Couple things. Firstly, it's mostly my girlfriend that has come to this conclusion and has gotten me freaked out over it. And secondly, I have had a little more time to consider this than you, and I haven't had an opportunity to address everything else I've considered.
Fine, but that doesn't mean you are pursuing it more scientifically just because you have had longer than me to think about it. For example:
Memory alteration. The problems I have with this are multiple. How does this account for my parents' CURRENT behavior, and what's the motivation?
Why would you even go down this line of reasoning? I did not say "memory alteration" was a good thing to investigate next. I merely offered it as a competing theory to yours, which oddly enough did not require any form of time travel. The point was, if you continue to pursue non-scientific paths you can do this kind of regression questioning for any given hypothesis....
Rather, you should be directing yourself to gather a lot more BASIC data than just testing out of the blue theories. For example, from what you have said so far, I think the US GOV would be considering you an illegal alien if you have NOTHING to document yourself at all. You should be pursuing a lot more facts, and quite frankly I would think I would be tearing my hair out and that would be priority #1 for me if I were to find out I was an "undocumented nobody" with no records tracing me to anything. I don't think I would be casually chatting about a wild theory on the internet, is what I am saying.
And as for some sort of behavior alteration to my memory, something akin to the cartoonish "look deep into my eyes" with the swirling black and white, which would negate the need for an invasive technology being used on my head, then how do you account for the sense memory of emmer? The only possibility I could think of is if sense memories were implanted in the process (fed emmer meal while hypnotized?) but then again... we still come up with why?
Again, these are the kinds of questions you would ask if you were excited to set about on an adventure in a dramatic book. But they are far from a scientific process of inquiry into what your past really is.
It's not like I'm proposing some kind of time vortex paradox thinggy. If I was born a really long time ago, I'd just need some sort of... hiccup? Something more sophisticated than being frozen in a block of ice, because of the cellular damage, but basically the same concept.
But again I point out, you seem to be clinging to a foregone conclusion...your wording here is of a nature to try to "convince" me that it could be real. Well, save your breath. You won't convince me. And as I say, if I had the problems you state here, the last thing I would be doing is trying to convince someone of a wild theory that MAY explain it, and be digging into your parents to provide some sort of docs that show who you are.
You're proposing a purposeful utilization of a technology or technique no one else knows about implanted sophisticated sense and cultural contextual memories for reasons unknown could be a more plausible event than a nuclear family from ancient Italy was somehow preserved and restored. I don't know if that's so scientific.
NO, I was not "proposing" with the intent of trying to convince you my theory was right, only show you that there is an alternate theory to yours, and one that does not need a time travel mechanism. I am not trying to convince you of my theory, but you are spending a good deal of time trying to convince me of yours.
The scientific approach is to pursue the FACTS of your life that would falsify the need for a wild out, unproven physical technology. It just does not seem you are pursing such a scientific investigation at this time.