light years. The cluster has about 1200 stars in it, most of which are brown dwarfs.

On your planet do you have OWETO time traveling philosophers? Are you an OWETO time traviling philosopher?
another question, does your planet have pimps?

if you do, could you send a pimp to talk to us? it'd be lots more fun for us... :D