History post, Time waves and Planet X


Epochal Historian
Time waves and Planet X

Historical post concerning time travel:

As far as myself, I have now deduced the following information according to poster T-12 and his say on intigulation of time waves.

If one time travels, then this action, in the space of time, in some cases acts as a dropped object, on the surface of still water.

The drop will happen and cause a wave on the surface of the water.

If one transposes a time sequence grid, of so many years above the surface of this water, as one would observe it looking downward, then one would observe the wave traveling throughout the years.

If a person has something happen in their past, say generations back in their family line, then in time, this wave would hit or strike those particular past generations.

Say forinstance in my past family line, if there were members of one branch of my family line, that composed me, then with this wave, there might be certain genetic information which might have become disturbed in the process.

If there would be a primary wave occurring even before the secondary time wave, however but at another point in time, then very well possibly these gene traits, that could have occurred over fourhundred years in the past, could have like icebergs tipped up on end, come to the surface.

This is why in my past I have had two primary claims of family lineage, that did not make any sense or relations said to each other.

What one has to realize, is that it was two primary timewaves, in reaction to one another, that may have vested these said traits, to any appearance?

2.Please note the said appearance of Planet X, at we site link http://www.zetatalk.com/teams/tteam34s.htm

The best photo in question is that when you get to the page, go to the fourth section of said photographs down and in the frame that is time marked Kentucky 2nd 2004 middle picture on page this is about the best picture of said Planet X that you can get.

There are questions about this said occurrence being a said psychological operative, put forth by some hidden government agency?

I do not know about this.

All that I known, is about a year ago, during an incredibly hot summer, I had notice frequency of the sun's radational output values, were way up.

This factor to the point that I could hear the howe in my ears.

My hearing is put together a little differently and I hear in other frequencies, as well as see in them.

I had to expose myself to this sun and the only way I could do this it seems, was to strip down to only a swimming suit and smear a mixture of differing lotions and Vaseline on myself, which got me through my house painting chore outside.

The sun was so strong, that it took about an hour or repeated mixtures of this application and standing still, in order to let myself cool down after that day's chore.

Other people in that summer also complained about the sun's unusual activity and how very strong it was.

I feel with regards to time travel since said Planet X was composed of powdered iron and silicon, that light frequencies from the sun, where greatly ramped up.

I don't feel that I have sustained any damage from said Planet X so far, however this sent in our solar system phenomenon, is affecting frequencies of seeing and hearing, as this planet may be changing our scalier frequency.

*Note said say by Pamela Moore who was now by said T-12 to be a member of his team in his said disclose about said Titor.

"Pam' you could at least send me an e-card, or say hi! in a note or something".

And yes she knew of me in her Anomalie's say about sausages being bad for you, the day I was eating them.I'm built differently than you Pam.

I guess you were paid for this Pam, thanks allot........?
You are just rehashing a concept I posted about on here more than 6 months ago!

As it was:

Allright, I'll be honest, this is a total stab in the dark...

Let us assume that there are two universes which are travelling along the same "world line" (ie - for all intents and purposes, the same universe), and then there happens to be, for some reason, a split. I propose that this split continues at a constant rate - that is they both get equally further away from this one worldline at the same rate. Now, what if these two seperate worldlines exhibit closeness at different "times" - that is, they reference eachother in history, but never touch (never intersect and become the same universe again). This could occur if both worldlines were moving in an ever increasing waveform, but their rate of seperation is quicker then the rate of expansion for the waveform.

Now, let us look at it from a different perspective. Imagine a ripple in a water caused by dropping a stone into a lake. Where the stone enters the water is the epicenter of the ripple.

You suggest that time travel causes temporal ripples which extend in both "directions" in time, but moreso as a 3D waveform. I suggested the same thing, only I describe it as a "split" between "world lines." An interdimensional event such as that would be tantamount to time travel.
Viceroy said; Let us assume that there are two universes which are traveling along the same "world line" (ie - for all intents and purposes, the same universe), and then there happens to be, for some reason, a split. I propose that this split continues at a constant rate - that is they both get equally further away from this one worldline at the same rate. Now, what if these two separate worldlines exhibit closeness at different "times" - that is, they reference eachother in history, but never touch (never intersect and become the same universe again). This could occur if both worldlines were moving in an ever increasing waveform, but their rate of separation is quicker then the rate of expansion for the waveform.

Creedo299 answers;Viceroy, I think am sure you're confusing terminologies.
There is one encompassing universe, however within that universe, there is also many timelines, which equal a multiverse.
A secondary universe introduced into the context of the primary universe, would cause a-dynamics of the primary universe.
*Secondly, you said parallel worlds.
When one says parallel, they infer the same, not differing versions of another timeline.
If our world would be parallel to Titor's timeline, then our world would match every aspect of his world, item per item with no differences at all.
So Titor's world, for the moment, would have to beg slightly different.
These differences should be sighted in the Anomalies IRC chat logs.
NOTE, it is interesting that you, would come up with the term parallel, instead of said Titor's variant worldline??

Viceroy said>Now, let us look at it from a different perspective. Imagine a ripple in a water caused by dropping a stone into a lake. Where the stone enters the water is the epicenter of the ripple.
Creedo answers; I did not only say one item dropped per on surface of water, however two items dropped, however at differing times.
Say one in 1970s 80s era and the second in the 2000s.

Viceroy said; You suggest that time travel causes temporal ripples which extend in both "directions" in time, but moreso as a 3D waveform. I suggested the same thing, only I describe it as a "split" between "world lines." An interdimensional event such as that would be tantamount to time travel.
Creedo answers; I did not say this in originality.Who had said this statement was Gary Voss in his statements of time disturbances as per their cause, sends ripples back in time.
I must say, not only back in time but forwards as well.

If we are to follow your statement as Titor being from a parallel world, then this would be new physics of cosmology.
This in stating that a mirror world, could exist within the multiverse of an Earth radiant timeline, as another frequency variable?

The second way that you, Viceroy' steer us with you statement, saying that Titor would be from another universe, would mean adhering to universes as described as spheres. From the known information, this would mean that Ttior had comes a distance in excess of ten to the 20th power septillion light years from Earth.

In your saying, (think up not North), I will retork, I don't like or care for civil war.
These scars in me run deep and
Ok now I see what you are saying... sorry for jumping down your throat. Perosnally, I think that the "all incompasing universe" is best termed as a "multiverse," and the various time lines should be referred to as "time lines" or "world lines"... Possibly world lines could mean a grouping of "connected" time lines.
A while ago, in a place known as New York, before all the security postering, they sang

>Hey Sugar, take a walk on the wild side,
Said hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.
And the coloured girls go, doo dodoo >Note' after the say by the vocals, a bas saxiphone cuts in, stiled much the same way saxiphonist Gerry Muligan played.
Lou Reed
Transformer (1972)
Walk On The Wild Side

The background for this peice, is remarkable, as it gives both the flavour of the social, as well as the color of New York.

Do to-do do do, to do, ta dut-ta do du du, tu dut ta do, ta duuuuuuu-------sax cuts in and soulful inst. plays on.