Here's a Theory!


Temporal Novice
Here\'s a Theory!

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif Many of my ideas are far fetched and seem impossible, but I'll post them occaisionally anyway! As many or you may know, one of Einstein's theorum was about time being layered. If you could find a rip or gap in times fabric, it may be possible to travel BETWEEN the layers. Doing so would be potentially dangerous, but I doubt anyone could pull it off anyway! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Re: Here\'s a Theory!

TT Theorist,

Just for clarification, is the "theorum" that you are refering to Einstein's paper "Unified Field Theory based on Riemannian Metrics and distant Parallelism" as originally published in Mathematische Annalen 102 (1930), pp 685-69?

If so, do you agree with his summation of the identities of the tensor delta such that in n dimensions it is percisely zero?
Re: Here\'s a Theory!


Thank you for pointing out my typo. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I really was serious with the question. Is that the paper you were refering to?