
Temporal Navigator
As days turned into months I felt a pressing guilt to tell you all the truth who had read my past posts regarding time travelers and particular authority figures. I elaborately made it all false information to con everyone off from there entertaining crusades for truth. Bogz was right, I came back here to tell you this and he was correct. Congratulations to that.

Good bye.

Thank you, I guess.

Coming clean on a hoax is always appreciated. It would, however, seem a bit more sincere had you not made a point of calling other posters "hoaxers" (Silke for instance) or full of BS and pointing out your "search for truth" sites all while you had an active hoax on the site here. You have to admit that the totality of your posts give a rather confused message.

I don't know whether I'm to consider you a full of fun TT hoaxer or a troll. Certainly you didn't help your site(s) cause if or when the message gets back to your would be viewers that you have been a hoaxer yourself. Kinda puts a kink in the old credibility hose.

Anyway, you did come clean. That's a step farther than 9 out of 10 go.
Thank you Darby for your concern. Rest assured the credibility you impose against the site and I in fact remains unharmed but unidentified at the time being, especially for TTI. This is all intended for a greater cause soon to come. Enjoy the trick or treats and Halloween soon on its way.
"Ellen Blair, APRN, Unit Director, Donnelly One North at The Institute of Living, Hartford Hospital's Mental Health Network, recently received the "Best Practice Award for the Treatment of Behavioral Disorders Associated with Dementia" from the American Psychiatric Nursing Association (APNA). This award was given to the Special Care Unit on Donnelly One North, a 10-bed inpatient psychiatric unit that provides assessment, diagnostic evaluation and treatment for patients experiencing dementia with behavioral disturbances."

I am lead to conclude that this case was based entirely upon a pshyciatric evaulation of individuals experiencing compulsive behaviors towards the paranormal, and conspiracys leading to occult rituals and hightened terrorism against his/her country. The alleged act of the U.S Department of Defense (whether Darby or Pamela even know what that is lmao), has merely performed a covert "black operation" to evaluate a potential threat to national security. Therefore, the fantasys introduced to the test subject would easily succumb to being oblivious behind the truth.

Agent Mark (censored) is apprently a real individual with the military. Not to mention an Air Force accommodate. Whether he was directly or indirectly involved with this case remains inconclusive.

As a investigator with the newly founded C.B.I I am relieved to suspend this case until whether or not new material may be scrutinized. Those who were there since the original posts, thank you to TTI and its members for provided adequate theories.

Ayreon Bournefree
Civil Bureau of Investigation


(1) http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=time_travel&Number=47155&page=&view=&sb=&o=&fpart=1&vc=1

(2) http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3902/is_200412/ai_n9466545
Uhhhhhhmmmmmm... Hold on a minute, I am confused. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

So now are you back to saying this was NOT a hoax, or what? It appears you are now claiming you are not "Matt" but instead "Ayreon Bournefree" (sounds suspiciously like a hoax...errr...made-up name to me). But it now seems that you are again claiming that the "chat" you had with "some guvmint DoD USAF agent" was not a hoax?

I need a scorecard to keep track of the players. I agree with Darby, the coherency of your posts and their message needs a little windex. :D

My apologys. What it means is, they have induced the whole thing as a hoax to the test subject. Simply, to do a psychiatric evaluation under the influence of that subjects beliefs. Hopefully that makes sense, and yes I have to agree with you on the Windex, as for future messages, I will try to do my best on making things clearer.

I am lead to conclude that this case was based entirely upon a pshyciatric evaulation of individuals experiencing compulsive behaviors towards the paranormal, and conspiracys leading to occult rituals and hightened terrorism against his/her country.

So this black op (what is a black op, BTW?) was run by the US military/Nurse Blair against a set of 10 patients, average age 73, who suffer from "dementia with behavioral disorder" (which translates to senility with possible complications involving Alzheimer's with violent outbursts).

And the purpose of this experiment was [ ]?

And this experiment occured while you was what, 14 yrs old (2003-2004)?

Please tell me that you didn't finish watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest just before you posted this.

And I'd really like to know why a US Air Force accommodate (a new term this time...what the hell is an "accommodate"?) would be contacting a 17 year old high schooler/gamer Canadian citizen with Super Secret Stuff? (You were 17, not 18, when you registered and first posted this story here).
Darby, you should know what these phrases are. Ever since the beginning your blatent attempts to derail a case has been noted with a few misconceptions. Whether you know what I am talking about or not, this is obviously not something to your interest and will be regarded by others who know what had happened. The share of this case is enough as it is now.
