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Texans may be able to hunt feral hogs from a hot air balloon.
In one of the more interesting pieces of legislation introduced recently, a bill has been introduced that would make hunting feral hogs from a hot air balloon legal.
House Bill 3392 would allow for a landowner, or someone with the landowner’s permission, to use a hot air balloon for hog hunting. Permits could start being issued as soon as September 1st of this year.
Good idea or bad ? and why ?
In one of the more interesting pieces of legislation introduced recently, a bill has been introduced that would make hunting feral hogs from a hot air balloon legal.
House Bill 3392 would allow for a landowner, or someone with the landowner’s permission, to use a hot air balloon for hog hunting. Permits could start being issued as soon as September 1st of this year.
Good idea or bad ? and why ?