Start of civil war 2005 well heres my reson , In a speach in 1999 dick cheney said "by some estimates,there will be an average of 2% annual growth in the global oil demaned over the years ahead,along with,CONSERVATIVELY, a 3% natural decline in production from existing reserves. that means by 2010 we will need on the order of an additional 50 million barrels a day." Well id say thats pretty much cause to have to go in to iraq right, .It in my opion that since the states has been fighting non stop military campaines in afghanastan and than iraq since befor 99' those reservs have probably been going down by more than a conservtive 3% and i would actually like to find the numbers to see if the rates from' 99 stayed at a 2% growth till' 05(we all know how dick loves makeing steping in dog poop sound like a good thing. )Now katrina hit and the off loading stations for the tankers are down and they say that power wont be back for a couple more weeks, so they have to start lending out of the RESERVES!. Most people belive that our money is backed by gold. well it is, just not the 24k kind, its acually based off black gold, How this works is everything we use relies in some way or another to be shiped or produced with oil most fertlizers need for crops are made using patrolem biproduts. that peice of garbge suv that never once left a paved road,relies on oil,the factory that made it, on oil. then there's the 2 or 3 hundered fatorys oil powered, that make the different parts,From the carpeting or leather! to the spring on your fuel injector that need to be sent from all over the north amarica or the world by plane ,train or truck,to the suv factory to be assambled.when shiping and prduction costs go up the cost of everything goes up. This should start the biggest recession we have ever seen let alone the world had ever seen because if the states goes down every one will go down. cause for world war three let alone civil war,our last recession that would have happened was nicely diverted to southamarica following sept/11 but this only made the recession bubble to come worse and with the real estate bubble about to burst already this should set off a land slide for 2006.because no one will be able to aford gas anymore the auto industry will fail "not that that did'ent alredy start to last year"so if houseing and auto industry cant make sales this will relly hurt the banks because these are the 2 biggest industrys requireing loans and banks make thire money off loans because of interestand princeable but it seems now days every one lives of creditcards and overdraft or loans so in the first place most people are in debt and there money is all electronic so if we go in to a bad recession and no one actually can payback the money they owe and theres no money to spend the banks will have to reposes the assets ie. any thing you have not paid for yet cars,houses,furniture and anything else thats not paid off. think youll be able to claim bankruptcy think again as of oct,14 2005 even when claiming bankruptcy your credit card debits will not be paid off by the IRS, thay'll just sit there as a frozen account doing nothing not even makeing intrest for the credit card company.this is all just the tip of the iceburg. i could go on on for a hole novle of why theres no going back for amarica now and it does not take a lot of investagateing to see were amarica is going and fast. i think this is a more than good reson for civil war leading to all out globle war.