How i can build my time machine?

Three steps...

First - make a big hollow electron.

Second - stay in the middle hollow part.

Third - create a pressure change in the outside of the electron to move it to where you need to go.

In theory there may be more then just one way to achieve the moving around in space/time. Time has been shown to be somewhat relative to space and mass may be related to gravity as well. The unified field theory is just a theory but it's the best we got at this "Time"? If quantum mechanics is applied to the above you may see how weird all theories could become. The John Titor story has merit as far as the box in his car.

If what I was told back in 1965 is legit and true, the energy produced being 10 to the 34 power greater than fusion would produce enormous amounts of electrical energy. Now if Bob Lazar is correct about the greater than light speed derived from the Anti-mater drive system, you now can imagine enough power to do some very strange things to the fabric of space/time.

If someone actually knew how to build a time travel device, do you think it would be safe for them to tell someone?
Only if the wish to end their life and were too afraid to end it themselves? Maybe at some point in "Time" the truth will be told to the world? I spoke with Leo Zagami about the origin of human alien power transfer and why this is being kept a secret for so long. I was shocked to learn how far back it all got started and the reason why. The truth may cause great harm to all human cultural structure. 9 out of 10 humans are way too stupid to handle the truth? We are not ready as a specie to live in a world without crutches? I think that you of all people already know and understand the answer to your question!

Only if the wish to end their life and were too afraid to end it themselves? Maybe at some point in "Time" the truth will be told to the world? I spoke with Leo Zagami about the origin of human alien power transfer and why this is being kept a secret for so long. I was shocked to learn how far back it all got started and the reason why. The truth may cause great harm to all human cultural structure. 9 out of 10 humans are way too stupid to handle the truth? We are not ready as a specie to live in a world without crutches? I think that you of all people already know and understand the answer to your question!
Yes, it was more or less rhetorical which I said to induce thought. :)

Three steps...First - make a big hollow electron.
Second - stay in the middle hollow part.

Third - create a pressure change in the outside of the electron to move it to where you need to go.
What would the goal be? Are you trying to create a portal?

What would the goal be? Are you trying to create a portal?
The goal would be to separate the energy from the present from the past and future. Kinda like pulling a frame out of a video cut/paste style. No portals, they require more engineering/energy to create. Nature does the electron thing all the time, portals less often.

What came to mind (what is your opinion) when you watch the videos of "The Electron: Crash Course Chemistry" and "Hidden Dimensions: Exploring Hyperspace"?
