Hist note, walking robots 2000s


Epochal Historian
The process of leasing a walking home robot, in this relative time area, how this should be?

You or whoever is going to lease the walking robot, goes to a robot leasing company.

You talk to a salesman, are asked to submit a plan, of what your walking robot needs might be?

You sit in a booth, in-front of a terminal and are shown a floor-plan, along with you projected profile usage of how you will use this robot.

You fill out a user's profile plan and are recontacted by a home use expert.

-The price of the robot is about fifty, to seventy-five thousand dollars, so you must purchase liability insurance that protects you, your home, the company and frees anyone from a law suet, in-case there is something going wrong, in the process of using this walking robot?
So there must be a user rate fee.This could be as low a seventy dollars to anywhere as high as two hundred dollars per month, depending on the capabilities of the robot?

You sit and have a consultation, as to how this robot will be use, the problems that the bot encounters, and how you plan to employ this form of bot.

Two things, the company because of required maintenance laws, must be able to talk to their bot over an i.p. line.
So you will either have to have an existing computer in your home, or a dedicate i.p. to factory line installed, as their company, must be able to exchange data, over an i.p. line?

The expert will point out areas that you can or cant use this robot for.
If its a go, the process will continue from there.

*At your home now:

Whether this place being an apartment or a fully qualified home, you must let the robot people, be able to walk the entire home, with the set of electrical eyes, that will record all the roving spaces, that the projected roam patterns of this bot, will encounter.

There might be series of steps, obstacles and other problems such as pets, that might be problem to the bot in-general, so the in-home experts must ferret these problems out.

The company cannot be responsible if you are an untidy person.They won't lease this bot to people that have certain social problems and the bot has an automatic shutdown feature, installed by the company, if this bot is to be used for illegal purposes.

*There is a recharge jack, that must be installed, which will recharge the batteries of this bot, during non-use cycles.

MAINTENANCE:All bots, have a replicable unlock parts pattern to them.So the coppmay personnel, must either be able to come to service this bot and would need an access key to your place, or you would have to assume the required mainantce programs and write this responsibly, as being your chores, incase something would go wrong with the bot?

So if say the servo actuator in the left arm goes bad, and you want that bot online to help at a coming party, then either a bot personal must be able to have access to you home, or your in-home personnel, must be able to do this?

Sop something like Federal Express, or UPS carriers for quick replacement of parts and or electronics boards, must be a feature with reference to walking bots.

The boards for the brain of the walking bot, should be styled that all you have to do, is press open a hatch, a lid flips open and there are a series of seven boards inside of this bot's head.

These board come out by releasing their cage hold-down bars, and pressing down on the board that has a red light, instead of a green led light showing on the board.

A new board will be rushed to the walking bot, and then it will be back online, as soon as possible?

These bots should be equipped with a recorder, that records all events pertinent to them and their action profiles only!

So like legal houses of proposed prostitution and their credit card users, health inter-company profiles list only, this information is ((strictly confidential information)) for only the maintinance and company law programs.

If the bots sees illegal actily that is going on, whether it reports this behaviors to the company and or police, is bound to be an area of debate.

*Please note, one of the areas opposed to the legalization of prostitution was One heath confidential information that the stat must know and Two the user's list to that house of prostuition.>Someone's personal life, or business life could be ruined by the disclosures of certain users list.So again the projected in-home use of a walking robots, walks right smak dab into these areas once more.

NOW IF ALL GOES RIGHT?:If all goes right, in your home, or where you live, you should now have a walking robot that can fetch a beverage, ask an opion from, be able to perform chores, check to see if Sally is in her bed after nine O'clock and a host of other do-ables, at a cost of what your monthly lease is, plus understanding associated with this bots, use, as part of a monthly, yearly, purchased plan.

DISCLAIMER:I am not responsible for mankind not being diluted in numbers, being shipped off of this Earth, as a part of a should be relocation plan, so that the institution of the walking robot is more safe.
My legal said here, has to do with social problems stemming from the Toffler's projected social functional compaction problems as said in the book Future Shock.
This is not my area of liability as I have said before, that mankind should at the beginning of the 2000s, without fail, started to be transplanted from Earth, without fail.
I am not a correspond that, after humans are told they have so much worth, of letting them all be systematically euthanized.
This is murder plain and simply and I won't either be responsible for it, nor held accountable.
>You want walking robots in your homes to function on a better level of performance?Then allow space relations relocation now, without fail.

It is the product of cutting edge artificial intelligence and dynamics technology.
An entertainment robot that lives with you, makes life fun, makes you happy.

Its name is QRIO.

QRIO can gather information and move around on its own accord.

QRIO not only walks on two legs, it can also manage uneven surfaces,
dance, recognize people's faces and voices, and carry on conversation.

QRIO is eager to be friends with people.

Even among robots, QRIO's capabilities are unique.

As well as walking on two legs, if QRIO does lose its balance,
it reacts to protect itself against the impact.

And after it falls, QRIO checks front, back, left and right, and gets back up, by itself.

Its intellectual capabilities allow QRIO to distinguish people's faces and voices.

And QRIO can communicate with people based on its own judgments,
expressing its feelings through movements, conversation, and the use of its lights.

Until a decade ago, the word 'robot' was associated primarily with industry.

Having robots perform tasks in place of humans is 'helpful',
but wouldn't it be 'fun' if people and robots could not only work together,
but live together too?

SONY decided to create a 'partner' that talks to you, plays with you, encourages you.

And inside this small body, lives the same frontline technology and
wealth of knowledge that fostered the development of SONY products
like the HANDYCAM and WALKMAN.

QRIO's dreams are limitless. But one is clear to make your life fun and happy.

For example, QRIO uses body language and words to convey a feeling of intimacy;
QRIO can connect to the Internet and share the kind of information you like to hear.

As the world becomes progressively more complex,
we thought how wonderful it would be to have a navigator
that gently changes with the times.

What is more, the results of such research on robots is sure to pave the way for Sony
to create even more innovative IT-based products, and new concepts in the future.


Sony's Qrio robot attending nursery school in California

Sunday, May 1, 2005 at 07:15 JST
TOKYO — Qrio, a humanoid robot developed by a Sony Intelligence Dynamics Laboratories Inc has been attending a nursery school in California since March to play with children up to 2 years of age in an experiment to help develop a robot that can "live in harmony with humans in the future."

Qrio spends time each day with more than 10 toddlers at the nursery school located in San Diego. Qrio is always accompanied by a researcher, who is in charge of making sure everything goes smoothly. While the children were at first apprehensive about Qrio, they now dance with it and help it get up when it falls. "The children think of Qrio as a feeble younger brother," researcher Fumihide Tanaka said. (Kyodo News)

Japan Today Discussion
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Sony's Qrio robot attending nursery school in California
nomad99 (May 1 2005 - 16:32)

..."The children think of Qrio as a feeble younger brother," ...

... There's just something spooky about that.

From the headline
kjunluc (May 2 2005 - 09:12)

I thought Qrio was studying to be
a nurse.

hinomaru bentou (May 2 2005 - 15:20)

me too.

What a crock!

Sony's Qrio robot attending nursery school in California
bleep (May 3 2005 - 17:01)

Lol this sounds funny and cool at the same time. What will Qrio learn while being with children age 2? hmm? Maybe how to throw tantrums. grabbing, yelling,crying and bouts of Mommy Mommy i want that!

I live in San Diego
sdspidy (May 4 2005 - 09:02)

It's interesting that I have to go to a Japanese website to get news about my own city. There is absolutely no news coverage of this on local TV. American Media is probably afraid to announce it as the citizens here are too mentally stunted to allow a safe experiment, such as robots and humans interacting, to be conducted.

For example, QRIO uses body language and words to convey a feeling of intimacy;
QRIO can connect to the Internet and share the kind of information you like to hear.
