His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 2009


Rift Surfer
Although, no civil war or Waco like events have taken place. It is odd a woman may have a strong chance of becoming President in 2009 as implied by 'John Titor'.

The Democratic take over of Congress has now positioned a woman to be the Speaker of the House. The 3rd in line for the Presidency.

With Condoleeza Rice and Hillary Clinton, this make 3 women in potential position to be President either by Election, Succession or Nomination.

Hillary Clinton by Election
Nancy Pelosi by Succession if Bush & Cheney resign or somehow die.
Condoleeza Rice by Nomination if Cheney resigns and then something happens to the President Bush.

<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1168446378TheCigSmokinMan3">

Next Female President in 2009
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />Nancy Pelosi
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />Hillary Clinton
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />Condoleeza Rice
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>


We are still selling 'John Titor' T-Shirts right? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

uh-uh okay, but I think I need another option. I do work for a woman, but actually now I was on my way to the restroom to think, perhaps even dream, about being on my Throne.
I am not trolling, I am merely keeping those supposed time travelers' threads around. One was a request, and I am tired of looking those up, and the other is also a debate on whether anything happens with those anagrams. I see actually no need to start up a conversation on who will be the next President already. It is usually covered in the Media so much, that personally I rather not even listen to it. It is always the same, they start so early, they tie up the Media and they end up taking too much time, at least to me. I don't think they are time travelers either so I wonder why anyone would want to talk politics on a time travel board. I rather talk 'time' or supposed time travelers or just about anything else, except politics or religion. Any candidate will have his/her Power Base at least to me, because that is how they got there in the first place. They add more Power if the rest of the people start following and listening. Everyone wants to be with the political Leader and all of that, at least to me. I just fail to conjecture on who it might be after listening to the News. I just don't think it will be a Woman, because of what is going on in the World. First everyone will decide that "They over there do not want to see a Woman President" and will consider that first of all. They expect to try and still get along with their way of thinking over there in foreign Countries. If you expect Iran or Iraq or the Middle East to have a Woman President, or N. Korea, or China, or just about anyone over there, then perhaps you are thinking of the European Union instead of what they expect. Also I just don't feel of think at this time, those in political Office will consider anything else until the World is more stable. Too much going on in this World. Merkel may be the only woman President and that is in Germany, I just do not think these politicians here will consider that even if she was Margaret Thacher and an Iron Lady. Tension is one thing, but foolhardiness may just be considered to have been done if in a War (which we are after 911) and someone seriously thinks that a woman will take over. Politicians can talk all day, but let's remember since the data about Iraq was taken from Bill Clinton's Adminstration and that the Democrats even agreed at the time, is the reason then that Iraq is the way that it is. It is Congress that did that, when they did not have to, but they all did that.
Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

"so I wonder why anyone would want to talk politics on a time travel board. I rather talk 'time' or supposed time travelers or just about anything else, except politics or religion."

Well if you are talking about time what are you talking about? the day and date? or the history of the past? If there is anything more I just can't what is in the present will be the past and thus become history and part of it is Politics.although some of it may also be the history of religion because it has been around a long time I don't think we would talk about it. I don't know what I am saying anymore so nevermind.

"Merkel may be the only woman President and that is in Germany"

I thought maybe finland had a woman president, but I could be wrong.

As for
"I see actually no need to start up a conversation on who will be the next President already. It is usually covered in the Media so much, that personally I rather not even listen to it."

In the power vacuum of RainManTime leaving (taking a break), it seems you have elected yourself the "Arbitor of Content" here at TTI...

And it would be "read" not "listen" to it... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I put out the poll because it was 'Titor' related. With Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House along with Hillary Clinton as a "front runner" for the Democratic party, it is VERY POSSIBLE that the President in 2009 could be a woman.

It's ok for you to post "Titor" C2C threads but not me on the 'Titor' predictions.

I just find your "bumping of threads" to be 'suspicious' and 'republican' /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

Although, no civil war or Waco like events have taken place.

It isn't completely correct to say that no civil war has taken place.

We are, after all, in the middle of a pretty freaking big civil war in Iraq, which started just about when Titor said a civil war would begin. He said that America would find itself embroiled in a terrible civil war in 2004/2005, and so indeed we have.

He got the time right and the army right, but the location wrong. So its not a completely correct prediction, but its not completely incorrect either. After all, how often in American history has the US armed forces been involved in civil wars of any variety? Not too often. But Titor said we would be in a huge one that started in 2004/2005, and he was on the money at least so far as the timing was concerned.

And with the American nation being so divided over this war, it is still not outside the realm of possibility that this civil war that started in Iraq in 2004/2005 will eventually spark a civil war in the States as well. On the contrary, instead of being outside the realm of possibility, that disturbing scenario seems to become a little more likely with every passing month.

- Peter
Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

It is odd a woman may have a strong chance of becoming President in 2009 as implied by 'John Titor'.

Where, when, and how did Titor "imply" that a woman would be President in 2008?

- Peter
Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

Mr. Novak,

'John Titor' stated that the next president in 2009 was only interested in protecting "his/her" powerbase.

The "his/her" leads one to speculate that the President is a woman.

It's on JohnTitor.com

And Tell Zeshua we don't have time for anagrams!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

'John Titor' stated that the next president in 2009 was only interested in protecting "his/her" powerbase. The "his/her" leads one to speculate that the President is a woman. It's on JohnTitor.com

Oh, that. Yeah, I knew about that statement; I just assumed you must have been referring to something less generic.


If Titor had said that the next president was only interested in appeasing his Democratic/Republican base, would you assume the next President was a Democrat or a Republican? If Titor had said that the next president was over six feet tall/under six feet tall, would you assume he was over or under?

Reading either "male" or "female" into that statement from Titor says more about the reader than the writer.

- Peter
Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

"Reading either "male" or "female" into that statement from Titor says more about the reader than the writer."

ROTFLMAO. Lovely, Peter, just lovely. All you need to do now is apply this exact same logic to your own "reading-into" of Zeshua's statements and "anagrams". I see you still haven't solved the DEMONS FORMER JIG JUG anagram, eh? Perhaps I should reveal it before the "event" just to eff with Zeshua? And BTW, your RENAISSANCE PI MELTS solution is still incorrect. I gave you the two real solutions, but you prefer to "read into" these anagrams your own biased solutions. So exactly how is your "reading-into" different from what CigSmokingMan3 has done?

The JIG is up. You just have not realized it yet.
Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

Mr. Novak,

Consider if you will...

If the President he had in mind wasn't a woman, he would have just said he or him.

It's pretty obvious.

But I understand symantec hairsplitting...

Re: His / Her Powerbase Poll - Female President 20

If the President he had in mind wasn't a woman, he would have just said he or him.

...unless he didn't want to give us any clues about whether it was a man or a woman.

On the other hand, if he DID want to give us a hint about whether it was a man or a woman, he could have simply and directly said either "his" or "her", instead of "his/her". But he didn't. Instead, he wrote "his/her", which was obviously an intentional effort to conceal that information.

- Peter