How do you make a time machine?

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How do you make a time machine? Of course, you would need a power source. Scientists are researching the idea of a device that could harness the power of a black hole. But then what? How do you direct it? How precise would you have to be? What could you use to make sure you ended up where you wanted? I would appreicate all input, and if you come up with a name for some part of a time machine, for example, a 'trans-dimensional locator'
, write it in. Thanks.
You people are useless.
All I needed was a name for a part for a video game. But now I have one. I won't be back to check this, so don't bother replying. YOU PEOPLE ARE USELESS!!!!
You might want to be careful what you say Spire. Someday you may eat those words. The people on this forum are very useful. You enjoy your video games that have pretend time-machines in them...we will endulge in the real thing. Who is more useful, a man sitting and playing video games; or a group of competent individuals working together to create revolutionary technologies thus paving the way for the advancement of all human kind? You do the math.

Another note on video games...A study has shown that video games have an adverse affect on the frontal lobes which adversely affects an individual's abilities for higher level thinking. If you are about start your next set of classes, it would behoove you to stop with the video games and start listening to classical music...specifically mozart.

Edwin G. Schasteen
there is no way that you could travel in a black hole, it would split your atoms in a sec.
Ah, but you could travel through a worm hole without the deadly effects of a black hole right?

Question is, what happens when you artificialy create a wormhole to appear at the gravitational mouth of a blackhole, and observe it as it gets pulled through? better yet what if you were to travel through that wormhole that is travelling through the blackhole?
TAP-TEN Research is working with the theoretical method of tearing singularities in half with the intent of extracting negative energy which might exist beyond the centermass of subluminal mass. It is theoretically shown that under normal conditions a region of negative space occupied by negative energy would have a negative time component. Such a negative mass; depending on the negative mass's density, in theory, would be similar to a positive mass that has an infinite velocity. Therefore, TAP-TEN Research has set out to explore possible methods of tapping such negative energy sources for the purpose of experimentation with time-control.

For further information about Tap-Ten feel free to visit our website and

Any further questions regarding information or concepts written in this last post please be directed as a reply to this post.

Best Regards,

Edwin G. Schasteen
Administraion & Projects
TAP-TEN Research
627 H. St. Ste.A279
San Diego, CA. 91910
(619) 860-6400 Ext
TAP-TEN Research is working with the theoretical method of tearing singularities in half with the intent of extracting negative energy which might exist beyond the centermass of subluminal mass. It is theoretically shown that under normal conditions a region of negative space occupied by negative energy would have a negative time component. Such a negative mass; depending on the negative mass's density, in theory, would be similar to a positive mass that has an infinite velocity. Therefore, TAP-TEN Research has set out to explore possible methods of tapping such negative energy sources for the purpose of experimentation with time-control.

For further information about Tap-Ten feel free to visit our website and

Any further questions regarding information or concepts written in this last post please be directed as a reply to this post.

Best Regards,

Edwin G. Schasteen
Administraion & Projects
TAP-TEN Research
627 H. St. Ste.A279
San Diego, CA. 91910
(619) 860-6400 Ext: 9578
I am strongly considering building proto-types of some devices that might serve useful in understanding the more complex nature of the mechanism 'quantification'. I will use these proto-types to deeper probe into fundamental natural constants. The EMFC is the first of the proto-types to be built. I will complete that paricular proto-type as quickly as possible.

Just writing to keep my promise to ensure those to whom this information pertains are informed.

Best Regards,

Edwin G. Schasteen
TAP-TEN Research Foundation International
627 H. St. Ste A279
San Diego, CA. 91910
(858) 860-6400 Ext: 9578
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 10-Oct-01 AT 04:16PM (EDT)</font>

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 10-Oct-01 AT 03:19 AM (EDT)</font>

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 10-Oct-01 AT 03:16 AM (EDT)</font>
That's about as close to describing what the EMFC would look like.

As for additional principles pertaining to what goes on in the inner workings of our unit, perhaps this website may give you some idea...

---T12 of TAP-TEN
<><hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."
BTW, a very interesting "Breakthrough" has recently occured with one of our collegues experimental TT research!
it's posted right here at the
09-Oct-01, 03:09 AM (EDT)
"RE: small taste of time travel"<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."
Also if you are really serious about it then you will need a particle accelerator to move back and forth.once zero time has been achieved. Or you could make a vortex driver to control your movements but it will be far too complex to build ,given our limited technology. However if you wanted to go backward in time to a point before the zero time generator was made it could not be done. if you want to control a black hole then you would have to create one with two devices very large metal plates pumping aproximately 2.7 gigawatts of electricity into each plate. then bring them into close proximity of each other to create the temporal lag then eventually burst of energy equivalent ot an exploding star. Then you would have to make the space around one of the plates move faster than the speed of light(not the plate itself just the space around it)one plate will vanish the other will be a portal to the vanished one at the time it vanished.
How about about the fluxcapacator. The fluxcapacator is a big mircochip that channels the energy of the power source (nuclear fusion reactor) creating a hole in the space time continum allowing some one to travel in time.
a cold fusion accelrator is part of the power source. the accerator will need to be incased in something that we can bring the temp. down to absolute zero degrees. absolute zero!!!!!! no more no less!!
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">lateniteone