how to make a time machine

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I know it's bogus, but if any body gets any progress, let us know.

step one: write down the time and place you want to start working on the machine, an be sure you be there.

step two: wait for your future self to return to this present time with the plans, and resources, you'll need to make the machine.

Step 3: with the help of your future self, make your time machine

step 4: once your future self leaves to god-knows-when, you travel back to the time and place you wrote down earlier to deliver the plans and resources needed.

step 5: once you finish ehlping your past self make the time maching, go off to god-knos-when

I know, it's bogus. Just somethnig I thought up today
didn't they do somthing like that in Bill and Teds bogus journy? with his dads car keys or something?

It was 'Bill and Ted's excellent adventure' - 'Bogus Journey' was the sequel.

Anyway you're right. Except they already had the time machine, so they could say to themselves - when we've done everything(to the end of the movie) we can go back and place the things we need, where we can find them now.

Amazingly the thinking behind the time line of this movie actually works and never trips over itself. Unlike plenty of more 'serious' time travel movies.

odd thing here is, I never saw any of those shows.

oh boy, we've broken the space-time continuum again
step two: wait for your future self to return to this present time with the plans, and resources, you'll need to make the machine.
The problem is, that branch of reality is not selected UNTIL you actually travel through time. And a variant branch is always available at each instant --- IE, the action of CHEATING at any point (having your future self reveal the plans) prevents you from DEVELOPING the design TO travel.

The path must occur for it to have occurred. (Did that sound as profound as I think???)
I know it's bogus,
Time note to this thread:

There are probably time machines that are working and traveling right now.

There are probably many differing designs of time machines, functioning in other timelines as well.

Some of these structures are time machines built on electromagnetic principles.

Some built on light frequency pressure.

Some built on other principles not discovered here.

However, many many differing time machines, traveling all at once.

Other interesting notes, also tell of a need to include the God principles for those who use certain stiles of time machines, as this principle acts as a quality assurance, so the user does not end up in a negative timeline.

Sources are given in other posting boards, date back five years or more, on the subject, experimentation and said use of time travel devices.

There has not been a telling of either time cop interventions, or of mal use of time machines, within this note offered.
this would only work if you were to be able to create the machine in the first place, unfortunately, I don't think many people could, and if they could... they wouldn't want to.
time machine would have a built in Starbucks
Fine for you; but I dare not touch coffee; <font color="brown"> it turns my eyes brown...[/COLOR]
There are probably time machines that are working and traveling right now.
I have no doubt that if I was to visit major events, say joining the crowd at the Crucifixion, or try meld into the Hindenberg spectators --- a casual glance around me would likely reveal one or two others who also do not "fit in".

Whether a person beleives in "bad-angels" or not, the reality of HUMAN abusers is constant threat. Thus a time traveler would NEVER actually ADMIT to having the ability; and would be willing to die for his technology, rather than have it fall into the hands of Nazis ("Lightning") or Biff Tanner ("Back to the Future").
There has not been a telling of either time cop interventions, or of mal use of time machines, within this note offered.
A "Time-Cop" (great movie --- loved it when Jean-Claude popped out of the air in the 1929 office...) But how would you hear about this? Any police action would by definition be covert, and not lend itself to retelling (an arrested subject is MUZZLED).

Also, I do believe in GOD --- who would be the "ultimate Time-Cop". I conclude that one WOULD be allowed to travel, if one doesn't mess with history or try to play God.

I long to experience a brutal ride on an old-west stage coach, no shock absorbers, pitiful leather curtains the only barrier to rain. To answer the question of "what was social interaction like before innovations such as frequent BATHING and DEODERANT (did people vie for the "upwind position")? Wouldn't it be grand to attend a formal ball in the 17th century? To sit in on constitutional discussions in 1780's America? What does a Brontosaurus-burger REALLY taste like? Is there any substance to the idea that "Knights-slaying-DRAGONS", were really killing dinosaurs? And because of my "religious bent", can you imagine learning Koine-Greek FIRSTHAND, then walking with Jesus and with Paul; what a list of questions I would have!

"Uhmmm, Jesus? Why are there SLUGS? What's the point?"

(Well, that would be one of the lesser questions...)
Be careful what you wish for?

In response to gadgetere and his statements about slaying dragons.

From what I have heard, in lets say myth, if a wizard finds the right dragon, then they have made a friends.

Slaying dragons because of some middle ages phallic lore, to me, is the same as slaying someone's, toy poodle, right infront of its owner.

I think that there is a said mechanism in some of them, where they can shoot out, a type of flame.

They can also, I hear, can eat a cow in about one gulp after chewing twice or so.

Why anyone would want to slay such an animal, when at times to its owner, these beast can be made as gentile as kittens, is well beyond me.

I decline comment further than this.
Re: Be careful what you wish for?

I've never seen a toy poodle burn down a village, eat the men, women and children, only to leave the remaining bones to the vultures.

Come to think of it... I've never seen a dragon do that either.

Oh well...

Why anyone would want to slay such an animal, when at times to its owner, these beast can be made as gentile as kittens, is well beyond me.

Reminds me of dogowners who claim their dog "won't bite". I never trust them either :-)
Re: Be careful what you wish for?

They can also, I hear, can eat a cow in about one gulp after chewing twice or so.
Sounds like a Tyranasaur to me...

RE "fire-breathin' " --- surely in the telling a dragon-tale (or even dragon-tail) grows in the telling. It would only take a frosty morning and the resultant steamy-great-breath, and/or a bumbling-a-saur knocking over some firepots to give rise to some "firey tales"...
Come to think of it... I've never seen a dragon do that either.
Well, then --- you have obviously not been hob-knobbing with the right class of dragons...