Here's How Easy Getting A Prediction 'Right' Is


Quantum Scribe
Here\'s How Easy Getting A Prediction \'Right\' Is

Here's a totally random, made up 'prediction' I made here on November 28th

Now if you told me that the 09.37 from Waterloo to Paris on Thursday December 17th will break down inside the Channel Tunnel for 5 hours and a famous pop star will give birth on board while this happens, and that Art Bell was also on board and missed a Paris radio station talk on John Titor.......and all THAT came true.......

Well....I was only a day out......but on Friday 18th less than FOUR trains broke down inside the Channel Tunnel

OK so the rest of the prediction maybe didn't come true.....but hey, by the standards of Titor believers I'm a freakin prophet ! Move over...Titorites.

Now then.....about that earth tremor in Southern England on December 26th....hmm, doesn't look too serious.
Re: Here\'s How Easy Getting A Prediction \'Right\' Is

I predict that at some point in the future all of California will fall into the ocean or at least part of it will.

Sorry..that one is already taken...need to come up with something "new" that you can take credit for as "your own" prediction. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Of course, the reason why Twighlight's predictions didnt seem to be entirely true to "our" dimension, was due to the ( MTDDF ) Multi-dimensional Timeline Differential Divergence Factor.

Twighlight, perhaps a book entitled " The Twighlight Prophecies " is something we can look forward to purchasing in our local bookstores soon ?
Re: Here\'s How Easy Getting A Prediction \'Right\' Is

Multi-dimensional Timeline Differential Divergence Factor.

Ah, that sounds like standard speak down at my local car dealer.....whenever any fault is found.

" Well, sir, it's the multi-dimensional Timeline Differential Divergence Factor. I'm affraid it's expensive and not covered by the warranty "
Re: Here\'s How Easy Getting A Prediction \'Right\' Is

Twighlight, perhaps a book entitled " The Twighlight Prophecies " is something we can look forward to purchasing in our local bookstores soon ?

Well....I must say it's rather uncanny that I 'predicted'.....3 weeks in advance and only out by one day.....such chaos at the Channel Tunnel. If someone claiming to be a time traveller here had done that, I'd start to be impressed a little.

Let me see now. What's coming up in the near future :-

1) Minor earthquake in London,UK area...before end of December.

2) Part of Saudi oil field collapses ( big impact on global finance ) January 13th 2010

3) Osama Bin Laden captured. Feb 10th 2010

4) Passenger liner hits iceberg, incidedent similar to Titanic and not far off the original site.......March 3rd 2010

Watch this space !
Re: Here\'s How Easy Getting A Prediction \'Right\' Is

Number 4 will never happen, due to gobal warming, or is that climate change .Geez i'm confused now.