Interesting thoughts about Clairvoyance. Believing some days, and other days feeling that Clairvoyance is just an illusion. I heard someone say dreams are hallucinations. I can't dispute that statement. Regarding your statement and question, "
Too many to be coincidence, or is it? ..."
If you get the chance to read the book, The Golden Bough by Sir James George Frazer (
The-Golden-Bough.pdf ) , don't have to get very far to begin to question all our beliefs, as far as folklore, magic and religion. Seeing 11:11 frequently, I figure you might find The Golden Bough will also relate to that experience as well.
In no way does questioning our beliefs alter the possibility of our potential. Looking at the photographs of all the galaxies as taken by the Hubble telescope, and the wonder of it all, the magnificence of awareness ( and energy ) is staggering. Life is something we really don't understand. I would say we still are primitives. We went from hunter/gatherer primitives to armchair primitives.
I witnessed something truly amazing. We had a deep freeze here in the Hill Country of Texas. ( -15 ) . Ice, freezing rain and snow. Very unusual for here. I realized the plants were responding to the weather. They dried themselves out, encased their branches in a layer of insulating ice, and as time passes after the storm, many are returning to a pre-storm being. One plant in particular, I was sad that the branches were brown and brittle. A week later, I realized that the plant was no longer brittle, the branches had become soft and flexible, and new leaves have begun to appear. What an
amazing dynamic. The plants going through a process to survive that, to me anyway, is incredible. Been looking at the plants entirely different these days.
Something else I realized is that when we have a problem, that we give a lot of thought ( energy ), even though our consciousness goes to sleep, our brain does NOT stop working on the problem. The subconscious takes over and continues to work on it. A good example of this is Friedrich August Kekulé, a renowned German organic chemist who was the principal founder of the theory of chemical structure in organic chemistry.
Quote from Kekulé,
“There I sat and wrote my Lehrbuch, but it did not proceed well, my mind was elsewhere. I turned the chair to the fireplace and fell half asleep. Again the atoms gamboled before my eyes. Smaller groups this time kept modestly to the background. My mind’s eyes, trained by visions of a similar kind, now distinguished larger formations of various shapes. Long rows, in many ways more densely joined; everything in movement, winding and turning like snakes. And look, what was that? One snake grabbed its own tail, and mockingly the shape whirled before my eyes. As if struck by lightning I awoke. This time again I spent the rest of the night working out the consequences.”
Anyway, as aware beings, we have
A LOT of work to do, if we wish to move away from a primitive state of being.
Re: "Heat of the Moment". My relationship with a girl in the 80's, well, our relationship got complicated. We separated with animosity that lingered through-out the years. There was a conversation that we needed to have to work out an understanding of
why? To bring peace and closure in our lives. But...She died in a car crash in 2005, so that conversation would never take place. She always expressed deep emotional sentiments through music. Recording and playing songs to convey her feelings. was astonishing to have that song pop into my head so strongly, and the lyrics are spot on. Through that song, I have been able to understand, find peace and closure to that part of my life.
But was it really a message from her? Or something my own mind worked out on it's own?