Human Global Warming Narrative Debunked


Rift Surfer
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I came across some information on CO2 emissions that totally debunks the political narrative that mankind is the cause of the steadily increasing amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. Just one wildfire burning out of control releases more CO2 than all the cars in the US for an entire year. There are thousands of wildfires that burn out of control all across the planet every year. So the CO2 emitted by cars is insignificant. Not even making a dent in the amount pouring into the atmosphere. It's just a natural part of the dynamics of the earth. You might say we are the ones causing the wildfires. I disagree because of the natural causes that start the wildfires. Static electricity occurs naturally in very low humidity. A deer running through the forest can cause sparking as its fur rubs against the brush. Lightning causes wildfires. And in a low humidity and high windy conditions, tree branches rubbing together through friction can produce embers causing wildfires. Of course our political leaders would have you believe that all the wildfires are started by man. Probably some are. But natural causes would be the dominant factor.

It would really help if these politicians were educated so they could understand the whole picture. The narrative that CO2 being a greenhouse gas is going to cause catastrophic heating of the atmosphere is pure bullshit. There is no greenhouse surrounding the earth. That one fact debunks the whole CO2 narrative.
