Hey all, an introduction


Temporal Novice
Hi, I'm a drunk traveler. That means I travel drunk and have fun. My typing tyend s to be bad, and my wrods can be mistkaen, but I'm a good person & try to have fun. :-) Hope to be a friend to good people here..
Since I'm drunk, I'll add a little more. I've got a time machine and all, and I'm here for fun and learning. I wasn't always a drunk, but then I disocverd time travel and couldn't deal with it. lol Time travel alone is the worst thing, with someone else it's okay.
Welcome Drunk Traveler,

We'd like you to make friends here, but just want to caution you about your language and any racist topics in your posts. Please try to be a good community member. We don't mind your drunkenness :) but we'd rather not have to clean up vomit. ;)
