Historic Congressional Hearing on UFOs Is Live


Staff member

At 6 a.m. PT/9 a.m. ET Tuesday, the US House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee will shed some light on UFOs -- more formally known as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP -- with an open hearing.

Let's see what happens, if anything.

They're in recess. I gotta admit, this is some dry-ass television. i think we all know more about what's going on then they do.
What was the initial reason for all this ufo related business going public lately? Just seems odd that now all of a sudden we are allowed to have the government treat ufos with seriousness
What was the initial reason for all this ufo related business going public lately? Just seems odd that now all of a sudden we are allowed to have the government treat ufos with seriousness
With nothing but my opinion to base this on, I think they cart this stuff out when they need as much distraction as they can. The abortion leak, the shootings over the weekend, 2000 Mules, the Sussman trial (now on day 3) and the litany of other failures the government creates in any given timeframe. This was just noise.

These (most) televised hearings are a show for the public. "Look how engaged I am in this edgy thing you're interested in, fellow American".


If they really wanted to do something, they could bring out one of the ships Bob Lazar worked on and show us how it works. Now that would be interesting.
