Super Moderator
Heeloo every 1.
I amz a timez travelller and you may axe me any queschuns as ewe wish. I amz hear onlee fur a shirt time, so axe me ur queschions beefore I must leev @!>>
Mi mashine uzeded a blak hold to comm two ur timez. Sew feeel free two axe me anyting!
I amz a greight scientisted frum mi time in 209.67. Waz edumacated in all aree ahs of edumacation.
Sew, pleeze axe a way }}:;.
Teyme Traveller frum 21.09...2067?
I amz a timez travelller and you may axe me any queschuns as ewe wish. I amz hear onlee fur a shirt time, so axe me ur queschions beefore I must leev @!>>
Mi mashine uzeded a blak hold to comm two ur timez. Sew feeel free two axe me anyting!
I amz a greight scientisted frum mi time in 209.67. Waz edumacated in all aree ahs of edumacation.
Sew, pleeze axe a way }}:;.
Teyme Traveller frum 21.09...2067?