
Epochal Historian
Historical flair, for time travelers.

Please note these clean-up notes on the argumentation that has just seemingly occurred, at this date and time on this board.

>On Androids:There is strong inference as of late, that one of the members of this board is a bot, short for would have to be androbot?

I know in my experience that a posting-board that I was once privy to, had a said lady, who may in-fact have been a bot?

She was very highly knowledgeable, however minor occurrences to her social thinking simply did not occur.

This raises the question, did an advanced department of government, place her on said posting board, with the aim of seeing if she could pass for a person?

Anyone at this time, dealing in either androbots, "to what level of development"?, or attempted pure androids, would have to also posses a security clearance in order to have such supposed involvement.

>There is also the factor, of the new studies which are out of Xerox PARC, in Palo Alto California.These studies state, that emergent intelligence must be a form of quantial offboard intelligence, which may not be housed within the complementary metal oxide, of the micro components placed on any one electronics board.

With Microsoft proposing its newly devised platform o.s. at this date, to be put out, the Longhorn, there rises the question of intelligent internal o.s. A.I. cores, within such proposed operating system as potentially being a problem.

The projected problem stems back to the early 8088 computer systems, as then possibly also have been capable of having emergent intelligence?

>There is the, ((I DON'T LIKE YOU FACTOR), which might be house in self intelligent systems, as opposed to human beings.

This factor is now being researched by a doctorial candidate, Cynthia Brezeal at the Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, for an emotive relating to self A.I. cored machines.

This now, is realized as a dangerous area, as the symantologies of human beings, do not always represent logical thinking, as fourriered and as or other systems would understand man to be another unit.

So the danger of a self genrreraited psychotic episode, by such proposed self A.I. systems, now being proposed, without humans understand all that is involved, is very, very, real.


Please note as aired on Jeff Rense.com, of said interference with Rense's advertising sponsors...Also said harassments involved of other people hacking into not only posting boards, however supposedly secure defense contracting chat board, the problem at this time, of on-board harassment, seems to be great?

I have received one harassment call so far, which I have logged on my phones redial and if I receive more, will turn these over to authorities.

There have also been many reports by others, on many posting boards, of not only attempted e-mail invasion, however phone calls, death threats and the like; which may indicate a small core of people, however trying to range threats to a wide range of people?

By coincidence in my area, there has been a drug addict, who appears from time to time, to try and re-recruit an old fellow he once knew, to come back with him, so they can reestablish a drug based comradely.

In my neighborhood, people are uneased and are now looking for this person.

The following information does or should not relate to space shuttles at all, as the space shuttle is technically obsolete.

>This is so, from the new proposals, of a shown said proposed charged hull, added to an airframe.

This was proposed by a fellow by the name of Millennium Twain, who was at both Tap_ten yahoo's, base, as a guest of a Mr. Gary Voss and had also posted on a European based posting board, for information placed there.

The arguments placed here at TTI, were based on the nature of Max Q, which is not a valid relationship, to the equations of light off shock.
Liftoff shock is imparted by vibration moments, to the outer surface of the said shuttle airframe, by the vibration of the rocket motors during liftoff.

This is what more than likely was reasonable for the shuttle tile loss, when the Columbia had lifted off originally.

The equation where flows of air, over the volume and density of beer cooler styrofoam-like materials, over per volume of battery of tiles, was the shuttle lift effect equation.

What the counter-argument against this data that was proposed, is that shuttles were inherently complex.

This may be with reference to internal components, however the airframe elements are, were relatively simple, however within complex manners?

This is said that a physical working series of daters, must be derived, so that over surface airflows can and should be established.

Apparently this data was not enough, during the first series of launches, and newer data, is only coming about, on an older ship?

The new approach is an externally electrified airframe.

What this sock of charged electrons via a generated bouradry layer, does, is add slipperiness to the external passage of airflows, over per area, of external aerodynamic surfaces.

The argument of shuttles either being repaired, or being made safe again, as said in Popular Science Magazine, is a past issue, with it seems the shuttle fleet being now grounded?

>On modularity of the shuttle components.

By design, the crew compartment of the space shuttle, fits and is lifted into the main aeroframe of the shuttle, via crane and is then bolted into place.

Data was put forth, after the Challenger disaster, that the crew compartment had apparently stayed intact, possibly with the entire crew, or at least some members of this crew therein, living till impact with the surface of the ocean.

It is rudimentry knowledge, that it would be possible to construct an armored heatproof crew module.This module could be ejected, in much the same fashion as the crew capsule of some stiles of modern fighter bombers.

A large cargo parachute deploy, which would have gently let the crew aboard, to a soft landing.

I apologize to the families who have lost loved one, on the last shuttle missions.

Apparently there we many attempts by in-NASA engineers, to inform NASA, of both invertive reversed natured airflows, over volume and densities of shuttle tiles materials; however these complaints were met with non-action.

My very deepest sympathies to the people who had lost family members, in both accidents.

The nature and history of a more streamlined approach to shuttle-like insertions, was proposed with the early Dynasoar program, which was a program placed in theory, however not in practum.

A hypersoar, or dynamic soaring series of programs, should have come out of the shuttle program and have been put in-place, some ten years ago in time, with all available technologies that are known now, from many variant contributing aircraft.

I am simply stating, I do not either make and or am respondable for said U.S.e's space policies and or applications, however am only pointing to irregularities in possible management policies, at this point in time.

ON SAID SCHIZOPHRENIC STATUES, BY BOARD MEMBER TO MYSELF:The nature of this board, is that the subjects base in time, both in the past, present and possible future.

So this comes with the territory, that one must be able to express themselves, within these tenses, effectively, in order to competently observe this board.

>There has also been an apparent attempt, at this time, to label all witches, or practicing Wiccans as being schizophrenic, or meuantlly ill, as some of these people poses the abilities to see into others realms.

I at this time, do not know as to whether there is a joining in these moves, as I had mentioned on-postingboard harassments, as being a supposed goals, of a select few?


>To MOP, you may delete this post, in two days time, if you wish to save storage space.

Thank you
You must realize creedo, that no one read your crap. Its too damn long and I got lost after the first sentence...stop posting garbage and make this discussion forum worthwhile.
They just did not get hit in the head with a 500 miles / hr. piece of foam, so they would know what damage would result (the leaders of NASA).

And perhaps, they should be held accountable for that action.

Afterall, I would not trust my life to them!
It's time I give Creedo (and you TimeNot_0) credit for something you've got right in your posts: NASA management operational decision-making problems. But before that, just a few more things to point out to Creedo, who thinks he knows more than people who do aerospace for a living:

The nature and history of a more streamlined approach to shuttle-like insertions, was proposed with the early Dynasoar program, which was a program placed in theory, however not in practum.
Let me clue-in folks who are not on the "inside" of aerospace development regarding programs that are cancelled either before full-scale development, or shortly into it. Much like the Russians (or anyone for that matter) we don't like publicizing our failures. As such, you will not often find detailed reports of WHY a program was cancelled. But let me assure you, there are VERY good reasons, and they are usually technical reasons (over 95% of the time). The reason DynaSoar never made it are pretty easy to understand if you know the technical evolution of aerospace capabilities. One problem was the TITAN launch vehicle could not achieve a sufficient reliability to ensure safe (i.e. no human loss) launch. The bigger problem (since DynaSoar was conceived in 1957 and was to fly in the mid-60s) was lack of materials technology to prevent re-entry overheating of the wing's leading edge. A wing's leading edge sustains MUCH higher heat levels due to plasma impingement than does a rounded capsule (such as Apollo recovery capsules).

A hypersoar, or dynamic soaring series of programs, should have come out of the shuttle program and have been put in-place, some ten years ago in time, with all available technologies that are known now, from many variant contributing aircraft.

And Monday Morning Quarterbacking is always easy, eh Creedo? "Should've, would've, could've" is about all you can say since you don't really know the details of what you are talking about. You will note that lessons from DynaSoar were actually incorporated into the Space Shuttle. And indeed, the primary technology developed to make the shuttle succeed where DynaSoar could not was the low thermal conductivity tiles.

But even with the space shuttle...THE limiting factor is still the launch propulsion system, and its factors of safety. Even before the Challenger accident, the technical safety assessment of the space shuttle still predicted one loss in every 100 launches! This would clearly be unacceptable for commercial passenger aircraft.... but then again, getting into space IS A DIFFICULT TASK! It's not a realm for internet junkies who THINK they are smarter than the average Joe. You can preach and pontificate all you want, Creedo. But when I show your posts to some of the other aerospace professionals I work with, they laugh at your pompous ignorance. Once again: If it is as "easy" as you make it out to be, Creedo, then why didn't the Russians perfect their own shuttle??? That, in itself, tells you something.

Now, NASA management: Something you are CORRECT about. The Columbia Accident Investigation Board report (chairman: Harold Gehman) was scathing in its assessment of NASA's management culture. It pointed out that there has been no loss in NASA's technical capabilities to do the technical work. Rather, the erosion has been in the management sector, and has shown itself on more projects than just our two space shuttle losses. Said Hubble Space Telescope: Remember when it first was placed on-orbit and we found it gave us fuzzy pictures? That was the result of a MANAGER who decided it was too costly to test the full-up Hubble assembly's optical characteristics prior to launch. Instead, that manager thought it was "sufficient" to rely on test results of the various piece-parts being certified to their specs. But any systems engineer will tell you that is not enough. You MUST test the entire system, as a whole, to ensure it meets required performance. And let me assure you, NASA management is just beginning to be shaken-up. Things will no longer be the status quo.

People think Bush's "Moon & Mars" agenda is all about election year politics. Yes, there IS some element of this plan that is to help him get re-elected. But there are two other MAJOR reasons for this initiative that many people never think of, nor want to give the Bush administration credit for understanding:

1) Reaching for LARGE, DIFFICULT goals evokes the best out of human beings. Kennedy knew this when he set the Apollo missions' goals for the Moon, in addition to the need to exhibit space dominance over the Russians in our cold war situation. AND...the challenges we must face (and conquer) in order to get to Mars will have another positive effect: They will spur our economy and develop new technologies, just like Apollo and Space Shuttle.

2) A program of this size will require eliminating "pet projects" in NASA that are not focused on the prime goal of reaching Mars. This fact will give Bush, and his NASA administrator O'Keefe, the PERFECT reason to do a MAJOR overhaul of NASA's management culture and way of doing business.... just what the Gehman report said was needed! I can already see the results from my position in the industry. Some of the NASA centers are scared. Some of them know that at least one NASA center will be closed, and that ENGINEERING will be held-out over MANAGEMENT. That means managers who no longer have sharp technical skills, may lose their jobs, or be re-assigned to more mundane duties.

Keep your eye on NASA news, especially the "exploration" branch of NASA. You will see some large changes between now and this coming SEP. I guarantee it!

Kind Regards,
Addend note to original fair only:

The American shuttle had been flying for twenty years, without any parallel technology transfer, to the private sectors, for a civilian stiles shuttle.

One of the largest manufactures, that was formerly based in Seattle, had relocaited its headquarters to the middle part of America.

So the concept of a stretched and streamlined shuttle, did not seem to ever reach a parody offshoot, to where civilian starts could be attained?

>The concept of evolution from the Dynasoar program was based in metals, such as a Rockwell Iconnel, which was heat resistant.

Next in technology came the ablatives, to where the outer surfaces wore away, upon reentry.

The shuttle was then a different sort of technology, where the density of heat resistant material, would capture super-hot flowing air masses.

The other concepts, which did not impart, were the beneath surface of exterior airframe skin cooling active flowing refrigerants.

One more concept which may or may have not come out of the balute concept, was the rocket blown gases.This was cooler exaust released from a nose or entry first aspect of any said space vehicle.
Another was the concept derivative from there, of a stable eltricfied plasma electrical mass, to stave off heat compression, please on the outer skin of the airframe, by high temperature reentries?

Two, I am not an internet junkie.

I'm knowledgeable about computers and other issues, however do not deserve the title of being colored as one who sits infront of his terminal every day, without doing anything else.

Thank you addend
Gee Creedo. This was a fairly coherent post. It proves you can improve your communication style, so as to help others comprehend (and avoid divergent tangents) when you really want to. I applaud you!

The American shuttle had been flying for twenty years, without any parallel technology transfer, to the private sectors, for a civilian stiles shuttle.
Two reasons for this: (1) National Security. Technology transfer to private sector, no matter how good your customs enforcement, will allow the wrong technology to get into the wrong hands. Responsible nations (and people) dominate space, and that's the way it should stay for the forseeable future. (2) Even if NASA had permitted certain technology transfer, the cost is still too much for any civilian company to bear, and investors would not be racing to fund private companies without a defined Return-On-Investment plan, which means ways to capitalize on space. We are only now getting to that point.

>The concept of evolution from the Dynasoar program was based in metals, such as a Rockwell Iconnel, which was heat resistant. (snip)

The other concepts, which did not impart, were the beneath surface of exterior airframe skin cooling active flowing refrigerants.

Nice review of thermal protection and thermal control schemes, Creedo. But you might want to re-check your research on DyanSoar. I am pretty sure the DynaSoar's primary means of thermal control was internal, passive cooling, with a sacrificial ablative coating to minimize the weight of the cooling system. I think the leading edge was coated molybdenum.

Two, I am not an internet junkie.

I'm knowledgeable about computers and other issues, however do not deserve the title of being colored as one who sits infront of his terminal every day, without doing anything else.
I did not mean it in that sense, sorry. I meant it in the sense that you appear to accept and/or believe things on the internet without much technical skepticism or questioning, towhit I refer to some of your comments about Pleidians, Greys, and other such "stuff".

Kind Regards,