How would you know if...

Yeah, and what if you don't have one and just found out the social security number you use is actually that of a man with a similar name who died fifty years ago?
Ha. Funny. But I'm just saying is there some kind of test for... residue? Or something? How would you know if you had been brought from the past into the future? I don't really know where else to go with this question.
Social Security numbers are reused I heard. If you were born before Jesus either you would be like Cable in the comics where somehow you were sent to the future from the past and had a fixed life in this time or somehow you traveled through time in the future to the past and haven't realized it yet.
Here's what I know. When I applied for a job with a company that contracts with the Federal government, they told me I wasn't assigned to the social security number I was using, and that it belonged to a dead man from across the country. None of the state schools I attended to jobs I had growing up ever had this problem, but it's the same number. Worried, I began to ask my parents about my birth certificate and they said My earliest memories are of living in a little one-room house on a tree line, with a forest filled with wolves and owls on one side, and a field for our sheep on the other. I remember milking sheep. My parents say this was Romania. At some point we came to the United States, but I don't remember coming here. My memories seem to skip from age three to age five.

Here's a few things, though, that make me wonder. My parents don't speak what the internet tells me is Romanian, they speak what I'm pretty sure is Latin. They forbade me from learning Latin in school, and discouraged any interest I ever showed in Roman history. A little while ago I met someone from Romania, and they confirmed that my parents don't speak Romanian but at least some other language. Also, they were around my age, and lived on a farm in Romania as well, but they had totally different memories. They never feared wolves, and they had running water and electricity. I don't even remember anything made of metal or paper being used in our house, and our bed was made of straw, but Romania in the early 90s wasn't like that as far as I can tell. Poor, sure, but not like that.

Last week I started dating someone who knows a lot about history. I don't remember anything about Romanian nationalism, either Communist or Democratic, which seems impossible considering I was born and raised around the time of the fall of the Iron Curtain. And I distinctly remember my first memory of seeing someone wearing pants was in the United States. They were jeans, and I was alarmed at the color of the person's legs. Even if we come from some remote part of Romania where tunics are still the norm, how did I get through a boat port or airport to the United States without seeing someone wearing pants? My parents pray a lot, and I used to think they were Christians, but they don't say grace or read the Bible or attend a church. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I've never head the name of the deity they pray to.

My girlfriend has come up with the theory that I was somehow raised in some region of the world under conquest by ancient Rome and transplanted to the current day somehow. That, all by itself, seems like crazy nonsense. But I can't find an alternative explanation. Part of me just thinks that it's much easier to believe my parents are crazy hermits who moved to a big American city for no real reason, speak Latin because they're crazy, and I'm just being nuts. But...

The one thing that keeps me thinking is that I have a distinct memory of going to my grandmother's house for a fancy meal when I was a kid. My new girlfriend, the history buff, listened to me describe my memory and made two meals: one was the closest Romanian contemporary version of what I described, and the other was a series of recipes that predate Jesus Christ. In a blind taste-test, I found the exact flavor that I remembered from my grandmother's home. The food she had just served to me was emmer meal with cumin served on a cherrywood spoon. Emmer was what they used before the domestication of wheat, and cherrywood was the most common of the woods used to make utensils in northern Italy in pre-Christian Rome. Apparently they mostly use metal and plastic in Romania these days.

I'd just like to be able to rule things out, at least. Is anyone on here serious about finding ways to measure this stuff, or are is it all just fan fiction and theory?
I'm serious about it, but I don't know of any real way to find out for sure about things and I don't know if anyone can find answers. We do know serious science here or at least some of us do like Darby and RainmanTime I believe, but anyone else I'm not sure knows as much as they do, but I could be wrong. Most of this is theory though. I have some theories about myself but I know it can't be proven and I don't mention it. How can one measure it? Maybe you should learn Latin now to figure out some of your memories if they were spoken in Latin? I'm not too good at this, but to me anything is possible.
All you can do for now is to keep on researching whatever you can or figure out why you are here and not in the past.
I'd just like to be able to rule things out, at least. Is anyone on here serious about finding ways to measure this stuff, or are is it all just fan fiction and theory?

The thing of it is, Felix, is that it certainly seems like you have already concluded you are a time traveler and are just doing the tests and collecting the facts you desire to "prove" it. In fact, you should be looking for facts that falsify that very conclusion. That's actually the more scientific way, as you will tend to gain more information about what really has happened in your life, rather than information that simply satisfies your theory.

What if you are a normal person born of this time, but merely "programmed" to think you are a time know, during that time you cannot account for? Surely that is an equally valid theory, right? In fact, maybe more valid since it does not require time travel.

Couple things. Firstly, it's mostly my girlfriend that has come to this conclusion and has gotten me freaked out over it. And secondly, I have had a little more time to consider this than you, and I haven't had an opportunity to address everything else I've considered.

Memory alteration. The problems I have with this are multiple. How does this account for my parents' CURRENT behavior, and what's the motivation? Someone would have to invent and utilize the device purposely to make... some kid... think he was an ancient Roman? I don't see why someone would. I'm not remarkable, except for this weirdness. And as for some sort of behavior alteration to my memory, something akin to the cartoonish "look deep into my eyes" with the swirling black and white, which would negate the need for an invasive technology being used on my head, then how do you account for the sense memory of emmer? The only possibility I could think of is if sense memories were implanted in the process (fed emmer meal while hypnotized?) but then again... we still come up with why?

It's not like I'm proposing some kind of time vortex paradox thinggy. If I was born a really long time ago, I'd just need some sort of... hiccup? Something more sophisticated than being frozen in a block of ice, because of the cellular damage, but basically the same concept.

You're proposing a purposeful utilization of a technology or technique no one else knows about implanted sophisticated sense and cultural contextual memories for reasons unknown could be a more plausible event than a nuclear family from ancient Italy was somehow preserved and restored. I don't know if that's so scientific.
Couple things. Firstly, it's mostly my girlfriend that has come to this conclusion and has gotten me freaked out over it. And secondly, I have had a little more time to consider this than you, and I haven't had an opportunity to address everything else I've considered.

Fine, but that doesn't mean you are pursuing it more scientifically just because you have had longer than me to think about it. For example:

Memory alteration. The problems I have with this are multiple. How does this account for my parents' CURRENT behavior, and what's the motivation?

Why would you even go down this line of reasoning? I did not say "memory alteration" was a good thing to investigate next. I merely offered it as a competing theory to yours, which oddly enough did not require any form of time travel. The point was, if you continue to pursue non-scientific paths you can do this kind of regression questioning for any given hypothesis....

Rather, you should be directing yourself to gather a lot more BASIC data than just testing out of the blue theories. For example, from what you have said so far, I think the US GOV would be considering you an illegal alien if you have NOTHING to document yourself at all. You should be pursuing a lot more facts, and quite frankly I would think I would be tearing my hair out and that would be priority #1 for me if I were to find out I was an "undocumented nobody" with no records tracing me to anything. I don't think I would be casually chatting about a wild theory on the internet, is what I am saying.

And as for some sort of behavior alteration to my memory, something akin to the cartoonish "look deep into my eyes" with the swirling black and white, which would negate the need for an invasive technology being used on my head, then how do you account for the sense memory of emmer? The only possibility I could think of is if sense memories were implanted in the process (fed emmer meal while hypnotized?) but then again... we still come up with why?

Again, these are the kinds of questions you would ask if you were excited to set about on an adventure in a dramatic book. But they are far from a scientific process of inquiry into what your past really is.

It's not like I'm proposing some kind of time vortex paradox thinggy. If I was born a really long time ago, I'd just need some sort of... hiccup? Something more sophisticated than being frozen in a block of ice, because of the cellular damage, but basically the same concept.

But again I point out, you seem to be clinging to a foregone conclusion...your wording here is of a nature to try to "convince" me that it could be real. Well, save your breath. You won't convince me. And as I say, if I had the problems you state here, the last thing I would be doing is trying to convince someone of a wild theory that MAY explain it, and be digging into your parents to provide some sort of docs that show who you are.

You're proposing a purposeful utilization of a technology or technique no one else knows about implanted sophisticated sense and cultural contextual memories for reasons unknown could be a more plausible event than a nuclear family from ancient Italy was somehow preserved and restored. I don't know if that's so scientific.

NO, I was not "proposing" with the intent of trying to convince you my theory was right, only show you that there is an alternate theory to yours, and one that does not need a time travel mechanism. I am not trying to convince you of my theory, but you are spending a good deal of time trying to convince me of yours.

The scientific approach is to pursue the FACTS of your life that would falsify the need for a wild out, unproven physical technology. It just does not seem you are pursing such a scientific investigation at this time.

Wow, you're awfully angry. And I'm not sure why. I'm not a scientist, and I never claimed to be. What I did do was reach out to other people who might be. You seem intent on swatting me away, and I'm sure you'll be successful if you're dead set on it. You came out swinging with the allegation that I wasn't considering other things. My only point was that I had considered them, but I didn't come here until I arrived at this theory, nor did I see much purpose to laying out all the other possibilities on the Time Travel forum. I've taken some college classes and I know a few things, but I'm here because I know I don't know everything. Is this okay? Can you be okay with this? Can we please move on?

I'm not an undocumented non-entity. My state has exhaustive records of me existing, attending public school, being treated for injuries by my doctor at the hospital, paying taxes on my income, and no one's tried to take away my driver's license or my voter registration. I checked the records and I definitely was issued a visa when I was four to travel to the United States from Romania. I also qualified for citizenship under my parents after they got their citizenship. Now, the problem is I was (at least, ostensibly) born in USSR Romania, which means the records are understandably difficult to access without my parents' co-operation, but they should still be there. The other thing is that my social security number is wrong, and it seems that whatever service the company I got a job with uses to confirm data with the feds doesn't know what MY social security number ought to be, and says that the one I've been using is wrong. I've been trying to call the IRS to see if my tax records could corroborate my state's record of my existence with the Federal government. Best case scenario, this is a bureaucratic snafu.

And, most of all, I came here with a specific question looking for specific knowledge for a specific theory. You're trying to explain all the reasons why I shouldn't even consider this theory, but you're not really addressing it. You seem to have thoroughly made up your mind about me and about this so... stop posting? I'm just seeing what information is out there, and if anyone knows about any specific way this theory could be possible. Specifics as to "yes" or "no" are greatly welcomed, but I don't much appreciate simply being dismissed because you're in a bad mood.
I guess he's just seeing if it can be debunked but not seeing if it could be true. Just kind of on a fence and only going one route while not seeing all available options. Going the disprove route first instead of seeing if it could be true. If we see if it could be true it can also be false as well if the facts don't add up. It's just a matter of how you go about things. So maybe if we research how it could be true then we could see if it wouldn't be true that way or quite possibly be true. We don't know for sure yet. To simply dismiss or try and disprove by just going the route we have been going just seems like the wrong direction. Both ways may come to the same conclusion. Try it out sometime.

Felix, there will always be people who will try to disprove what you believe even if you know it's true and no matter what it is. Soem things just can't be proven such as pseudoscience. But anyways, good luck on living your life and I wish you well. It doesn't matter too much of where or when you are, but just live life. Take advantage of the situation. Maybe I'll see you again, but if not just don't worry about it too much even though it seems like a big deal. Thank you for speaking here and keep on keepin' on.
Wow, you're awfully angry. (snip) Can we please move on?

Not sure why you think I am angry. I'm not. I am typing fairly matter-of-factly. But if you wish to read anger, then you will.

You're trying to explain all the reasons why I shouldn't even consider this theory, but you're not really addressing it. You seem to have thoroughly made up your mind about me and about this so... stop posting?

Not sure why you would think it is my job to address your theory. I mean, it is your theory, not mine. So I'm fine with leaving you alone. Happy hunting.

If your interested you can trace your ancestry thru your DNA by DNA testing. It can be traced back thru your father's side ' Y-DNA' or your mother's side 'mtDNA'. There are several company's that do it and they can be found on an internet search. I can't tell you the cost and it may be expensive but if you really want to know you could check. There is a growing database from these tests and results are fairly accurate. Good luck.

Did your parents come to America sometime between 1945 and 1968? Based on their reluctance to allow you to dig too deeply into your/their background and given that you had a "lifted" SSN they may not have actually entered the country via the "normal" immigrant method, if you get my drift. They may have had to flee some European country in the early post-war Soviet period for whatever reason and waiting in line was not an option at the time. They might not even be Romanian and felt that they needed to protect you from the truth. Just a guess.

They speak a known language, you probably know how to speak at least come of that language. My suggestion is that you trot over to the university near your home and ask a proefssor of Romance languages to tell you what language it is. Seriously. A professor might be intrigued by your story and want to help identify the language.

It's not Romanian and because it's close to Latin it's not Romani (the languiage of the Roma people in Romania, aka gypsies). The European language closest to actual Latin is probably Spanish and Catalan.