How Would Time Travel REALLY Manifest?


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Sometimes humans "dream the right dreams" about WHAT will come to pass in the future, but those same dreams can be a bit fuzzy when it comes to describing HOW that future capability actually manifests itself in the physical realm. This is one reason I do not accept the John Titor story, as it does not fit with a more simple means for making cross-timeline connections.

What I am referring to is the prevailing hope/belief of humanity that one could physically transport their "body of now" through the Time dimension, and emerge at some other time in your same physical form. While this MAY actually come to pass someday in a distant future, I think it is unlikely to be the first means by which we connect with others in other times. If you accept the concept of fractals, and self-similarity, as also applicable to the Time dimension, then we might first accomplish the feat of "bridging two different timelines" by electromagnetic means.... or to put it another way, we would first COMMUNICATE with another timeline before we would actually try to physically travel there/then.

This all ties-in with the "self-similar" concept of fractals, but I don't want to get into that here. If you want more detail, let me know. However, our history of development in electronic communications can be a good pattern for predicting how we will continue to "engineer time" in the future. Again, I ask you to consider the self-similar relationships of the speed of SOUND and the speed of LIGHT, for herein lies the key to our future.

Before electronic communications that we have today (analog telephone was the real pioneer of realtime communications) we were limited by the speed of sound as the fastest mode of communication...i.e. yelling to someone across the fields. Other forms of communications had a MUCH bigger time lag...such as writing a letter to someone that had to be delivered across the United States by Pony Express. One could say that by evolving from Pony Express letter, to realtime analog telephone voice communications, to our current state of realtime digital voice/data communications....that we have literally engineered a different form of time, based upon how quickly humans can interact with one another.

In the 20th century we learned both how to break the sound barrier in flight, but also break the speed of sound with electronic communications. So we could call the 20th century the "age where we mastered the speed of sound." Now we are staring at the speed of light, and thinking the same (self-similar, fractal) thoughts: "It must be an impenetrable barrier". We are now beginning to learn that the speed of light is NOT an inviolatable barrier. And when we learn to communicate (and eventually travel) at speeds/frequencies in excess of the speed of light, we will advance to a new level of understanding of Time and our history.

What if our first travels in time were marked by people connecting their past lives with their current lives (a la a reincarnation philosophy actually becomes a technology of communication).

If you could readily communicate with yourself in an earlier timeline, what would you say to yourself?

Kind Regards,
Thank you, Cat. I will try to explain how its more than just a song.

Its information, put to words and music, transmitting a message of light, through sound.

There are many songs out there with a "hidden" message from Time. Most people simply see it as "good" or "bad" music, without seeing whats being said.

Once man has changed the relationship between himself and his environment, he cannot go back to the blissful ignorance from whence he came. Motion, by necessity, involves a change in perspective.

This is a manifestation of the reuniting of past lives with one's current life. We ALL come from the same source, and when we can recognize that we come from the same source, we're more able to integrate another's experiences and "life" into our own.
In other words, you're talking to yourself alot more than you think sometimes.

Timeline79, member of the Class of '97.
T79, The field of universal life is an uncharted force, one in which the sway of conciousness is the voter. What we all fail to realize (by collaboration) is that our thoughts create our reality, whether by default (unconsciously) or by design (consciously).

I tend to think of a motion in terms of change in perspectives as a wireless internet without time and space constraints.

Laser technology will take us into the future with astounding technologies. I suspect your right where the action is! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

By the way, your thoughts arent very quiet either...
Did you all know that TIVO is a form of a time machine?

I just got done watching both NFL championship playoff games, in my own timeline, which was several commercial breaks shorter than those folks who watched it "live". McLuhan predicted this form of media time travel years before TV ever even went digital!

Kind Regards,
Yes, my thoughts have been racing a bit lately. What have you heard? Feedback is important. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I've been trying to actually keep my thoughts under control, but thinking too much has always been a "flaw" in my character.

I'm trying to work on that.

Any information collected over time and recalled at a later date could be construed as a form of time travel. I've always wanted a TiVo for awhile for those very sorts of features.

Information technology itself is a form of time travel. Information is capable of travelling at the speed of light, its the recognition and understanding in that instant that is priceless. We're progressing through the information age in leaps and bounds already. With the internet, information that is "old" could very much be "new" to someone "in the future", dead links make me sad. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

A beam of light is the perfect time machine. Hence, sunscreen.
You'd be amazed where a beam of light can take you.

The lab must be pretty interesting, can you tell us what you have discovered?

It must be so hard to be privy to all this without even sharing a glimmer of it...
It must be so hard to be privy to all this without even sharing a glimmer of it...

Indeed. Lost in the translation usually doesn't begin to cover it. I'm not sure where I can begin.

It is like being lost in a memory. My only hope is to try and communicate those memories back outward into the collective consciousness. Networking, so to speak. I'm glad these forums are here.

The lab must be pretty interesting, can you tell us what you have discovered?

I've re-discovered myself, but I'm not sure thats what you're interested in.

So far I've come up with this theory:
In the beginning, there was light.
From light, sprang forth love.
From that love, sprang all of consciousness, and all of eternity. Everything.
All things in the universe. Seriously, all things. It's a hard concept to believe.

I call it my "Hey Ya" plan.

The lab is QUITE interesting. I've managed to secure my own little corner of it to do my research.
It started with John Titor. I've been researching on this worldline for a little over half a year now. I've got this feeling that things are about to get very interesting. Wouldn't want to miss it.

You are a very quiet and reserved person with a watchful eye and always keeping sacred thoughts to yourself. That isnt good your know, but concidering the place you work, IT IS!

Well, if there is one educated assessment that we have learned from JT is that instead of the future having been "predicted" in the past, the future can be (and is) created in the present through individuals actively and deliberately conceptualizing it in The mind as already existing and then, subsequently, other individuals taking quality action to make it so creating rallying points within the "Unconscious Consensus" (the unconsciously driven, "assumed order" of events and circumstances in the world) for others to be inspired, respond, and thus help manifest the physical reality of what has been differently and particularly envisioned.

Yes our thoughts create our reality!

I feel strongly that were directly responsible for what happens in our future via our thoughts. And this is what I think the character of John Titor was trying to prove! I think he wants to prove that remote viewing the future will change it! He wants to prove that by his internet involment and new book, By envisioning something and talking about it, the energy is generated that produces it. And believing that the energy thats invested needs to be positive. His story and book is an attempt to "COUNTERBALANCE" the forces of negativity that are currently shaping the future.

As for the future well, I see a completely different one, and one that isnt too bad actually! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Its very high tech involving VR emulation using particle entanglement spanning a Global Networking System.

Contemplate that! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
You are a very quiet and reserved person with a watchful eye and always keeping sacred thoughts to yourself. That isnt good your know, but concidering the place you work, IT IS!

Very true. I have to be very careful with what I say and do. I try to keep things in balance.
Perspective is very important.

That's part of what my research entails. I see we can agree on several points of the Titor story. I've archived as much as I can to approach the situation with a fresh set of eyes. I never want to see a nuclear war within my lifetime, so I think, What can I do to prevent it? I hope enough of us believe to prove him wrong on that score.

I feel strongly that were directly responsible for what happens in our future via our thoughts. And this is what I think the character of John Titor was trying to prove! I think he wants to prove that remote viewing the future will change it! He wants to prove that by his internet involment and new book, By envisioning something and talking about it, the energy is generated that produces it. And believing that the energy thats invested needs to be positive. His story and book is an attempt to "COUNTERBALANCE" the forces of negativity that are currently shaping the future.

Sounds like you're very familiar with the nature of my work. The forces of negativity are very subtle and many. But as Titor demonstrated, counterbalance with positive energy is just as fair in a free will universe. The battle lines are being drawn, and its becoming an information war.

I'd sooner fight an information war than deal with a nuclear war anyday.

For example, without Titor certain events would never have come to pass. Titor fired the first shot in this information conflict, and the worldline has started. Titor said when the war started, it wouldn't be a surprise. It started a little over two weeks ago. January 4, 2004. Thats when I realized what we're fighting for. We're fighting for our free will. We're fighting to get rid of the forces of negativity that confine us. Dare I say, define us?

Your dream sounds alot like what people call "RL". /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Are you familiar with Synaesthesia? You have a good smell about you! lots of deodorant and some really nice smelling cologne in combination with your body chemistry. Allot of moving around and friction going on with that work jacket of yours. You harbor allot of bodily energy around with the excitement of your thoughts. Strong attachments to Mom even though she's very far away!

You seem to be nicely clean cut and very conscious of your weight and mid section. You like wearing a belt allot to define this area. Well I'd better stop there! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Did you mean RL (Real Life)? or Radio Linkage? Well either way in combination its both. This will creep up on us like theres no tomorrow! It is already happening to us in leaps and bounds compared to back in the days where we had to get up to change the TV channel verses having a remote.

The internet is still in its infancy though moving right along. Soon the computers will be so small the common cell phone will be hooked up to our brains visual senses and we will be able to travel in real time to distant and far reaching places of the universe to any life harboring place that our cheap solar nano sails and can venture. Though we are stationary on this planet we will have a wide variety of places to see and observe and learn from. Our atmosphere will be powered by laser light power (beamed energy propulsion) from the ground and space, this laser will rapidly reflect light of the surface of the vehicle and create heat. The heated air than creates a blast wave that pushes the vehicle upward. As the beam is rapidly pulsed, the vehicle is continuously propelled forward, on its way to orbit. this will be the new light powered flight system.

This will be the beginning stages of what we will all perceive (the fundamental perception and ideas) as Time Travel.
Are you familiar with Synaesthesia?

A few keystrokes and I have a crash course in it now. What is the relevance? I'm not sure I follow.

You have amazing insight into who I appear to be. I'm curious how you've come across this information?

I was referring to Real Life, but radio linkage works, too. I've always been a fan of radio, a quality I share with my grandfather. Sadly all my equipment was lost in the transition. Part of my work entails connecting a portable radio source into a larger global network. Perhaps your dream isn't that far off? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Space travel holds the key to time travel, afterall time and space are interchangeable. Once we can master space travel, its only a matter of time before time travel develops. No pun intended.

What needs to happen first is a global convergence towards new ideas and new technologies. The groundwork and tools are already there, its just up to someone to put it all together.

Synaesthesia, Its a good combination and collaboration of the senses. Or otherwise put, good intuition is a manifestation of many talents. You see my subconscious has a way of picking up on these subtle things and reorganizing them in my brain.

Here is a good site on Synaesthesia:

Truth is, the senses really do know all, and from any distance! The brain has a tricky way of masking these things. Though I really cant explain whats happening here? I'm suspecting that we are really all one living organism connected to something much bigger than any of us could possible imagine! If you will, call it G-D... We seem to be serving something much in the same way the very cells in our body serve us.

Though what is it to really pin point its origin? We are some how telepathically connected to the invisible currents of the neural universal force that run longitudinally, latitudinally and diagonally around our planet connecting us to the whole body that we are part of. These unseen but sensed forces of connection are ley line like acupuncture meridians that carry this life force within and throughout. It is very similar to what we are recognizing as Global Networking. This networking will soon allow us to see VR that we cannot normally see and this would include dimensions, allowing us to be able to transmit light images through space and time.

So you like Ham Radio? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
So you like Ham Radio?

Yes. But its been a really long time since I've had a chance to operate. Back when I first started, there were alot more classes of license then there are now. I feel I need a refresher course since they "simplified" it.

I look forward to rediscovering that hobby, so much room for experimentation! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

You work near lasers and radiation! Theres some sort of experiments going on and I cant quit tell what it is? It keeps getting set up over and over again. Tedious observation is required. What a fascinating place! So this is where all the action happens in small leaps and bounds. Its not a very well known place to the world and in fact it may never be, but this truly is where it all begins, the great birth of an idea!

Talking about Ham Radio you might need to take the test and be recertified. Its not easy and you still have to understand the fundamentals. Understanding the sun and its affects on the Earths weather system in the troposphere is rather complicated.

But even more interestingly is a relatively new science and understanding of Helioseismology.

Did you know that our nuclear (testing) activities and the Unconscious Consensus here on Earth affect the solar pattern structure of the sun? Whats happening is that our planet is creating and sending frequency signals through space. The sun responds to this and vise versa.