Hist robot technolgy in time travel observed


Epochal Historian
History post, robotics:

At this time, humans have the current capabilities, in domestically sold robots.

The better grade of Japan made robots, can walk and perform ask-to, task, at Japan based technical fairs.

However' Japan grade of robots, do not seem to be sold on the domestic, American market?

MIT had a walking U.S. based robot, that I know of and this is not sold domestically.

U.S. Based floor model robots, have many varied abilities.

It is best to use either a C computer engine, or a windows based computer product, pred ferbaly either from such corporations as Tern Inc. or a used or factory damaged case laptop, to install in large home floor bots.

With the downloadable visual basic programs available, this gives any home-bot the ability to perform local task, ab round the home.

The combination of floor robots and Japan grade walking robots, have not appeared on the domestic scene together as of yet.

The problems with walking or any other form of robot, is that there is not one, a technical education program for consumers as of yet. This is to educate owners users on what robots can do.

Two there is not a company and or consumer liability filter, which enacts the ergonomic law.The law states, that all sold robots, should be human useable, as much as possible at this timeframe posting.

The potential in two months time, as a concerted company push, could produce a walking robot, that would fill most of the wants of the American population, however there seems no company wide push at this time.

In order to perform a walking robots maintenance, the unit itself must be able to be hooked up via an i.p. line, with the companies dedicated robot diagnostics data base.

A quick disassembly for both key electronics boards and or parts, such as arms and legs, has not been discovered by the prime Japanese companies as of yet.

*The term Japan Grade, in manufacturing, refers to a very high grade of electronics assembly.

This Japanese ability, for a while, was noted only in Japan.

This fact was due to Japan's, tight knit, electronic's organizations.

Now, other countries, such as China, Malaysia and other parts of the orient, seem to be reaching a parody on Japanese manufacturing capabilities?
I haven't heard of any USA designs, or anything in Europe, but whenever I google up ASIMO, I get a huge kick from watching that robot walk, run, talk, dance, do whatever, that's some badass technology! I'd like to see what else it can do, and when they put the new super processers in their motherboards, we will all be done for! It will be just like the movies, end of the world! just kidding, but check this awesome machine out for yourselves! If other countries are making these htings, I'd bet this is what we're going to expect out of all of our new appliances in the future, we'll have lap tops that walk around and we'll tap them on the heads, their craniums will crack open and a flat monitor will pop open, wackey! Imagin having a car with a personality that talks to you, or a talking toaster, (if said purchaser would see fit to buy a talking toaster with an attitude.) When technology starts thinking for the human, sky is the limit. I can't wait until I get one of my own so Johnney 5 can serve me martinies outside of my pool- way cool futures are on the way!