Hey, Bill Nye, how will we know when to believe a time traveler?

Just my two cents.

This is Bill Nye's opinion. He is basing his opinion on one type of technology. How is technology going to be in 1000 years?

Another thing I don't like is assuming that all time travelers are going to profit from their adventures. If I were a time traveler, I'd have zero interest in money and I also don't watch football, so I'd have ZERO clue about the superbowl. I just don't pay attention to it. Being critical is fine, but Bill Nye is making a lot of assumptions. Let's say a time traveler works for the government. Do you think they would allow him to profit off his time travel?

Bill Nye isn't teaching this child to think for herself. He is encouraging her to agree with him by giving her the answer, his answer, which isn't based on research but is based on on-the-fly opinion. But alas, Bill has a right to his opinion. I just personally don't agree with everything he says. :D Sorry, Bill!

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I like the fact that one person typing on a computer, regardless if truthful, has affected the world. For Bill Nye to comment (your right, leading her to conclusions instead of fact finding and helping her on the subject) means John Titor is main stream and will never be forgotten.  Now try to do that typing on a computer.lol
