How fortunate are we ?


Super Moderator
Last night I was speaking with some old family friends that are staying with us for a few days. Of course, I started to rattle off about the possibilities of Time Travel and some of the other sub-subjects that we discuss here in TTI, and I realized that they thought it was "abnormal" to even ponder such thoughts.

I might as well been telling them about how the moon is made of blue cheese and populated by purple monkeys on crack, and the looks on their faces would have been the same.

This has caused me to realize how fortunate we are to have a place to put our thoughts and discoveries where we can do so without the sarcasm/distain of those totally outside the realm of inquiry.

The world is more than what it appears to be on the surface, and all who frequent this site, are those who have that awareness that there is something more than what is seen. No matter how much we may disagree as to what that something else may be, at least we all are taking steps to try and understand that "something" we know is out there.

Even though, at times, we quibble and fight, we still stay on course towards an ultimate destination.

So heres a toast!!! to all of you that continue onward with our quest to whatever awaits us in the future!!! ( or the past, eh? )

I couldn't agree more with OvLrdLegion about how great it is to have somewhere to share discussions on Time Travel and other subjects that many people only think of as in the world of fiction/fantasy.
Check out the article on Time Travel in "Astronomy" magazine (Feb 2006) - USA publication.
* Olly also raises his glass *

Its funny - if you started ranting on about religion - the stares reflected back probably wouldn't have been quite as disturbing.

But when you try to talk about the nature and possibilities of reality in a different, slightly more direct way, You can often become some mentalist in the eyes of the observer.

Maybe they just thought that you had been watching to much Dr. Who!

I think that the rest of the world will catch up soon enough. in the UK people seem to be more open to the topic of time travel - in my experience.

kindest regards,
So heres a toast!!! to all of you that continue onward with our quest to whatever awaits us in the future!!! ( or the past, eh? )
Rainman raises his beer bottle to join and clink with the glasses of OvLrd & Olly!

I feel privileged to be able to share thoughts (sometimes "wild" thoughts as measured by common culture) with folks like you, and so many others.

And hey... I will be the first to admit that I can be cantankerous, ornery, and sling sarcasm left and right with the worst of the worst critics. I am certainly not perfect, and I don't claim to be the type who might never offend anyone. In reality we can all be offensive to others in different ways at different times. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my posts... I mean no harm to anyone.

Sometimes, wild thoughts shared amongst people with common objectives can lead to even wilder realities that come to pass! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Its funny - if you started ranting on about religion - the stares reflected back probably wouldn't have been quite as disturbing.

As long as you stay within specific ideals. Try to bring in ancient texts and how they differ from the modern versions, and that the ancients actually had alot of scientific information that is still being confirmed by todays scientists, such as the idea of multi-dimensions, dark matter, etc...

Then you get " the stares ". Try reading up on Qabalah and then attempt a discussion on what it contains regarding Creation...a sure fire way to get judged as a loon.

My discussion last night on time travel was a waste, the others just dismissed the idea as completely impossible. I brought up the Lorentz Transformation and the Hafele-Keating Experiment and some other collective information we have gathered within our TTI library, and I finally figured out that I could have had a more productive discussion with a lizard warming himself in the afternoon sun on a rock.
It really is awesome to be part of a community that share the same set of interests. This is really a safe haven for us to discuss our heretical ideals. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif (as far as society is concerned anyway!)
Very fortunate indeed. Imagination is the most important thing when it comes to inventing something... well at least one of the most important things anyway.