
Temporal Novice
I need some help anyone know how i can get my hands on a HDR. I read every thing on it and started to remake it. but I'm missing some thing,o yea and dose anyone no how i can get my hands on a power sores that puts out more power then a wall socket.I think if i have a power sores that can put out the same energy out put of a bolt of lightning and use that power on the HDR Along with some software i made. i might better the HDR bye remaking it, but making it so it can interface with the power of a PC Along with a much grater power sores.Then i think the HDR could rilly work all the time not just some of the time like people clam and for a much longer time pereit. And the PC software might Mack it so i can control what time i end up in and not Levis it up to chains like the HDR that out there right now.
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif I get sores when i use the latrine,the HDR doesn't work. According to S Gibbs you have to have a pure heart to time travel, in other words a Saint......
I wouldn't tinker around with a power "sore" with the same power of lightning, you MIGHT indeed do some travelling when you plug in the socket. Listen guy, in all seriousness, don't mess around with wires and electrical stuff without knowing EXACTLY what your intending on doing, you could end up in the emergency room, perhaps circa 19th century. I've stated in another post Steven Gibb's and his Hyper Dimensional Resistor crap is most likely patented Bull*** . The guy states you need a PURE HEART to use the machine. So unless your Saint Peter or the Pope without his dialysis I doubt any of us with will have much luck using it.

Just my two cents worth.
I know it does not work.
I just wont to see what its all about.You never know if you dont try.
and for the consern on the powere sores thanks for the conserns. :D
The Gibbs device, is a radionics device.

What this device does, is that it takes part of your soul character, and creates this duality, sent to another time.

If in that future time, you receive a strong electric shock, then your duality will stay within that timeline and change that particular timeline.

You can not remember your HDR trip, till you rejoin with your relative now self and go to sleep.

After this process, then all memories of your time travel, will reinvest into that now one person.

The HDR using 115 wall AC into a safely cordoned isolated circuit.

You essentially load one aspect of your person with an isolated e.m. H.V. which bipolarizes your identity.

There was an aerospace engineer, at The Time Travel Forum, who had ideas, to make the HDR safer.

The use of this device, is at your own risk.
I can understand what this HDR radionics devices is SUPPOSED to do, but what it actually CAN do I'm not certain about. Where is the science behind this "Reinvestment Phenomenon" you speak of. Is there a mathematical formulation, does Soul = mc2. What this is, is that new age metaphysical garbage that blends spirituality with Newtonian physics. Hell, I could patent a time machine out of a freakin toaster oven and sell it, but the proof is in the science. But I have never attempted to use the HDR and probably never will, as I refuse to shell out the couple hundred bucks to what amounts to most likely junk. Also, it's safety on neural function has yet to be established.

Just my two cents, your Credulance. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
this is whar the hdr came from a man named steven Gibbs.While working on his farm in Nebraska. Steven Gibbs says that he was approached by two aliens that gave him the secret to time travel. He built his first time machine the Sonic Resonator, and later improved on it to create the Hyper Dimensional Resonator.

Go to it tell you every thing you need to Know.
Interesting website, apparently this Gibb's guy has created quite a few time travel devices. He even created one the size of a pack of ciggaretts, called...wait for it... a SPACE TIME MODULATOR! He also states how the HDR creates a temporal distortion he refers to as "the Gibbs Effect" which he names after himself, which is quite appropriate, because he's Nothing naming Nothing! And as tends to happen with every half-crazy, neurotic, non-inventor, he's visited by aliens who happen to reveal to him the mysteries of time travel. We should all be so lucky.
I need some help anyone know how i can get my hands on a HDR. I read every thing on it and started to remake it. but I'm missing some thing,o yea and dose anyone no how i can get my hands on a power sores that puts out more power then a wall socket.I think if i have a power sores that can put out the same energy out put of a bolt of lightning and use that power on the HDR Along with some software i made. i might better the HDR bye remaking it, but making it so it can interface with the power of a PC Along with a much grater power sores.Then i think the HDR could rilly work all the time not just some of the time like people clam and for a much longer time pereit. And the PC software might Mack it so i can control what time i end up in and not Levis it up to chains like the HDR that out there right now.

Sure, you need a bank of Capacitors. Capacitors store up an electrical charge and can release it all at once. Might try going off of 220 as opposed to 110v if you know what you're doing... Be careful with Capacitors, if you had enough and enough time to charge you could easily generate millions of volts, although with low amperage. Are you after Amps or Volts here?
No, do not use a bank a capacitors, you will electrocute yourself.

The HDR takes fazed cycled AC out of the wall, at an interval of 110 to 115 wave.

By bolacing this current within capacitors, you gross store this charge.

When you use this unit, you should electrocute yourself, if you use a capacitor bank.
HDR lol if such a thing work's i think the goverment would on it like stink on [censored].

p.s i think you all need help /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
You all sound like smart people. thats why i cant understand why non of you even have a origanel Ida.
ALL YOU DO IS TALK I WONT TO SEE SOME ACTION.actions speek louder then words.
I've come to the conclusion the HDR doesn't have to actually work for these users, they simply have to BELIEVE it works. That's what I think these people who subscribe to the HDR and the whole idea of "astral projection" in their minds want to believe they are time-travelling. As a background in mental health, I always look to the mind first when dealing with visions and astral projection. You got to ask the question "what is the cause" to realize what the effect is. An example of this, someone who uses a hallucinogenic drug, such as LSD or whatever, I've never used any kind of these substances FYI, but when they trip on these drugs they have out-of-body experiences and have visions, etc. Some types of users of these drugs actually believe they are out-of their body and the visions they see are real, instead of an effect of the drug on their central nervous system. I am NOT comparing users of the HDR to drug users, what I am getting at is that it doesn't matter what the cause is to these people, only the effect.
I've come to the conclusion the HDR doesn't have to actually work for these users, they simply have to BELIEVE it works.

So you think this is Placebo Effect?

I have not tried one out so I do not know. Willing to take Donations of HDRs for scientific research though. =)

Here is the one and only guarantee that Future Horizons makes about the HDR:

The Hyper Dimensional Resonator is one of the most advanced instruments of it's kind in the entire world. An advanced Psychotronic two dial, one bank unit that has many uses. It is primarily designed as an astral projection/time machine and unlimited white light generator.

That's it - it is guaranteed to generate white light (because it has a light bulb). A few years ago when I first pointed this out the gadget was selling for $360.00. It is now selling for $590.00 plus shipping (and applicable sales tax).

They also used to say that it was a Radionics device. Now it says that it is a Psychotronics device. That change seems to have come about sometime after I pointed out that Radionics, Inc. is a subsidiary of the Tyco Corp. They make medical instruments and "Radionics" is not only their company name - it is copyrighted.
Hey Lexx, if you want to get one, don't let these guys hold you back. There will be a lot of people that doubt all kinds of things. People arn't going to always hold similar interests as you do, as will people for me or anyone else.

It doesn't necessarily NOT work. -I speak from experience that the thing is real, but it is a pain in the ass to time travel, that's all. Everything else is real, the out of body experiences, the lucid dreaming, it's all true. If you want to talk to people in a forum about the HDR that people will take seriously, look here - - They will serve you well-

EVERYONE READING THIS FORUM - I TRIED TO PURCHASE FROM FUTURE HORIZONS AND THE GUY RIPPED ME OFF! His methods to sell are intentions to rip you off. I've tried to purchase from him and never heard another word from him - no product, no nothing, and their hotline doesn't do much good either. Their home base addy isn't even real, thay are really covering their fradulent asses, so once again, don't purchase from them, okay?

Are you really surprised that they ripped you off? They're selling a "hyperdimensional resonator". At what point did you ask yourself, "this may be a scam?" THEY'RE SELLING A BULLSHIT TIME MACHINE FOR 500 BUCKS!!! SERIOUSLY, someone needs to report these guys to the Better Business Bureau, they are making a fortune off of the niave.
Firstly, Its not sold as a time machine.

secondly, Future horizons are the biggest rip-offs out there. I almost spent $20 on an ebook report from them. Until i looked around the web and found all the info for free elsewhere. Scamers!

$590 - without the $144 electromagnet that comes with steves $360 unit.

Gibbs is heavily christian, often his understanding of radionics is intermixed with religion - it holds together - but only just. You dont so much have to be pure of heart. Rather very sincere with 100% intent. Thats how radionics works.

Kind regards,

I've tried to purchase from him and never heard another word from him - no product, no nothing, and their hotline doesn't do much good either. Their home base addy isn't even real, thay are really covering their fradulent asses, so once again, don't purchase from them, okay?

Actually, Future Horizons, Inc. isn't a "they" - its a "him."

Future Horizons is a Michigan Corporation (Corp #50285A) and is actually in Marquette, Michigan as their P.O. Box indicates.

The owner, President, VP, Secretary, cook, maid, etc. is Rick "Ricky" J. Todish. He appears to have lived in Marquette all of his life, graduated from Marquette HS in 1989 and is still there.

If you were ripped off the BBB is one place to go. The Michigan Commercial Services & Corporations (aka Department of Corporations) is another.

Yoiu can go to the following site to look up the corporate information (click on "Online Services"): Michigan Commercial Services & Corporations

After you get the results of your search follow the links and you'll get to a page that gives a lot of information. At the bottom you'll see "Images Available." Click on that to get to the page that lists the PDF documents (annual reports). Those documents have not only the P.O. Box but the street address for Future Horizons.