Please note within the 1990s, I had recieved a phone call, from a Mr. Eddie Sosa.Sosa is the only other contact besides Mrs. Betty Andrerasson Luca, who has had open real-time contact, with the beings, known as the Elders.
The Elders are a sub-Anglic set, who is not within our dimension, however is part of the rank and file of the God Angelic heiarchy, which is attributal to what is known as the Christian God.
There were real time points of contention and misunderstandings, durring this phone call.
This was to which Sosa had acted as a medium to talk to the Elders, as by their own admission, they did not understand certain point, of how this society had functioned with precepts to our reality.
Hense there was a culturial minsunderstandings gap.
Under this contact point, at a later time I had contacted by synchronicity, both Pamela More and Time 02112.
They had both said that they too, had Angelic contacts and again still more problems had divested.
For Time 02112, is was because I carry a natural witches gene, he could not see me sealing up all time holes, caused by wouldbe time travelers.
What you humans must understand, is that not only does space and time make false realites, when it is augmented, but space and time also has the power to heal itself, as events after a time, due to grand planetary and galactic procession, do seal themselves, as a past event.
So in other words Clara and CAT, you can not stop time travel, as all the time travlers that have been within this era of time, have been within this era of time.
This is a repeating factor and one can simply not errase this happenstance.
With reference to Pam, it seems that Pamela, has John Titor, as some kind of personal mantra and I won't question her motives, however I do believe that John Titor does now exist.
There are other gods and this has been as part of an arrangment, to where becuase of culturial multi-ethnenticities, other types of Gods, had to be employed.
This factor does not go under blasphmey or any form of couter-religion, but under the heading of facility for spiritualitie's sake.
The crossroads we are at now, is one of a maturity factor, having to do with the entire width and depth of the Earth's population.
After reading what Titor has brought back with him from the future, I can only say that if this is our collective future reality, then I feel for the state of mankind not being allowed to go into space, in order to establish his presence there?
What our collective problem is here, now on Earth, is our right to establish our rights of our own self determination's path.
Hiding behind the flag and spouting overnationaistic retoric, due to the fact that we have all been hurt, does not replace the needed comodicum of mass space travel, for the masses of this Planet Earth.
I'm sorry however what I have said with reference to space travel, is the needed to be realized as truth?
For me, being part Pleiadean, I don't want to stay here any longer.
We should have started colonizing near space, within the time frame of the late 1970s.
There might be somthing I'm not seeing here, however what is of inportants is, that we as a culture at least expressed our will to want to go into near space.
On George Bush Jr. and his apparent need to begin to over rely on the use of nuclear weapons, please look into the future George?
When you start setting off those nuclear weapons, you place a lens effect above the Earth, for almost a years time.This is a heavy particulate lens first, however after a year this lens diminishes somewhat, however can remain aloft for years.
Within that extended time, as John Titor had proposed, everything below living on Earth, gets a very good dose of radiation through an atomic isotopal range, due to the act of the sun shining through.
This means irradiated cows, plants, animals and people.
In God's good eyes, I don't see how in the classical biblic toorhic and muslim ideals, that he can permit this?
At one time I had thought that Earth based man was worthy enough to par with any offworlder.
Maybe I was somehow mistaken within this supposition?
If I'm missing some point here, then please please tell me and express your opinion?This re. to attnetion, is also addressed to Dr. Andersson's good office, as he has a biblical technican, placed aboard his team.
Note, the beings known as the Elders could not figure out how the size of populations, had degraded the quality of life based here on Earth.
This is one ppoint within the conversation with Mr. Sosa, in him acting as a go-between medeiator, I really had trouble with.
The moronic powers that be, do not want, it seems, to allow mankind to go into near and outer space and keep him here, as a power rook on their chess boards.
This is a pleasure most crule and demonstrates and almost blind tenedency towards the old power structure of latter day Atlantis.
While on the subject of Atlantis, I had found within my reaserch a discrepency between the state of the older Atlantians coming here onto Earth in the 14,000 years ago backward in time-plus state of affairs and the modern day Pleiadean's tellings.
This was that the Atlantians had been desendants of the Lyrans, outside the earlier their worlds in the Pleides based civilizations.
If this is true, then people in general, are based from part crystaline ancient structures, within both their physical and memerie's basings??
The earlier based Atlantians from my reaserch, I'm am told by one source, were almost crystialine entitries, and had only founded into their bodies, towards the last of the Atlantian Empire's being.
So the tale of humanoids migrating here from the old Lyrian Constilation, to become Atlantians, does not somehow proof check.
Again there might be somthing here that I'm not catching.
I feel that God the Christain God, does not want to additionally let go of some of the Earthlings that he likes.This is due to a parental bond formed to the early Hebrew sects in the holy land, which he became fond of.
A father's love, I guess can be selfish?Nothing new under the sun.
At this point in time, due to the instabliteis of space time and mass imposed on mass detonations of nuclear devices, I am very, very concerned at the current doings of the powers that be.
Did you know that when you mass detonate within the kilo or megatonnage range, you not only form an atomic lens over the upper atmosphere that irraiates all life forms beneath it; however one also shunts vast amount of highly concentraited power into the central solar system sun, that this sun can not handle?
Yes this is via the path of least resistance, as nukes detonate multi-scailer and this vast amout of highly concentraited power, slams right through a worm holes, which is opened up t durring the first miliseconds of any n-blast.
This is like giving a highly concentraited herb, or liquid flavouring to an infant child, within a baby bottle.
You will, invaribley make this child deathy ill.
These are the changes to look foward to, if we should have a full scale atomic war, here on Earth?
You virtually void the warranty on our central sun.
Think of this sun as alos living and as Barbra Marcianck had said in her book Earth The Pleiadean Keys To The Living Library, the sun holds to a great measure, all of our DNA codeings.
This path that those in power have taken, I don't like, don not approve of, and in line with both Albert Einstine and Andrea Sackarov, the father of the Russian hydrogen bomb.I do not approve of nuclear weaopons as a deterent.
I hope that somehow some common sence will come out of what I have put foward here.
Note that as told on the other web net resources, that latter part of the Atlantian power, had used the power of cristals to subjigate the mass populations of Atlantis.
If this is true and all of us have a measure of the old Atlantian gene within us. This, as well as a hand me down gene, then it seems that these patterns are repeating themselves?
May God as well as the other Gods, please give us some source of a good and efficaciouis direction?
End historical marker from Creedo 299
The Elders are a sub-Anglic set, who is not within our dimension, however is part of the rank and file of the God Angelic heiarchy, which is attributal to what is known as the Christian God.
There were real time points of contention and misunderstandings, durring this phone call.
This was to which Sosa had acted as a medium to talk to the Elders, as by their own admission, they did not understand certain point, of how this society had functioned with precepts to our reality.
Hense there was a culturial minsunderstandings gap.
Under this contact point, at a later time I had contacted by synchronicity, both Pamela More and Time 02112.
They had both said that they too, had Angelic contacts and again still more problems had divested.
For Time 02112, is was because I carry a natural witches gene, he could not see me sealing up all time holes, caused by wouldbe time travelers.
What you humans must understand, is that not only does space and time make false realites, when it is augmented, but space and time also has the power to heal itself, as events after a time, due to grand planetary and galactic procession, do seal themselves, as a past event.
So in other words Clara and CAT, you can not stop time travel, as all the time travlers that have been within this era of time, have been within this era of time.
This is a repeating factor and one can simply not errase this happenstance.
With reference to Pam, it seems that Pamela, has John Titor, as some kind of personal mantra and I won't question her motives, however I do believe that John Titor does now exist.
There are other gods and this has been as part of an arrangment, to where becuase of culturial multi-ethnenticities, other types of Gods, had to be employed.
This factor does not go under blasphmey or any form of couter-religion, but under the heading of facility for spiritualitie's sake.
The crossroads we are at now, is one of a maturity factor, having to do with the entire width and depth of the Earth's population.
After reading what Titor has brought back with him from the future, I can only say that if this is our collective future reality, then I feel for the state of mankind not being allowed to go into space, in order to establish his presence there?
What our collective problem is here, now on Earth, is our right to establish our rights of our own self determination's path.
Hiding behind the flag and spouting overnationaistic retoric, due to the fact that we have all been hurt, does not replace the needed comodicum of mass space travel, for the masses of this Planet Earth.
I'm sorry however what I have said with reference to space travel, is the needed to be realized as truth?
For me, being part Pleiadean, I don't want to stay here any longer.
We should have started colonizing near space, within the time frame of the late 1970s.
There might be somthing I'm not seeing here, however what is of inportants is, that we as a culture at least expressed our will to want to go into near space.
On George Bush Jr. and his apparent need to begin to over rely on the use of nuclear weapons, please look into the future George?
When you start setting off those nuclear weapons, you place a lens effect above the Earth, for almost a years time.This is a heavy particulate lens first, however after a year this lens diminishes somewhat, however can remain aloft for years.
Within that extended time, as John Titor had proposed, everything below living on Earth, gets a very good dose of radiation through an atomic isotopal range, due to the act of the sun shining through.
This means irradiated cows, plants, animals and people.
In God's good eyes, I don't see how in the classical biblic toorhic and muslim ideals, that he can permit this?
At one time I had thought that Earth based man was worthy enough to par with any offworlder.
Maybe I was somehow mistaken within this supposition?
If I'm missing some point here, then please please tell me and express your opinion?This re. to attnetion, is also addressed to Dr. Andersson's good office, as he has a biblical technican, placed aboard his team.
Note, the beings known as the Elders could not figure out how the size of populations, had degraded the quality of life based here on Earth.
This is one ppoint within the conversation with Mr. Sosa, in him acting as a go-between medeiator, I really had trouble with.
The moronic powers that be, do not want, it seems, to allow mankind to go into near and outer space and keep him here, as a power rook on their chess boards.
This is a pleasure most crule and demonstrates and almost blind tenedency towards the old power structure of latter day Atlantis.
While on the subject of Atlantis, I had found within my reaserch a discrepency between the state of the older Atlantians coming here onto Earth in the 14,000 years ago backward in time-plus state of affairs and the modern day Pleiadean's tellings.
This was that the Atlantians had been desendants of the Lyrans, outside the earlier their worlds in the Pleides based civilizations.
If this is true, then people in general, are based from part crystaline ancient structures, within both their physical and memerie's basings??
The earlier based Atlantians from my reaserch, I'm am told by one source, were almost crystialine entitries, and had only founded into their bodies, towards the last of the Atlantian Empire's being.
So the tale of humanoids migrating here from the old Lyrian Constilation, to become Atlantians, does not somehow proof check.
Again there might be somthing here that I'm not catching.
I feel that God the Christain God, does not want to additionally let go of some of the Earthlings that he likes.This is due to a parental bond formed to the early Hebrew sects in the holy land, which he became fond of.
A father's love, I guess can be selfish?Nothing new under the sun.
At this point in time, due to the instabliteis of space time and mass imposed on mass detonations of nuclear devices, I am very, very concerned at the current doings of the powers that be.
Did you know that when you mass detonate within the kilo or megatonnage range, you not only form an atomic lens over the upper atmosphere that irraiates all life forms beneath it; however one also shunts vast amount of highly concentraited power into the central solar system sun, that this sun can not handle?
Yes this is via the path of least resistance, as nukes detonate multi-scailer and this vast amout of highly concentraited power, slams right through a worm holes, which is opened up t durring the first miliseconds of any n-blast.
This is like giving a highly concentraited herb, or liquid flavouring to an infant child, within a baby bottle.
You will, invaribley make this child deathy ill.
These are the changes to look foward to, if we should have a full scale atomic war, here on Earth?
You virtually void the warranty on our central sun.
Think of this sun as alos living and as Barbra Marcianck had said in her book Earth The Pleiadean Keys To The Living Library, the sun holds to a great measure, all of our DNA codeings.
This path that those in power have taken, I don't like, don not approve of, and in line with both Albert Einstine and Andrea Sackarov, the father of the Russian hydrogen bomb.I do not approve of nuclear weaopons as a deterent.
I hope that somehow some common sence will come out of what I have put foward here.
Note that as told on the other web net resources, that latter part of the Atlantian power, had used the power of cristals to subjigate the mass populations of Atlantis.
If this is true and all of us have a measure of the old Atlantian gene within us. This, as well as a hand me down gene, then it seems that these patterns are repeating themselves?
May God as well as the other Gods, please give us some source of a good and efficaciouis direction?
End historical marker from Creedo 299