How the CIA invented conspiracy theoriest


Chrono Cadet
The CIA and other government agencies found out that hard handed methods of censorship would no longer work. So they had to use softer techniques. One of them is inventing the term conspiracy theorist to attack possible conspiracy theories and make them appear to be nut jobs.

Other methods are a little more subtle. Lets say the 911 incident. There appears to be many unanswered questions. The CIA might want to distract from this. So have more and more crazy theories created. The twin towers collapsed because a time travelling dragon ran into them. Then have the guy who made up this theory interviewed on mainstream media so all 911 conspiracy theorists appear like nut jobs.

Not a bad tacit and I can see it working with the populace not all being so bright. But I feel like it can backfire since it would only bring more attention to the theories instead of people ignoring them.

Not a bad tacit and I can see it working with the populace not all being so bright. But I feel like it can backfire since it would only bring more attention to the theories instead of people ignoring them.
That is the brilliance of the method. If you want to keep a secret, make it public. It even works for simpler things, proving it is done right. So lets say you are at work and there is a box of donuts. You decide to eat the last one. Everyone then asks who ate the last donut. In a sarcastic/joking tone you state that you did. And the reason why you did it was to prevent everyone from gaining weight.If you do it properly, no one will believe you ate the last donut.

When there is enough stories and different versions about events, people just stop caring and go with the most often heard version. This is exactly what we see happening these days because of social media, it does not mean that is what happened, it just means it is a popular explanation or re-telling of the events.

I personally never felt there was anything wrong with considering the possibilities of other things that could have happened during some major events. Obviously if there was an earthquake the event was clearly an earthquake, yet the creative mind has always seemed to want it to be a result of something more then just tectonic shifting. Creativity is what helps spark ideas so for that reason it is okay. Thoughts that might be considered crazy in one time, in another it could be very ground breaking. As far as all the cloak and dagger stuff goes, I tend to think it is better just to know something happened and leave it at that. It might be a case of hiding my head in the sand, but hopefully I will keep my head :cautious: tin foil and all
