Historians, note' creating your own massive spacet


Epochal Historian
Historians, note\' creating your own massive spacet

Historians, note' creating your own massive spacetime, in responce to link http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=time_travel&Number=27314&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1

Historians and bots please note, with reference to the following facts concerning encroaching differences in space time, which may effect space-time density.

Note that approximate two years before this posting date, that by U.S. military LASCO cameras, that a large undefined object pass briefly as was noted in Godlike Productions forum.

To all researches, you will have to use a web search device, known as the Way-back in order to find these sets of photos from LASCO.

Note that size of object was near the size of Jupiter, in comparison to the central sun, in a the background.

The object passed it seems under the sun, as viewed from LASCO, in a right to left fashion, as I do believe the viewing plates of LASCO are reversed, due to optics uptake?

The object was relatively large and did appear to have a degree of transparency about it.

During this time, I was exposed to outside work, which was during a Summer, I believe in June, July.

What I had noted, is that there was an audible change in frequency, indicating a sound heard, in both of my ears.

Also, it seemed that while the outside temperature was hot and the solar radiation output from the sun, extremely strong. The sky was noted as being both an off iridescent blue, as well as seeming to have less density.

It was at this time I had noted a number of personal objects, all around me, small in character, begin to disappear.

I had compensated and found that some of the objects missing could be replaced by others.

This compensation got me along with an outside labor duty, which was painting a house.

What I had noted were many vast complaints at a web site, known as Godlike productions, in association with said Planet X.

These were heath ills, dizziness, again loss of personal items, noted in all ages, including early twenties in people.

I noted two instances where an ice teas plastic jug, seemed not to have a label at all.

So I could not tell as if this jug was meant for recycle as it was a milk jug, or en empty water jug, in which case I could have used the water jug, to supply my iced teas needs.

I had physically looked through and around that jug, for sure, in order to find a label.

I took approximately ten seconds to do this task and found none.

It seemed to my senses that frequency, had dropped down and two things had happened.

One I had all of my bills mailed out with stamps, I'm doubly sure were placed on the envelopes, returned with no stamps what so ever.

There were not signs that the stamps were forced removed.

It was just as if these stamps had just disappeared.

The second event was the appearance of a water jug label in the sink, as I had added teas to the jug, which I did not know was either water or milk?

The water labeled appeared as I had tuned over the jug, while washing the outside of the container, after spilling some hot teas, on the outside of the jug.

A correspondent in Alaska, also noted that items all of a sudden, started to reappear to her.

This reporting may be kept in archival storage, at Godlike Productions, please contact the manager of this web site.

>The error in thinking that one can form a contrast self massive space time, is that where mass and size enters into a solar system, close to that central sun.
So the construction of this object is powerdered iron and silicon, then there may be both a back-damming of pressure behind the object if it is big enough.

Conversley, an increase in solar output, do to an interruption placed between that central sun and one of the objects that it tends to.

This was noted in remote viewing techniques, as said by a Major Ed Dames and the Navaho Spirit Walkers, as both noted on Art Bells shows, or COAST-TO-COAST AM, of the sun being both self inteligent and aware of humans.

This means that overall solar frequency had increased with the appearance of Planet X, as well as there being a noted increase in solar energy, as noted by the Russian scientific consortium, at this time.

It is at this time, imposable to determine what Planet X will do to us as humans, due to these two facts.

The Nancy Lieder Zeta Talk Group had said, that Planet X will squirt out of the solar system, after a certain point.

A poster here by the handle of T-Susannah, said in her post here, that instead, it seems Planet X will park itself around Earth, for some time.This was said as a product of her dreams.

The question might be, what is the value of mankind, if the living freqncy is altered so that a not clear frequency, via mass and unmanageable frequency is encountered by the populace living on Earth?

This information by the Lieder group suggests that Planet X is inhabitant and that the approach of this near Jupiter a sized planet, is under the control of offworld beings?

The web site, universe.com, also says the same information as put forward by the Pleiadeans also known as their new title, they say, The Plejarians.

So what is a stable and uniform frequency, is a near size to Jupiter body with a weight mass three times Jupiter, is present in this solar frequency, throwing off a stable frequency?

Please note it was also my relaying about the said Atlantians in the mid Atlantis area, that they had arrived on Earth as Lyrian war refugees, being in the fourth density range of personal materials, but had dropped down to third density, material.

This had caused the Atlantians to seek over-crystal use, as a way of personal escape back into the fourth density, as told by Spirit-web, which was then hosted by yahoo.

So to all, the rudimentary adjustment of a self stable space-time, would be akin to pitcher Bob Moose dealing with the vintage mind altering substance used in the 60s 70s and 1980s, known as LSD.

This is where said pitcher's hand, would seem about a foot across, where the other one was normal sized.

Differing frequencies, also do affect stability of the manifestation fields of known physical objects.

Please note as a contrast to this information outlayed, that past seer Nostradamus said that the anti-terrorist war, would last for a period of theirty-six years.

There is an abstract in this posting board, in time travel claims, by a poster known as Chronohistorian, who says that Mohamidism after a while, in a global fashion, may become accepted as main-stream?

Please note in the histories of both medical sciences as well as chemistry and physics, the Arabic contributions.

These times for historically and culturally aware people, in respects to moderate and peaceful Arabic peoples, is a very hard time to endure, due to some past Arabic conrtrivctions to certain fields of scientific endeavors.

So as contrasting information I do not know one hundred percent if Planet X does or does not exist.

Only the data that I have brought forward, gives any claire, to any said informations so far.