History, secretly, how it is:


Epochal Historian
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This post is for travelers of all sorts, who come here and cant figure out, why things are like they are.

The space station: Our new space station, is a product of over twenty years of near space development.

We have a brand new space craft.This space craft, is capable of putting popcan like structures, in near space, for people without the luxury of gravity.\\

Going back to the moon: Johnson and his crew are trying to erect structures on Mad Mikes steel ship, however one must always be careful, as killer robots are loose inside.

Oh' this is a wonderful project!\\

The Personnel: By making workers, that have selectively damaged parts of their brains, we can have a more efficient work force.

There they are now, they are constructing a satellite.One of the workers however, has opened a can of food and is walking over to one of the unfolded panels of the satellites.

Some see him, the worker dumps the can of food, onto the unfolded panel.

How could this have happened?\\

The ships: These spacecraft are made out of the finest wood, in similar fashion, to how the USS Constitution was made.\\

Implants on workers and people: Im sorry, were are now out of miniature implants.The only ones that are available, is a large Sony stereo in the office.

Boss: That'll do, use that on Creedo.

Laughter.____Still much more laughter.

Creedo now has a 14 by 12 by 3 1/2 inches stereo, sticking out of the top of his head and doesn't even know it.

His friend Ray puts Creedo into rest mode with a remote control, inserts a CD as Creedo sit on his couch at a party.\\

Possible relations with THEM: A big tall alien person, resembling Richard Prior, now addresses some of them.

Oh mam, here is a banana for your monkey.

Prior on being like Iddi Amen: Oh' I like people, I just had a few the other day!\\

Crees unbridled love for maP: TT-he, Gari, Rains, are holding Creedo back._ Darby is charting all this on the clipboard, while he wears his white lab coat.

Pam is showing leg in the distance, with a little movement.

Wow! Creedo is really getting bothered about this, Gar cant hold him back and longer, they let him go.Creedo is now running full bore at maP.

Oh' this must be love?The remote control turns on and Creedo falls to his knees and vomits.

Baaarf! Ahhhh barf! _ Wait' here comes Darby.Slight miscalculation.

Darby ask Cree what the problem is. Cree whispers, she looks like a giant ant.\\

More efficient evacuations: These ships have been around for a good while.

> We can evacuate your entire town.Take roughly what you need.Not over a ton weighed.

Be at the football field and our ship can take the entire town, within fifteen minutes.

Fifty workers stay behind. Take raw junk and steel, for the second offworld craft.

The press core, all got together, in that room for them and looked at each other, who the mystery guest, might be?
Examples to help all understand.

Ray goes to the robot competition. There is a little truck, that robotized, but also has a remote control box.

The operator, drives the little robot truck, to the center of the arena, where a set of arms on the bot, remove a set of keys.

The keys are now returned, to the edge of the arena, then deposited on the designated spot.

The judges hold up eights and nines, on their cards, to grade this performance.

Now for the people competition.

Ray moves levers on his crotol box and Creedo walks to the center of the arena.

Creedo is now animate.

A beautiful secretary is now let loose, with a stack of papers, held in her arms and walks past Creedo.

Ray moves some levers and Creedo goes, "Wooah' hey babe, where ya going?Hey nice legs, want to have lunch??!
Hey' wait a second? What's your cell number?

Ray returns Creedo back to his spot and shuts him down.

All the judges look in their annex in their little black books.

The judges now hold up nines.

Two>> Cloned Ray 2, is in floating Los Angeles and is participating in the advanced talking, walking canine program.

Ray has leased an upright walking and talking Golden retriever female, by the name of Jean.

Creedo is teaching Jean about governmental philosophy.

We now go to Rains kitchen, where Creedo and Jean are haveing tea and morning cereal briskets.

Ray passes Jean in the hall and says, "Jean, don't you think you should have your dog house jacket on, instead of that flimsy nightgown? I mean, its ten O'clock and by now, you should be out of your nightwear?

Jean answers, Dad' I slept in a little and afteral, Creedo's a human??

Rains grumbles, okay.

Jean and Creedo at the table.

You see during the French revolution, there were some writers, that had to choose one side or the other, or??

Jean ask, "You mean they would be killed, if they did not take a side?

Creedo; Yes, Im afraid that what they mean jean.

Creedo; Jean since when did you start to wear mascara and that nightie, ahh....?

Ray walks in and notices Jean starting to place her paw on Creedos hand.Jean hears Ray and jerks her paw back across the table.

Ray clears his throat and says, "I came back to get my Sony Paper-thin. You two behave!?

Jean blushes and Creedo finishes by saying, "We were just finishing up.

Earlier Jean discusses on her communicator, with Suzie, a cocker spaniel, how Ray was going to buy her a doggie Porsche.

Jean loves to lay in bed, talking with her pup-friends, while she fusses over her nails.

** Sources; The paradigm shift. Other sources, upon private request: