I am a REAL time travel from the year 1979


Quantum Scribe
I traveled here to this timeline in 1979 in my wombasphere. I am curious why we are all so interested in time travel.

EDIT: I am here in the interest of fun. So no bad feelings OK?
Really? Do you know where I could find a New Hydraulic containment unit? Ever since my water broke I haven't been able to find a suitible unit...Although I do have my eye on one current prospect and shes a beauty;)
I traveled here to this timeline in 1979 in my wombasphere. I am curious why we are all so interested in time travel.

If I had to pick one word...I'd probably say;


In many senses of the word.
i thought about what you said, then got a laugh,,,thanks,i love to laugh,,,
theres so many different ideas about time, and time travel.
today, my idea is that our dreams are a way to travel in time.
tomorrow, my idea will probley be different,lol
time travel is real, in alot of ways,
but dont ever think that theres not people from all different places in time here among us,,,,
there here, we may not know there purpose,,,,,but they do,

peace people