

Temporal Novice
Throughout history. there have been stories of Hermits who avoided contact with the rest of society. Some of them. like Johannes Kelpius were considered to be wizards, or extraordinarily brilliant.

Men ahead of their time? Crazy folk? Or time travelers who got stuck?


I think it could be any or all three and there's no way for us to be sure. Some of them were VERY ahead of their time but if they did influence the path of history. If they were time travelers, was the influence intentional to avoid specific things? Sounds like a dangerous game to go back with the intent of being noticed and changing things. On the other hand, if there were a time traveler who got 'stuck' in a backwards part of history and in an unfamiliar culture, I can see how that might make someone actually crazy.

Heck, being stuck in this backwards culture as a member of the current society drives me crazy! I can just imagine how absolutely hopeless someone like Joannes Kelpius must have felt being stuck in the 1600-1700s in Colonial America, that would make a more advanced person absolutely nuts. You never know, though who among us might be Joannes of today!

In india you have hermits or sadhus who, avoid society and usually stay in the mountain area mediatating mostly and they do this to get close to god and leave their body as well and eat fruits and vegetables as well. The are pure in the heart and mind, as they are not apart of society and quite interesting to hear their stories and even when they do come to the cities they talk very few words and people worship their footsteps. It can be hard to live like them, and since we want to stay ahead in our life it will be hard to stay the life of a hermit and depends on how you do it and what you intend to gain as well.

Hermits and people that choose seclusion are not new in history, in medieval history it was not uncommon for certain people to go into a secular lifestyle for spiritual or creative reasons. I am thinking about the bards of Ireland that would spend time in dark caves only to emerge and become the keepers of the written word. It is as if the time away from the day to day influence is essential to develop this spirituality/creativity. Even the christian bible says Jesus spent 40 days and nights alone in the desert.

I guess it could be possible that these individuals were scooped up by extraterrestrial beings, or communicated with dirties (or demons) but in the end does it matter? If I were a time traveler I would probably be a hermit, it would make sense. I sort of prefer the traveler personae that most literature gives to time travelers. A mysterious stranger from another place is far more romantic then a hermit on the fringe of society.

Maybe they just get fed up of noisy people. I need atleast 3+ hours a day by myself otherwise I start to get annoyed at people. I like to spend the entire day by myself sometimes. Young women are starting to annoy me now days. They seem to be really stupid and shallow. All they seem to do is post half naked pictures of themselves on facebook and talk about how tragic their life is because they broke a nail.
