Who Pays For All The Recounts? Answer: TAXPAYERS!
Ahhh hem...
Let's see, the last time I understood what an election was all about, it was about counting the votes and declaring the winner with the most votes. It was NOT about counting the votes, and then demanding a recount when your man (in this case woman) didn't win, and then demanding another recount when you woman still didn't win....It is NOT about counting votes until you get the answer that you, the Democratic Party, want.
Now, I am sure if we have a forth, or fifth recount, and then all of a sudden the Democratic woman leads by 42 votes, the Dems would raise holy hell if the Repubs demanded even ONE recount thereafter!
So we get to a new level of voting. It used to be "whoever got the most votes, wins". Now it becomes "whoever gets the most votes, after the largest number of recounts you can force, wins."
Titor was a Democratic sympathizer, who was pissed about the Bush/Gore result. Why ELSE did Titor appear RIGHT after the election?????
Get a grip people. Titor was no more real than my purported marriage to Kate Beckinsale. A GREAT story (at least one that gets ME excited) but just no way it can be true.