

Temporal Novice
Hey guys my name is Garrett and I've been having some very strange time travel related dreams which have occurred for about two weeks straight.

These dreams occur exactly once every two nights and are sequencing on top of one another, it's very strange and at some times frightening.

As I said before the first dream I had started two week ago, I remember this dream vividly as I do most of the others.

All of my dreams start the same way. I start out in the middle of my room usually doing something particular like listening to one of my favorite bands or watching T.V. It seems like an ordinary day until something sharp and painful hits me on the top of my head, I get knocked out and when I wake up there is never any clear hint as to "when" I wake up. Things are sometimes different and sometimes very similar as they were before I had been hit. In my first dream the walls were decayed and my room was almost unrecognizable. I walked around my room and discovered what looked like bones on the floor, I never thought of them as human but never the less they were bones. I found "my" clock, which had been hidden inside my heater, and saw the date had been set to the year 2016. I then woke up.

As the dreams have progressed so has the length of my dreams and the time I have been traveling. In some of my dreams I even meet people. It's ridiculous! In a dream I had this past Wednesday I met a man named Roy Campenella, I have never met anyone of this name before, I am sure of it. He told me he knew who I was and why I had come. He told me the information I needed was with him and his close "trustworthy" friend. Before I could obtain this "information" I was awoken.

The only reason why I think these may be more than dreams is because of their sequencing and their recurrence. If I have another dream tonight (which I think I will) I'll post tomorrow morning while it is still fresh on my mind.

I'll write more about my dreams later, I've been keeping a journal, I'll share some entries.

First I'll go on the assumption that you're not pulling our leg(s). If you're having multiple episodes of sharp head pains that result in loss of consciousness and short-term memory loss don't you think that the first thing to do is immediately check into the emergency room rather than asking for help on an alt-sci BBS? You're describing a potentially life threatenig medical emergency. Get out of the dorm and over to the student med-center. And no TG tonight.

Roy Campanella is it?. Afro-American, about 5-9, a wheelchair, very dead for about 15 years. That Roy Campanella? His close and trustworthy friend is probably Jack "Jackie" Robinson, Don "Newk" Newcombe or James "Junior" Gilliam (all also very dead except for Newk).
I'm not having painful strikes on my head, it's what happens in my dream. I would see a doctor if I thought it was anything threatening. I do not appreciate your mockery.

Last nights dream was strange.

In my dream I was walking around in my room and laid down in bed, I was staring at the ceiling and then it happened (as usual a sharp pain on the top of my head).

This time I have no idea what time I traveled to. Everything was completely unrecognizable, my room was gone, there was just grass. I would have said I could see no "buildings", but if you believe a giant mud structure a building then, alright. I walked into the mud building (much like an pueblo, yet was not dried, kind of like an advanced sod house) and I was greeted by a man with a rifle asking me who I was.

I told him my name and asked him what year it was. He looked at me strangely and said "You haven't been effected?", I got a better look at his face, it was disgusting, it looked decayed, he was an asian man about 6 feet tall by the name of Jared ( I didn't get a last name because our conversation stopped abruptly ). He just dissapeared. When I say dissapeared he EVAPORATED.
And soon after, I was beat over the head, that's when I woke up.

Very strange, could I have been in the Apocalypse?
I'm not having painful strikes on my head, it's what happens in my dream. I would see a doctor if I thought it was anything threatening. I do not appreciate your mockery.

Of course all that occurred in your dream. You described it clearly and plainly enough in your first post. But Darby, and many of the others here as well, often come up a little short when it comes to reading comprehension. They are faster at jumping to conclusions, and fastest of all at snide cynicism and mockery.

Anytime you have recurring dreams, they reflect a message that your unconscious is trying to get thru to your conscious mind. The message could be anything, but only you can figure it out, because your unconscious will use dream symbols unique to your own mind.

Here's a few tips. Your unconscious will eventually give up trying to get its message across if you persist in ignoring it, but if you pay attention it will redouble its efforts to achieve this communication between the two sides of your mind. So your job is threefold:

(1) Start a dream journal and write down as much as you can about each dream as soon as you wake while the memory of the dream is still fresh. Tell yourself when you lay down at night that you will awaken immediately after the dream and write it down. Do this each night and eventually it will work.

(2) Each time the dream repeats, notice any new or changed elements in the dream.

(3) Consider each symbol and element of the dream separately, asking yourself what it means to you or reminds you of, and write down those connective ideas and impressions so you don't forget them. Then review the dream's sequence with those connective impressions in mind, and eventually you will get some sort of message working itself out that makes sense to you in your current life situation.

It is unlikely that your dream is actually about time travel, but your mind is using that theme as a metaphor for something else.

It is not an easy or fast job to unravel the meaning of a dream, but it can be very fulfilling if you take the time and effort to do it. Most of the time, you end up finding out that you were just telling yourself something you already knew about yourself or your life, but had not been fulling admitting to yourself.

On the other hand, it may not have been a dream at all. The whole "pain on the top of the head" thing is very similar to sensations quite commonly reported during Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs). This pain is often accompanied by a sharp sound. Do you recall a sound occurring at the same time? If so, then this could be a horse of a different color, in that OBEs have indeed been reported to include time travel.
Of course all that occurred in your dream. You described it clearly and plainly enough in your first post. But Darby, and many of the others here as well, often come up a little short when it comes to reading comprehension. They are faster at jumping to conclusions, and fastest of all at snide cynicism and mockery.

Anytime you have recurring dreams, they reflect a message that your unconscious is trying to get thru to your conscious mind.

or maybe the guy has a blood clot. dont be such an oppurtunist. you could get the guy killed.
I'm not having painful strikes on my head, it's what happens in my dream. I would see a doctor if I thought it was anything threatening. I do not appreciate your mockery.

it wasnt mockery. i agree with darby. it could be a medical problem.

i do, however, see you trying to play games. if it wasnt anything threatening, you wouldnt say a thing to total strangers on a time traveling forum.

an apology is in order. he told you what he would do in that situation. i would do the same.
I agree with Darby and Ruthless. At least you should rule out any physical problems... first .

If you get a clean bill of health, then you can pursue alternative possibilities.

The movie "Phenomenon" comes to mind, and it is known that some physical conditions will produce strange experiences. And just like the Ghost Hunters, have to rule out normal possibilities, before considering the Paranormal.
They are faster at jumping to conclusions, and fastest of all at snide cynicism and mockery.

Now, was I jumping to conclusions or being cynical and snide with the little Montana State underclassman who sees Roy Campanella in his dreams and claims to have never heard of the Hall of Fame Dodger catcher who was one of the first 10 Black Americans in Major League Baseball? Make up your mind, already.