Host a time traveller!


Temporal Novice
Hello, and thank you for opening up your home and heart to a time traveller. You will find that you and your new "past-buddy" have a lot to discover about each other. By hosting a person from another time period, you have a unique opportunity to learn about their culture, language and traditions, while helping them acclimate to ours more smoothly.



This is the most frequent question we're asked here at PBH, and the answer is all at once simple and complex: about a year ago, a very confused individual was found wandering around in a village in the Ukraine. Upon questioning, it was discovered that this individual had inadvertently walked through a time portal, travelling instantly from his own point in time to ours.

Efforts by multinational task forces were unable to locate this rift, but the point was soon moot, as a second visitor soon showed up at a different temporary rift in central Greece. Ever since, past-buddies (PBs), have been showing up regularly in various spots around the globe. The journey is one-way, and is as-yet unexplained. The unfortunate aspect, of course, is that some of the PBs show up in areas that are now under water, or occupied by several feet of concrete.

However, those who survive the journey have been granted legal resident status in whichever nation they arrive, and, in most cases, are given full rights, health care and a "leg-up" program, which now includes a brief stay with a host family such as yourself. It was determined that having them stay with "regular folks" was the best way to deal with them, rather than have them sequestered in a cold, unfriendly laboratory.

Your PB has been given a brief tutorial on what has happened to them, and they have all been given thorough psychological screenings to make sure they are able to deal with the situation. Those who have passed the screenings are then released to the PBH program, where they are placed with a PBH family.

Your PB has been certified as a normal, functional human being who, just like anyone else, needs friendship, companionship, patience and understanding. They will need to be gently exposed to new ideas and new technologies, and they will need you to help explain how our modern world works.

Some suggested activities are: taking them on hikes and picnics; having simple gatherings of food, music and conversation with a few close friends or family; engaging in rudimentary sports or liesure activities; gentle instruction in books, art, literature, history and other developments. Use your imagination--just be sure that the activities are focused around helping your PB become comfortable in these new settings.

It is hoped that they will forge lifetime friendships with their PBH families. As full-grown adults, they have nearly the same rights as any citizen. After 3 months, an Institute representative will meet with you individually and check the progress of the PB. If it is determined that the PB is able to live on his/her own, the PB will be given that option.

You can change your mind at any time, but bear in mind that opting out of the PB program is permanent. There is no "exchanging" of PBs except in extreme cases. If, at any time, you believe that your PB might pose a physical threat to you or your household, contact the Institute immediately and report it. It should be noted that your PB has been given a clean physical bill of health, and has been fully innoculated, so there should be no undue risk of them passing on the black plague, nor of them succumbing to the common cold.

Absolutely not! The PBs are not to be exploited or used for profit in any way, shape or form. Any violation of this policy will result in the immediate removal of the PB from your family, and placement with another.

Some PBH families have expressed a desire to take their PBs back to their "homeland," as was the case with an Irish-American immigrant from 1845 who wanted to go back to Ireland. All such requests must be cleared with the Institute beforehand, and permission from the destination country must be obtained. Note--it is seldom allowed, because of the potential risk of flight/disappearance by the PB. A PB who wants desperately to return "home" sometimes has not fully accepted the fact that he is where/when he is. If your PB expresses such an interest, try to placate him/her with the next best thing: communication with natives or naturalized residents, exposure to that culture in electronic and print media, and anything else that will put them in mind of the area without actually having to go there.

These are among the top issues of PB hosting, since a great many PBs will not be native speakers of the same language as you. Even English-speaking PBs from a few centuries ago will be hampered by a language barrier. They have been given some basics, but the rest is up to you. Again, be patient, work with them, and learn from them. You will find that you have more in common than you think!


Once again, we thank you for your participation in the PBH program. Below is a progress report form, which is to be sent in periodically with information on your experiences with your PB.

PB name: _____________________________ Modern name (where applicable): _________________________

Nickname(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________

FB vital stats:
1) Gender
2) Race
3) Height
4) Weight
5) Hair/eye color
6) Distinguishing marks/characteristics

PB place of origin: ______________________

PB birthdate or era of origin (approximate if necessary): __________________________

PB native language: _________________________________

Other basic information you have learned about your FB (ancestry, witness to historical events, etc): __________________________________________________________________________________________


(use extra paper if necessary)

Please write your impressions and experiences with your PB:______________________________



(use extra paper if necessary)

Do you have any questions/observations for the Institute? _______________________________________



(use extra paper if necessary)
Well, this is the "fiction" section, so.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

Okay, maybe I was a little too subtle in my presentation. The idea is, people read the top post, they play along, and they contribute to the thread by making up their own li'l stories about the "past-buddies" assigned to them.

I don't know about the rest of you, but part of my lifetime fascination with time travel has involved the fantasy that a visitor from the past just shows up on my doorstep (a la "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure," "Encino Man" and others), and it's up to me to introduce them to our wacky, modern world. Having a time traveller in your home would be intriguing enough; the angle here is that, in this scenario, it is pretty commonplace--no more unusual than hosting a foreign exchange student.

So, have fun with it. For example, how would I begin to explain TV to Beethoven (or, more likely, an unknown farmer or tradesman from that era)? Would I have to give him a basic course on electronics just to get started, or would I just mess with him and say that there are little pixies inside the glowing box? The latter would probably be frowned upon by "The Institute."

So, before anyone else chimes in with confused or snide remarks, the purpose of this thread is for those who are interested to give a brief essay on their "past-buddy" and what adventures they've had so far. They can provide as few or as many details as they're comfortable with. Got it?
LOL Jonathon sausages! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I would like to apply for a time travel buddie please. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Do you have case-files we can pick from or are we just assigned one? lol

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm here! Wow, that was fast.

Chrono- Is this a legitimate PB or did he just sneak in the back door? LOL :D

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Pamela: I figured most people would want to make up their own PBs. But, if you want a starter kit, here's one we've been having trouble placing, for obvious reasons.

PB name: _____Blarg____________ Modern name (where applicable): __Blarg Paul Jones__

Nickname(s): __Blargey, The Blargster, Wonderboy, Captain Caveman, Cavey_______

FB vital stats:
1) Gender: Male
2) Race: Indeterminate (Proto-European?)
3) Height: 5 foot 10
4) Weight: 150
5) Hair/eye color: Brown/brown
6) Distinguishing marks/characteristics: Cro-magnon facial features, prone to grunting, fascinated by fire

PB place of origin: __Modern-day Los Angeles (near La Brea Tar Pits)____________________

PB birthdate or era of origin (approximate if necessary): ___Ca. 10,000 BC_________________

PB native language: ____Unknown (extremely primitive)_____________________________

Other basic information you have learned about your FB (ancestry, witness to historical events, etc): Blarg has been thus far unable to convey information about his period of origin, but, based on his current proclivities, he was likely a hunter in a mid-sized hunter-gatherer tribe.

Please write your impressions and experiences with your PB: Blarg, despite his obvious lack of knowledge, is a quick learner, and is nearly cured of the habit of trying to eat small housepets. The host family is urged to be very patient, to avoid sudden movements, loud noises or flashing lights, and to keep hands and feet well away from his mouth at feeding time.

Do you have any questions/observations for the Institute? We would like to request re-assignment of Blarg to another host family. We love the furry little rascal, but he has been living in my wife's geranium garden almost exclusively, and this tends to unnerve the neighbors. The Block Captain, Mr. Hill, has insisted we either build a structure for Blarg in the backyard, or bring him inside.
uh...I think I will pass on this prehistoric PB...I will take the BPB instead. (backdoor past buddy) LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

****************ATTENTION TIME TRAVEL CLAIMANTS:*****************
If you interest me I may ask you questions.
This does not mean I necessarily believe what you are saying but only
that I am interested and curious about what you have to say.
I like to gather all the information first and save judgement till the end.
I am here to have fun, interesting and thought provoking conversation.
If you have a sense of humor, are highly intelligent and creative I may end up liking you!
However, This does not mean I will have interdimensional babies with you. LOL /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif