How it is:


Epochal Historian
There is global warming now.

The hierarchy media, have finally admitted to this.

There are intimations, that the sea level might rise and this in some way, would affect the general populations.

NASA today, is discussing education, as a topic on their NASA chat session, on NASA television.

There seems a lack of understanding, by both the people viewing and the commentators, that it is not only math and science, which constructs, the edifice, of a worthy society, however honesty, integrity and the ability to adapt projects.

In other words, while the space shuttle might resemble a giant vertical phallus, mounted on sky rockets, this craft is damaging the atmosphere.

The agreement, that maybe a 747 or a set of them, be bivlaed, then re-engineered as one large platform.Then to have this platform be able to drop float a fully fueled shuttle, launched at thirty five thousand feet, has not occurred to their thinking.

This society is still blazing Mount Penis, in such a manner, that it is amazing only those, who would want to gather, for such an event.

There has been weirdness, since the date of 9/11/2001.

This is, that policing agencies are now getting into everything, that was once personal.Additional to this, that you have trouble posting certain topics place on the world wide web, almost anywhere, without either being bothered by what is known as an internet troll, or a debunker.

* Alvin Toffler, in his predicted book about the complexities of the future, titled Future Shock, was convoluted in his early tellings.
There is the psychologist in the bottle, known as Prozac; however no required social logs, as Sigmund Freud, or his school had constructed.

The electronics, to where these gadgetries, are literally invading people, now moves into the area of almost micortechnolgy.These microbots, in a drinking cup, that when combined with the bodies DNA and cell to protocells, transmutes people into new creatures.

There are rumors of an approaching said object, which is a dense brown star.

This object, within its said coming, is lucid, with fought over substantiation.
Re: How it is (in CreedoWorld)

There seems a lack of understanding, by both the people viewing and the commentators, that it is not only math and science, which constructs, the edifice, of a worthy society, however honesty, integrity and the ability to adapt projects.
Two of the most fundamental elements of science (of which math is one branch) are honesty and integrity. You paint them as exclusive yet, one (science) wholly depends upon the others (honesty and integrity) for its power.

In other words, while the space shuttle might resemble a giant vertical phallus, mounted on sky rockets, this craft is damaging the atmosphere.
Clearly, Creedo has shown tendencies to phallic fetishism both here and in other posts. But let me point out that a single shuttle launch (as compared to THOUSANDS of aircraft flights per day, and MILLIONS of automobile trips per day) is extremely minor in its impact upon the greenhouse effect. When you total-up all the shuttle launches in history, they would not even equal a single MONTH of aircraft/automobile operations around the world.

The agreement, that maybe a 747 or a set of them, be bivlaed, then re-engineered as one large platform.Then to have this platform be able to drop float a fully fueled shuttle, launched at thirty five thousand feet, has not occurred to their thinking.
Wrong. It has occurred to their thinking. The numbers just do NOT play out, Creedo. Mass fractions for payload being what they are to get anything into orbit (VERY small compared to propellant mass fractions) the cost of scrambling a 747 just to buy you 35,000 feet of space between you and the ground is not effective for large payloads (anything larger than a COMM satellite). Furthermore, the payload capability and interference aerodynamics when mated to a 747 also make it an extremely limited proposition. Please don't think yourself so smart that you have considered something that MANY other degreed and experienced aerospace engineers have not already studied.

This society is still blazing Mount Penis, in such a manner, that it is amazing only those, who would want to gather, for such an event.
Again you show your phallic phascination, Creedo. Whatsa matter, yours not big enough? :D

Additional to this, that you have trouble posting certain topics place on the world wide web, almost anywhere, without either being bothered by what is known as an internet troll, or a debunker.
I agree with you on the troll point, but if someone is debunking an idea for which there is no existing, scientific (and mathematic) basis, this is NOT a bad thing. Methinks you don't like having some of your wild ideas debunked, but quite honestly, they are often naive and even a "back of the envelope" engineering analysis would show them to be on the order of bunk.

This object, within its said coming, is lucid, with fought over substantiation.
If you say so! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: How it is (in CreedoWorld)

I agree with you on the troll point, but if someone is debunking an idea for which there is no existing, scientific (and mathematic) basis, this is NOT a bad thing. Methinks you don't like having some of your wild ideas debunked, but quite honestly, they are often naive and even a "back of the envelope" engineering analysis would show them to be on the order of bunk.

I agree, BUT sometimes, there's no reason to knock down someone elses' sandcastle. I could easily debunk/discredit your own theories in a few words, but I choose to let you believe what you want to believe. Afterall, such is the way of free will.

We're all trying to get to the same place, what difference is it if someone finds a way that doesn't add up in your own narrow view of how things work? I concede the point that I don't know anything, but I know I know enough to get myself into deep trouble.

I've got mathematical formulas that encompass metaphysics, that give me hope. Should I share them? Yes.
Will I here?
Probably not. I'm not ready for that level of attention.

If we're talking about the same object, Creedo, it's actually a red dwarf. I would like to know more, though.
Re: How it is (in CreedoWorld)

I am not anti science.As a matter of fact, I am pro-science, however with the consideration, that scientific views, should not be bossed by the current ruling hierarchy.

An example, which is laughable, is the Catholic Churche's encyclical on birth control.

A while back, worried parishners, from America had approached the church. These parishioners had asked the church clergy, to retake a look at birth control.This look, for families that were not generating incomes, that would allow them to have larger families.

A board of priest got together, assured everyone that this new look by the Catholic church would include a scientific look from those in the church, who were vested in this ability.

They reconvened and the unanimous opinion by this board of Catholic Church priests, was the any form of birth control, was immoral.

People in America were irate at this point and tried to make changes in the Catholic Church.

The end result from one of the Cardinals back to the parishioners, was, "What makes you think that the Catholic Church is a democracy"?

For young couples who could afford maybe having one or two children and observe that in the context of Catholic prayer meetings, this is a very depressing point of view, imposed by the church.This view is, that you are a sinner, as you as a young starting out family, utilize birth control.

I made this history post, as NASA has had over twenty years with the space shuttle.

Their programs are obviously riddled with corruption and graft and their product shows this.

Secondly their industry bidding process shows this and their enforced views, by the recent NASA statements, that, "NASA engineers are now going to look at this problem"?, shows that NASA as an organization, within their decision making process, is not much different than the Catholic Church, on their birth control allowances for needy low income families.

It is twenty years now and still it seems there is not one international private entrepreneur, that has had the vision to purchase a used jet airliner, get this aircraft test certified and controlled.Then, utilize this test aircraft, as a test launch base, for a smaller slim line shuttle.

This is not so, as the general; population is being excluded from this process.

Richard Branson has shown,. that the frontier of near space, is only for rich people, who desire champagne rides.

I'm not raining on anyone's parade here, I am simply relaying a history truth.

I think if NASA handed out question polls, reorganized, drastically, that areas for near space exploration for the non-elete of Earth's populations, might become more apparent.

All I've done here, is to tell the truth.

You would burn less fuel, from a high altitude launch and could also ferry two assisting liqui fuled parallel tank along with this piggybacked shuttle, if one so desired?
Re: How it is (in CreedoWorld)

Re Timeline 79: On said brown dwarf.

There are a few websites devoted to said Planet X, the one said within the distance from the Earth to the sun.

This is a military issue, as it was posted, that said supposed such planet, was artificially controlled.

I am not free to comment on this issue, other than to say, that some odd phenomena, is appearing.
Re: How it is (in CreedoWorld)

Hi timeline79,
I agree, BUT sometimes, there's no reason to knock down someone elses' sandcastle.
Sometimes, yes I would agree with that. But sometimes one may have never even built the sandcastle yet, and it would be a shame to see that person or another invest a good deal of time, force, energy, or even information on building a sandcastle that will fall down on its own before it can be completed. Beyond this, if someone is heralding that they have some "new truth" that is at odds with the scientific method, then it begs to be falsified. Which leads me to...
I could easily debunk/discredit your own theories in a few words, but I choose to let you believe what you want to believe. Afterall, such is the way of free will.
On more than one occasion here I have willingly asked for people to falsify my scientific theories. I would actually welcome it, if any of my theories or their math can be falsified, as it would allow me to refocus on a different avenue. Of course, I willingly admit that not only do I share scientific and mathematical theories here, I also share things that I know can only be classified as beliefs. It would not be surprising to me that you could debunk a belief I may hold, but quite another thing if you could falsify some of my science (esp. the embedded nature of Force, Energy, and Information).
We're all trying to get to the same place, what difference is it if someone finds a way that doesn't add up in your own narrow view of how things work?
Showing how one particular theory can be falsified is not a bad thing. I've often pointed out to folks that when I "falsify" something here I use general precepts of accepted science. Thus, it is not just MY "narrow view of how things work"...rather, it is the view accepted by the scientific community in general.
I've got mathematical formulas that encompass metaphysics, that give me hope. Should I share them? Yes.
Will I here?
Probably not. I'm not ready for that level of attention.
When you are willing to share, I'd be interested in reviewing them. I have not shared the very detailed math that I have developed for my tensor theories here either, for much the same reason as you state. But from what I have shared, anyone with a solid background in physics and tensor calculus could derive the equations that I am working with. The fundamental distinction is how I define Matter as being Delta-Mass/Delta-Time (or MassTime), which opposes the field we call Motion which is defined as Delta-Space/Delta-Time (or SpaceTime).

Take care,